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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

bare_elf wrote:

3. There is no clue any longer as to the location of Lost Valley and Shadow Portal. If I recall correctly in the 32 version of the map Nardulo made a cryptic comment about a turn off.

The comment should still occur but since the trigger point for the conversation is where 3 Hassats begin their patrol from, its likely that the banter was interrupted or prematurely aborted by combat with them.

I've adjusted their patrol route and starting position so the trigger point for the conversation should be clear of interruption.

This has always been a source of confusion for me with the DS2 campaign. They put a lot of effort into banters throughout the map but left many of them in such a position that they would be constantly interrupted by combat with the monsters. I try to avoid the same sort of noobish mistake.

I returned to Jeriah's cabin after updating to the new logic, and though the monsters were much less frequent now than a fresh run-through, I can still say for sure that the flies in particular are no longer such an issue. I believe they were the problem from the start, as while the ice archers were tough, the flies seemed to do high amounts of damage but could only take a hit or two. Unfortunately in the chaos of there being 'hordes' of these flies, even running through on Rampage mode and clever use of powers did not tip the battle in our favor as much as they ought to've..
Now, the Ice caverns should still provide a challenge for any future explorers, but they're likely not to be so decimated. My party, which on this play-through is normally consisting of one or two warriors, two rangers, and two or three magi, was fairly well suited for the ice caverns in both settings. Ulora was an excellent pyromancer and no doubt the main source of damage to those pesky ice critters.

The Subterranean River did not prove to be another jarring difficulty spike. Shortly after my last report I played a little bit into them, and I can tell you that the Lungers also tore us apart. Even when only facing a small culster of them, they were pretty much guaranteed to knock out whoever they targeted before going down.
After the update, I fought through the rest of the area and can report that it's much more balanced. My multi-class team was able to survive, especially in thanks to Merik who I turned into a... more competent healer.
No, don't worry, my complaints from before were not the result of not having a proper healer. I did. Merik is simply better spec'd for the role than the previous.
The River proved to be arduous, and that ingrain habit of conjuring a town portal every time I finish off a major horde still proved to be useful, as I did still die a few times.

In short, the challenge was not lost, but it was certainly less jarring and unfair a transition that before. I think we should keep these settings.

Past the Subterranean River, though, in regards to Parties.. Whilst venturing through the swamps, I came across that lone Elf in a cabin (Whose name I forgot since I started writing this post) seems to have been improperly set up. When you first come across him, he looks fit to be a warrior of some sort. However, when hiring him, he updates as a nature/combat mage much similar to Merik. Yet, his starting points are still assigned to Melee skills, even though his Melee is at zero. Leaving him with a major handicap in a pretty dangerous area. Although when I say it like that, it sounds much more exciting than it actually is.

I can work with this, I seem to recall a skill changer is up ahead at Fortress Kroth from my playthrough on Jericho. Until then, he'll remain the broken leg on the caterpillar. Should prove an... interesting addition for the party as we take on the Goblin Horde.
Also, I believe the portrait of Celeb'hel's steward will be perfect for him.
EDIT: [[ Also, when recruiting him, your character says "I was planning on asking me to join you, andiemus_ds1"
So. Andiemus. That was his name. ]]

I suggest he gets some tender love and care in a future update. Or a slap on the head. Whichever will set him straight.

I started a new game with the latest logic file and I had a problem with the DC Teleporter thing, when I got to Skartis the DC wasn't there so I saved the game and quit.
When I sauntered back down to Skartis again the DC was there and the red thing on the radar was where it used to be located, I think the red thing was there the first time but I couldn't be sure about that, can any one else confirm this.

Just 1 more thing, the first two gargoyles in the puller staff building cannot be attacked until they move first, this happened with the other logic file as well but I forgot to make a note of it, I'm in Stonebridge now and everything else seems to be in order. Smile

Moros wrote:
[2016-04-21] The guard captain gives you the quest "Clear Glitterdelve Pass" and his ? mark disappears, it still isn't there when you've opened the gates and spoken to him again.
It may not be obvious why, but that is correct. The ? mark that he starts with is yellow because speaking to him advances a primary quest. Specifically, spaaking to him when you first see him completes the current task in "Journey to the Overseer" and gives you the next one, "Find Wesrin Cross".

Yes he also gives you "Clear Glitterdelve Pass" which is secondary but if that were all the correct mark for that would be an orange ! To complete that quest it will be enough to open the door without speaking to him afterwards so it is correct for him not to have any icon overhead by then.

+++UPDATE+++ bare_elf, your KoE Notes 2 (2016-04-27) and 3 (2016-04-28) say the captain kept his yellow ? and the quest arrow was missing (Wesrin Cross great hall) or wrong (Glitterdelve and after) until Glacern - could all that have been due to one unticked task in Journey to Overseer? +++END+++

Regarding your latest report, Moros: right back to DS1, I believe we've always had to wait for gargoyles to react before we can attack them. (Is this because gargoyle-on-pedestal is a "generator" that will disappear when replaced by an active monster?) Just like we cannot shoot at tiny bushes in the snow despite knowing they are places hulking great klaws will emerge from.

The red thing on radar for the DC by Skartis won't be moved to match the new position until iryan releases a new edition, not of the logic, but of the map. Last time I was there was with 33b when I had no problem with the DC itself.

PS my last report (33b KoE Act I trivia)

Kb20. Orange ? icon over Jewlynna (inn at Glacern, upstairs) should be yellow because Search for Merik is a primary quest.

Kb21. When I killed the first mineworm in Glitterdelve it withdrew into its hole as it should but then it (or a twin) immediately reemerged but with zero health (and not attacking). Restarting from my last save (because shortly after the mineworm I accidentally pressed Power instead of PrintScreen) the same thing happened again with this mineworm, but only this one - all the ones afterwards behaved as they should.

The first time, incidentally, party came down the elevator nearest the mine worm's island, and wanted to circle clockwise but summoned gargoyle brought the worm into play early by going after the two Krug scouts on the island. After killing it but seeing its ghost pop back out party went to finish off the numerous Krug in the other direction, also the sealed rat cave; by the time they were back at the worm's island, all corpses around there were gone and so was the worm.

I believe this is the same worm that bare_elf reported "its life goes down by about 30% then it can not be attacked and it stops attacking you".

Moros wrote:
I started a new game with the latest logic file and I had a problem with the DC Teleporter thing, when I got to Skartis the DC wasn't there so I saved the game and quit.
When I sauntered back down to Skartis again the DC was there and the red thing on the radar was where it used to be located, I think the red thing was there the first time but I couldn't be sure about that, can any one else confirm this.

Just 1 more thing, the first two gargoyles in the puller staff building cannot be attacked until they move first, this happened with the other logic file as well but I forgot to make a note of it, I'm in Stonebridge now and everything else seems to be in order. Smile

The DC Teleport has been moved and as you found out is directly across from Skartis and the Broken Bridge. I missed it the first time because I relied on the radar map to find it. I did a bit of walking about near Skartis and eventually tripped over it. So it is deferentially there the first time you arrive at the broken bridge. The radar image is not contained in the logic file but instead in DS1_Map_World within directory World/Maps/Map_World/Radar and there for was not updated. I would expect that when the Map is updated this will be fixed however making new radar images is a fiddly process so do not hold your breath.

The gargoyles you speak of even in the original DS1 version are attempting to look like statues in an attempt to trick you. In the DS1 version the trigger point which releases them to attack is actually a few steps down the tunnel so they attack from behind. At least in the ds2 version they attack prior to you passing them. They are like Gargoyles on Medieval Buildings, sitting motionless until evil approaches, in this case you and your party. I mean from the point of view of the monsters, your party is the evil in the world not them. :P


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Demlock's Cut

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – The First Trial, Lost Queen, Pursuit of the Staff.
Secondary Quests – The Trapper, Family Bow, Recover Ilorn's Amulet, A Giant Task

Act 2

Primary Quests – Island of the Utraeans, Therg, Seek Jharmaya
Secondary Quests – The Wizard City, Shadow Portal, Are you safe brother, Therg's Apprentice, The Dark Acolytes, The Scourge of Cicatrix, The Sacred Guardian.

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. No major issues up to Demlock's Cut
4. Adjusted party, Sent Algher to the inn and picked up Jharmaya, Party is now three rangers and three mages
5. I had no issues at all with Man Traps this time once dead they remained dead. My rangers stopped attacking as soon as they went back into the ground.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 24 Sharpshooter

Lyssa Level 24 Sharpshooter

Mheagan Level 24 Sharpshooter

Jharmaya Level 23 Sorceress

Jondar Level 24 Sorcerer

Nardulo Level 24 Sorcerer


bare_elf wrote:
Moros wrote:
I started a new game with the latest logic file and I had a problem with the DC Teleporter thing, when I got to Skartis the DC wasn't there so I saved the game and quit.
When I sauntered back down to Skartis again the DC was there and the red thing on the radar was where it used to be located, I think the red thing was there the first time but I couldn't be sure about that, can any one else confirm this.

Just 1 more thing, the first two gargoyles in the puller staff building cannot be attacked until they move first, this happened with the other logic file as well but I forgot to make a note of it, I'm in Stonebridge now and everything else seems to be in order. Smile

The DC Teleport has been moved and as you found out is directly across from Skartis and the Broken Bridge. I missed it the first time because I relied on the radar map to find it. I did a bit of walking about near Skartis and eventually tripped over it. So it is deferentially there the first time you arrive at the broken bridge. The radar image is not contained in the logic file but instead in DS1_Map_World within directory World/Maps/Map_World/Radar and there for was not updated. I would expect that when the Map is updated this will be fixed however making new radar images is a fiddly process so do not hold your breath.

Actually updating the radar image for icons is very simple, taking less than 1 minute. It does have to be distributed with the map though so won't be updated until then.

In the meantime I've been tinkering with the session portals and believe I have a good compromise between DS1 and DS2.

The session portals still act the same way, except in towns and at the start like here but now they will allow you to use them like teleporters from DS2.

The trade-off is they have to be activated manually. No automatic convenience features in the time of Ehb. Except for the session start portal of course which will quickly take you back to near where you last saved. I hope this is acceptable to everybody.

bare_elf wrote:

The gargoyles you speak of even in the original DS1 version are attempting to look like statues in an attempt to trick you. In the DS1 version the trigger point which releases them to attack is actually a few steps down the tunnel so they attack from behind. At least in the ds2 version they attack prior to you passing them. They are like Gargoyles on Medieval Buildings, sitting motionless until evil approaches, in this case you and your party. I mean from the point of view of the monsters, your party is the evil in the world not them. :P


Quite correct and probably underutilized. I would have more of them but spread them around with normal gargoyle looking statues, to keep the player on their toes.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Yes he also gives you "Clear Glitterdelve Pass" which is secondary but if that were all the correct mark for that would be an orange !

Sorry, I misremembered. We get the quest when we get close enough to see Krug attacking the militia. Our approach triggers the NIS. First task is to help them. The messages bottom left corner, and the flashing journal button, are probably not what anyone concentrates on at that point, but watch them and you'll see. So the captain advances two quests at once, both of which we already have.

iryan, you might tighten up the design: rewrite task 2 of Journey to Overseer to say catch up with a patrol reported to be cut off at the head of the pass, but who once reached can be asked about getting through to Glitterdelve. (Ordus could have brought that report, but maybe not to Gyorn, so perhaps start with only task 1, ask to be let out, and have the gate guard give task 2.) Then the current first task of Clear Glitterdelve Pass will be unnecessary and that quest could indeed be given by the patrol captain - perhaps demoted to a lieutenant - when we speak to him.

Since several of us have found spelling mistakes in the conversations, I've been extracting all Act I's from the tank file - thanks to your regions list for MLA telling me exactly what order they all come in - into a document of my own for some serious proof-reading. Results soon.

After all this time I've actually become quite fond of the one-way teleporters in Ehb, personally.. It does indeed make it feel like an older time, where magic and technology have not reached the same balance that they have in DS2, or even LOA. Now o'course I'll still update just to make sure I'm keeping the latest version whenever this is ready, But I shall miss thee, ye olde one-way teleporters.

Also. I know LOA is not quite the main focus yet in this version..
(Although I've noticed that the legendary mod seems to operate by updating the version, playing through them in the order they were originally released, making notes and revisions and fixes, and then updating to the new version and doing that again. Except for a couple notes about different campaigns sometimes. Interesting to watch.)

But when we do reach working primarily on LOA again, is there any way to address the Displacer pads? Now, I know that they must be very hard to get working as pads more than teleporters in DS2, but is it possible? To me it feels like the teleporter system that they are now was always more of a temporary fix, a.. substitute. Even if it is fully functioning.
I suppose I'm asking- are they always going to be DS2-Style teleporters? Or are there any plans to try to have them function like they used to?

I've reached the Arctic Caverns and I'm using the Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5h.
I must say that after leaving the Glitterdelve mines I always encountered a huge difficulty spike with the MLA Beta5s version so I started a new game and found out that the MLA Beta5h mod upon leaving the mines and getting to the Arctic Caverns was quite a bit easier to saunter through than the newest version. Smile
I've seen no other problems except this mine worm one which has already been reported and that most of the sanctuary doors I've come across can be walked through if you can mouse click beyond them.
I decided upon reaching Ulora that she needed a change of occupation so I gave her the job of an healer, she's doing very well and I'm going to give her a pay rise and also put her in overall command of this unruly mob of muppets as she thoroughly deserves it.:)

re-spawned Mine worm.

co-ordinates DM_#2 1.332 /0.000 / -1.067 / 0X2A242B35 I'm not sure that this is 100% correct, at the time Ulora mentioned that there were a few scorpions that needed stroking with an hammer. Smile

Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Cliff City

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests – Redemption, Reunion

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. No major issues from Kmethket Tower to Cliff City
4. The Doppelgangers in Kmethket Tower appear to me to be very weak, took only a hit or two to finish them
5. The majority of the Octodraks in Kmethket Tower worked correctly except for the ones located near A6_R4_TOWERBOTTOM. -1.367/-0.505/0.826/OX1C2EAAA6 which kept dealing damage to my party and my rangers kept attacking long after they slipped back underground (death?) There is something different about these Octodraks.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 28 Sharpshooter

Lyssa Level 28 Sharpshooter

Mheagan Level 28 Sharpshooter

Jharmaya Level 28 Magus

Jondar Level 28 Magus

Nardulo Level 28 Magus


First, thank you iryan for fixing the Lungers in 33c, now I can move Beeblebox along through the Subterranean River.

Extracting all the convos into one document shows just how much you have done in varying the banters, however little, for each character. I notice that (apart from the banter before leaving Stonebridge, when I was given Gyorn's instead of Ulora's, Rusk's or Zed's) there are no banters anywhere else for Rusk, Zed or Lorun. What would have happened if I'd disbanded Ulora and had them as my only companions?

One set of banters is about having hired, or not hired, Kroduk. I don't remember this at all. Where is it supposed to be triggered?

Sometimes, what characters say has obviously been written down wrong. Sometimes, what characters have been made to say jars on me (even allowing for idiosyncracies of characterisation), could be improved, or departs from what it was in DS1. I'm including some things already pointed out by others so maybe already fixed for the next map release.

fh_r1 conversations_tombstone [corpse_summoner_nocorpse] [t:reply,n:nocorpse] “I'm afraid, i can't help you this time.” "I'm afraid I can't help you this time." (as per corresponding convo in Stonebridge (bt_r1))

(“I'm sorry, I cannot ...” is a conventional apology. “I'm afraid I cannot ...” is a conventional apology. “I'm afraid, I cannot … “ comes across to me more literally as meaning speaker is being prevented by actual fear.)

path2crypts conversations_new [conversation_captain]
"Then when we decided to head back to Stonebridge and we found a landslide had trapped us out here."
One or the other, not both: either "Then we .. and we” or "Then when we .. we"

"Wait! You're here, so does that mean the bridge is fixed or there's another way out of here?"
"or is there another way"

[t:reply,n:more] "we also need to look for any survivor's of the Krug's raid on the farmlands." survivors

fh_r3 conversations_banter [ulora_banter] [choice_1]"Don't mention it.I feel we are going to be good friends" No stop at end of convo. I don't mind this, I'm only reporting it because nearly always there is one. What does look wrong to me is a superfluous stop after exclamation or question mark, for example [t:reply,n:more] "Thanks! You can count on me!."

bt_r1 conversations [conversation_mara] is missing the continuation it had in DS1. These lines really deserve to be given to somebody (maybe instead of one of the new convos in conversations_extra) because they introduced us to the name Gresh: “Gresh say burn! Gresh say smash! If ever I find out who Gresh is, there will be some smashing and burning alright.

There was a middle section too; it could be given to yet another person next to the previous one: "A few pitchforks and rake handles aren't reason enough to put all of Stonebridge to the Tenstone!"

conversations_modified [conversation_pet_seller_owen][choice_1] "Yes please, some assistence would be welcome!" assistance
[choice_2] "No thanks. Your Jacks seem lamer than your mare" No stop at end of convo.

[conversation_ordus_enchant] “Indeed, I'm also able to enchant items.” Superfluous word (since, despite name, convo is not from Ordus now).

conversations_party [conversation_gyorn_join][choice_3] "I do not need your help at this time." Suggestion (for this one hiring convo, given the context): "I don't have enough supplies to accept you. Let me talk to the innkeeper about enlarging my party.

conversations_quests [conversation_ella_quest] [choice_1] “that seems easy enough” That

[conversation_guard3_quest] "I see you have an errand to deliver a report to the Cap'n at Glacern.” Overseer

conversations_innkeeper "Hail, traveller! Come to meet a friend?" This is the standard spiel. Suggestion: replace it by the lines from now-unused conversations [conversation_izen]: "We've naught much to offer after the Krug raid. Who knows what them filthy creatures thought they'd find in poor old Etan's Roost? Thankfully, they're gone now." (sample = s_v_bt_izen1;)

conversations_extra [conversation_idhelm] is there twice, at the top and halfway down (same both times).

conversations_banter [rusk_banter] "It will be good to get out of this town at last and look for something good to drink." What's wrong with staying in Stonebridge to keep drinking?

path2sd conversations_guard_captain [conversation_guard_captain_quest] "Now the only way to Glitterdelve Mines is though Wesrin Cross! " through

sd_r1 conversations_banter [gyorn_banter] [t:reply,n:more] [choice_1] "I've heard some scary rumours that spiders and even worse inhabit Wesrin Cross now..." Heard rumors! This banter comes when party has already faced spiders (yellow and Arakun), vile mucosas, skeletons and undead in vast numbers. Suggestion: “ worse things even than we've seen so far

dm_r2 conversations_banter [gyorn_banter] "I be wondering if we should have bought along the dwarf." brought

[naidi_banter] "I would have felt more comfortable if we had bought along the dwarf." brought

[ulora_banter] "I wish we had Gloern to guide us through the Glitterdelve and you know what able fighters dwarves are" No stop. [choice_1] "If we need him we can find him up again, probably at the Inn."
find him again

dm_r11 conversations_banter [gloern_banter] "Argh. I'm glad Torg is well. I should have know " “should have known” (even given the dwarf accent; but suggestion: “shoulda known”)

[t:reply,n:more] screen_text = "Aye. "Aye, he is. Tis a shame to bring such bad tidings to the Overseer but we must make haste to Glacern.";

[choice_1] "Yes, and sadly we bring ill tidings." Duplicating Gloern's remark that way makes it sound like hero didn't listen properly. Minor rewording called for, e.g. "Yes, ill tidings indeed."

[ulora_banter] [t:reply,n:more] "The exit looks to be just up this elevator" No stop.

path2nt conversations_banter [ulora_banter][choice_1] "Have you ever been to Glacern before?."

nt_r1 conversations [conversation_archer_guard2] uses voice s_v_greet_male_hi when the archer is now female. This is the no-quest convo from the same person who in conversations_quest speaks [conversation_book_1] using voice s_v_greet_female_newintown.

[conversation_guard_f] NPC has two possible speeches, the one given me was "You're seeing things; it happens on long marches." – total non-sequitur. Suggestion: substitute (as only option) line from now-unused [conversation_guard_g]: "I swear by the stars that I saw a Furok on the march here from our post in the Caverns!"

(It might be fun to reconstruct the two speeches from guard f and the two from guard g into a single 4-phase dialog, overheard by the hero, between guard and civilian (the current undertaker). I'm convinced that was the effect GPG were trying for, only the DS1 engine didn't give them the means.)

[conversation_merc_secret] "If you're interested in secrets, there's suppose to be one hidden" supposed

[conversation_bar_legion] "the undergrowth just pass the outer walls. I don't believe it, the Goblins would never venture this far from their underground lairs in the Eastern Swamp and its much too cold for them." past and it's

conversations_tombstone [corpse_summoner_nocorpse] [t:reply,n:nocorpse] “I'm afraid, i can't help you this time.”
"I'm afraid I can't help you this time."

conversations_party [conversation_lorun_join] [choice_1] "I need someone who can smash and crush and you fit the bill." (as previously posted)
Suggestion: “Someone to roast ice-dwellers with mage fire is just what I need

conversations_shop [conversation_ghilbertnor_pet_seller] [choice_1] "You also could sell some pets, then you bear a lower risk for the rest of them." Risk? What is hero talking about? This just doesn't follow from what the merchant said.

([conversation_ardun_shop] isn't assigned to Ardun any more.)

[conversation_marelle_shop] [choice_1] "Onoc it is!" Quite wrong for the context. I've already recommended that Marelle be made undertaker but this line needs changing regardless.

conversations_extra [conversation_hadwisa] "I'm so relieved Rychard is here with me. He can't fight due to an old injury he substained years ago." sustained

path2ac Conversations [conversation_patrol-leader_2] "The area is clear along our patrol route but pass there best be careful. There's plenty of braak and worse lurking around pass the perimeter." “past” and (suggestion, for variety) “beyond

conversations_banter [gyorn_banter][choice_1] "Well it wasn't to be, our agenders are different."

Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Stronghold Gates

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests – Redemption, Reunion, The Healing Well,

Comment Log

1. The Quest Special Delivery – If you speak to Jaff and he goes through the story about going to find his father. He then asks do you need any supplies, If you click show me the inventory the quest does not complete. You have to tell Jaff that your not interested in what he has found before the quest completes.

2. Monsters leveling correctly.

3. No major issues up from Cliff City to Stronghold Gates.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 30 Sharpshooter

Lyssa Level 30 Sharpshooter

Mheagan Level 29 Sharpshooter

Jharmaya Level 29 Magus

Jondar Level 30 Magus

Nardulo Level 29 Magus


RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
First, thank you iryan for fixing the Lungers in 33c, now I can move Beeblebox along through the Subterranean River.

Extracting all the convos into one document shows just how much you have done in varying the banters, however little, for each character. I notice that (apart from the banter before leaving Stonebridge, when I was given Gyorn's instead of Ulora's, Rusk's or Zed's) there are no banters anywhere else for Rusk, Zed or Lorun. What would have happened if I'd disbanded Ulora and had them as my only companions?

One set of banters is about having hired, or not hired, Kroduk. I don't remember this at all. Where is it supposed to be triggered?

Wow, that's an impressive feat going through all the conversations and banters. Thank you very much.

I would have liked to do far more with the banters that has actually been done but as you can see it's quite a massive task. In fact I would have liked to do more with the regular townspeople's conversations as well since flick allows a lot of variation. It's quite possible to have different conversations as a result of significant game events to give the game more life. Some of that has been done but not as much as I would have liked.

Some members have even helped in changing some of the conversations, KOE mostly, but its a very big task and eventually they run out of steam. The offer is still there for help in improving the conversations and since there shouldn't be any major changes to actors, it should be easier.

Otherwise I'll fix all the mistakes I can and leave it at that. The banters would have been a good way to help give the characters some personality and there's only the standard 2 responses because otherwise it would have overwhelmed me. Like in DS2, there could be complex conversations using multiple characters with quite a few responses. Unfortunately I'm not really a writer so I just did what I could.

There's probably a few banters that don't work quite like they should and I'll look at those two examples you highlighted.

Check it out, my armor matched the room.

I can't say there was anything of interest while completing the questline of KOE. Save, perhaps, for an exploit that I used in the Goblin fortress that I never thought of until now. If you didn't know there was an exploit...
(GOBLIN FORTRESS EXPLOIT: When you reach the junction room with the bridge, instead of crossing the bridge and eventually fighting through several more rooms, only to have to return here and turn the bridge to reach the exit, have your entire party walk onto the bridge. Then, instruct them to wait and have one party member go and pull the lever to turn the bridge. One of the party members on the bridge will have to summon a town portal (They should all have the town portal spell if you're a wise player) and travel through it. The party member who pulled the lever will be close enough to be sent through as well. Then, simply travel through the portal again and the entire party will be on the bridge. Continue directly to the end, skipping an entire section.) I don't think is something that can be fixed, or even should, but I figured I'd let you all know if you didn't already.

Quests start/complete as they should, my only possible complaint in the quest area is that "Save the droog!" (From the drake outside of the Droog city) should not be an entire quest.

No quests seem to bug out under any circumstances I can think of.


Here, the biggest issues I can recall are with Andiemus, as stated in the previous post.
1.) Recruiting him has your character saying "I was planning on asking you to join me, andiemus_ds1". So clearly that's weird.
2.) He has several skills assigned in Melee, despite spawning as a mage.
3.) He appears quite obviously soldier-class when you come across him for the first time.
4.) (Optional) His portrait should definitely be changed to the same one for Celeb'hel's advisor. You know, the one you murder.

Now, a common thing I've been noticing with banter between party members is that most of them go something like this.
"I don't want to do this."
"Come on."
"Okay [Player name] let's do this."

"I'm worried."
"Don't be worried."
"Okay [Player name] I won't be worried."

Now, I understand it for a couple of party members in a couple of places, but it really does happen quite a lot. I'm not judging the writing of their dialogue (Although I totally am) I just think they need some more variation in the banters. It makes every little chat seems stale and makes all the characters blend together. I know Dungeon Siege's character building had never been all that deep, but they always managed to punch as much individuality as possible in the banters in DSII. I don't believe I'm being nitpicky when I say that this is a small detail that really should be addressed in the future.
That said, they are placed in very good spots where they couldn't get interrupted by monsters.

I also think the dialogue with the King should be chopped up and put into a dialogue, rather than a cutscene. Then again, I understand that would probably mean you HAVE to clear the room before talking with him, but I still think it's best.


There is one major complaint I have here, although I believe it's tied to the Aranna Legacy mod. Hope you don't mind me still including it in this report, since I notice that AL is brought up here a lot anyway.
Often times I'll have a character be knocked out, and either it's my healer or for some reason my healer can't attend to them. So, as a fist of stone, I can usually revive them in one cast. I swap to my low-grade healing spell and give 'em a quick zap to get them back in the fight. But when I switch back to my melee weapon...
He doesn't switch. And often times he'll be stuck on the healing spell no matter how many times I click. Oft times I have to swap to my town teleporter spell, then swap back to my weapon before it finally registers.
This doesn't seem like a big hassle when said aloud, but it happens a LOT and I can swear it never did before.

I did have another disappointing glitch while swapping weapons. I opened everyone's inventory while having one character equipped, and, in another character's inventory window, I auto-swapped their weapon with another one and... instead of getting that weapon, I had the currently selected character's mace in my hand.
Basically what this means is that I just lost a very very powerful level 36-40 Unique crossbow and I am very quite sad.

EDIT: I noticed, as I cleared plenty of space from Naidi's inventory in getting the surviving members of the crew ready for LOA, that after I started LOA... The crossbow appeared in her inventory again.
Good failsafe, Dungeon Siege II. Kudos.

Bosses need to be tougher. This is probably the MLA of course.
The Fury was a bit knaff, especially considering it was surrounded by very little supporting munsters.
Gresh was pretty knaff.
Gom was also a bit knaff. He only managed to knock out about half of my team at any given time, they always got up pretty quickly, so there was never really any tension. The music was on-point, though.
Now I know my world difficulty is set quite lower than normal, but if a good group of Seck still give me a bit of trouble, the ultra-bosses should have a bit more meat to them.
Maybe that is just my difficulty setting, so feel free to ignore this if that's the case.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, Framerate absolutely TANKED for me when running through Castle Ehb. I am however on a laptop, so I figure running DS1 through DS2 while using an unsupported resoultion in a heavily populated/detailed area is to be expected. But in case it isn't expected with these graphics, I felt like putting it here nonetheless. I'm not worried about it though, I'm willing to bet I'm the only one having this issue.

Also forgot to mention that the mini-map broke (Or was unfinished) in the hall of skulls.


Those are all the notes I really have regarding the fair old land of Ehb. I know my input isn't quite as professional as it ought to be, but I'm going to start working on that.

The turntable-bridge has two levers. With the proxo destroyed and the bridge re-aligned west-east (according to my old DS1 notes you enter from the west, and if you take the long way round as intended end up crossing from north to south), move someone onto the bridge. Have someone left behind pull the first lever to turn the bridge north-south. Move the person who is on the bridge off it to the north, to the other lever. Using either lever, turn the bridge west-east again, move everybody still at the entrance onto it, have the person by the second lever work that and you are ready to go south with a re-united party.

If that is what you want to do. I prefer to enjoy all the action and the loot from the secret area too.

I have encountered the same problem as Raymus with switching to a heal spell and then being unable to switch back but it has been a rare occurrence and I do not have the Arrana Legacy Mod


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Mount Kreth

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3

Primary Quests – Shrouded in Shadows, Confronting the Shadows,
Secondary Quests – Redemption, Reunion, The Healing Well, Nosirrom's Fall, Crystal Guardians

Comment Log

1. Chest containing Demlock's Spell Book, Does Not Lose Sparkles after it is opened. A6_R1B_SECRETCAVE. 0.013/ 0.000/ -1.847/ 0XD091B31C

2. Teleport from Mount Kreth back to Xulphae's Cove does not function, However it works from Xulphae's Cove to Mount Kreth. Must be careful when saving or you will have to re-run the crystal guardians again. Recommend using town portal back to Xulphae's Cove prior to exiting the game.

3. Radar has been looking correct.

4. Monsters Leveling correctly.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 31 Sharpshooter

Lyssa Level 31 Sharpshooter

Mheagan Level 31 Sharpshooter

Jharmaya Level 30 Magus

Jondar Level 31 Magus

Nardulo Level 31 Magus


Raymus wrote:

Now, a common thing I've been noticing with banter between party members is that most of them go something like this.
"I don't want to do this."
"Come on."
"Okay [Player name] let's do this."

"I'm worried."
"Don't be worried."
"Okay [Player name] I won't be worried."

Now, I understand it for a couple of party members in a couple of places, but it really does happen quite a lot. I'm not judging the writing of their dialogue (Although I totally am) I just think they need some more variation in the banters. It makes every little chat seems stale and makes all the characters blend together. I know Dungeon Siege's character building had never been all that deep, but they always managed to punch as much individuality as possible in the banters in DSII. I don't believe I'm being nitpicky when I say that this is a small detail that really should be addressed in the future.
That said, they are placed in very good spots where they couldn't get interrupted by monsters.

I also think the dialogue with the King should be chopped up and put into a dialogue, rather than a cutscene. Then again, I understand that would probably mean you HAVE to clear the room before talking with him, but I still think it's best.

I answered this in a previous post. As I sad there, it is a massive task. Far too much for one person to handle when they're doing many other things as well.

That's why nobody offered to put in the time to help me improve them. Those that started, soon ran out of steam.

So no the banters won't be edited any further by me, Sorry, I'm just too busy with RL.

Mt Kreth Teleporter has been that way for a while. I thought it was to have you committed to moving forward to the end (or at least until you reach the Goblin tunnels under the Great Clock)


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location


Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3

Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Comment Log

1. “We Danced the Night Away, Then returned to Arhok, everyone thank us for snuffing the Shadow Jumper, then we returned to my house for a nap.”, stated the Hero of Aranna

2. Quest arrows played nice for the entire map

3. Radar looked correct for 99.9% of map

4. Monsters Leveled correctly, for the entire map

5. It would have been nice to acquire the staff of stars or a unique staff with similar powers a bit earlier in the map.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 33 Sharpshooter

Lyssa Level 33 Sharpshooter

Mheagan Level 33 Sharpshooter

Jharmaya Level 32 Magus

Jondar Level 33 Magus

Nardulo Level 33 Magus


Utraean Peninsula 33A / Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off
I did not convert this computer to the version 1 of AllSaves

Save Location


Quest Log

Primary Quests – Elddim Town Stone, Crystwind Town Stone,

Secondary Quests – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar, Hovart's Folly, Travel to Crystwind.

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.

Party Members

Paljas Tonttu Level 17 Marksman

Tiahna Level 17 Marksman

Arisu Level 17 Scholar

Ivlisar Level 17 Scholar

Stone Picker Level 16 Warrior


Utraean Peninsula 33A / Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off
I did not convert this computer to the version 1 of AllSaves

Save Location


Quest Log

Primary Quests – Elddim Town Stone, Crystwind Town Stone,

Secondary Quests – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar, Hovart's Folly, Travel to Crystwind, Travel to Fallraen, Dwarven Secrets, Fallraen Barracks.

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.
6. I like when the DC Teleporters are activated you get the message would you like to save your game. This way one does not forget to save.

Party Members

Paljas Tonttu Level 21 Sharpshooter

Tiahna Level 21 Sharpshooter

Xavier Level 19 Scourge

Arisu Level 21 Scholar

Ivlisar Level 21 Scholar

Stone Picker Level 20 Dragoon


bare_elf wrote:

6. I like when the DC Teleporters are activated you get the message would you like to save your game. This way one does not forget to save.


Unless of course you deactivated it in a previous dialog or in the options. However for new players it'll be a good reminder to save after you activate the DC Point so a positive improvement to the previous situation.

With the DS2 style teleportation system I'll be making it an optional mini-mod, so the current style of DC teleportation will be the default. I believe that will make everybody happy.

I've also been thinking about the banters. I wonder if there would be enough people interested in picking one character (or more) from the maps (we can provide a list of all characters with banters across all maps and the base conversations) and editing all of the banters applicable to that particular character?

That would give each character a particular style inherited in part from the personality of whoever edited their lines. It would also spread the burden of editing all of the various banters for all of the characters. The banters could be more complex than the current standard of two responses and could easily include conditional responses, depending on the answers or prompts provided by the player's hero. The more skilful writers amongst us could probably create more personality and backstory to each character than what exists now.

As a writer. While I have no professional experience, necessarily, I do lots of para to novella roleplaying online. Branching from many different styles, but most commonly in the medieval-fantasy genre. I have a wide range of characters (Beyond Raymus, Who'da thunk) and I am very good at emulating other characters even after only a cursory glance of their personality.

I would've made this offer before but since I was dealing with a bit of Drama (yay) at the time, I wasn't really able to.
I would like to 'take the lead' so to speak when it comes to putting some oomph and re-writing or editing the banters. I would, in fact, like to take it upon myself to rewrite banters completely of all characters, and though I may not quite realize the full scope of banters from all party members across Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven, I am confident that I can handle it.
I believe I can re-write all the banters for one character every day or couple of days, depending on how much experience I have with them, AND I can include new dialogue options to add a bit of spice.
(Ulora, Naidi, Merik and Jondar will be absurdly easy for me, for example, as I carry them around the most.)

I know I'm sort of stroking my own ego here, but put simply, I'd like to handle the banters personally (at least if/until others choose to join). I think it's about time I can actually add something to this mod myself, and this is exactly what I can do.

How would I go about getting the scripts, though?

Also, thank you for deciding to make D.C. Teleporters the standard, rather than making those of DS2-style the standard. I think the original Dungeon Siege's linearity is preserved well by the D.C. Teleporters, considering in DS2 whenever you load the game you spawn in town again. So, with as well spaced-out as they are, they don't remove the feeling of following a.. a single path to your ultimate goal, and that's a good thing in this game's case.

There's a unanswered question that stay in mind concerning the magic find drop rate in both Diablo 2 and Dungeon Siege 2 :

How do that work ?

Example: leaving Stonebridge, which is region bt_r1

DS1_Map_World_Beta33b.ds2res > world > maps > map_world > regions > bt_r1 > objects > command includes a trigger to run a flick called "naidi_banter".

Next, DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta33c.ds2res > world > global > flick > sequences > map_world > banters includes a flick that happens to be called naidi_banter. It decides which conversation to start: maybe naidi_banter, maybe zed_banter, etc. (These names are iryan's arbitrary choice, I guess, to conveniently organise his material.)

Now back to the map: DS1_Map_World_Beta33b.ds2res > world > maps > map_world > regions > bt_r1 > conversations > conversations_banter (one of eight .gas files in the sub-folder). There, in naidi_banter etc, we have words, speaker, name of portrait, reply options and so on, everything needed for the game to fill the pop-up box.

This isn't something I knew, but what I've been discovering.

You'll need tank viewer to drill down to the individual .gas and .flick files, or to un-tank (extract) them from the .ds2res to a folder explorable via Windows.

iryan, even if Raymus alone works on banters, how to package them up for returning to you so that you can still work on everything else in Map and Logic in the meantime?

I still mean to see through the work I've started on checking all convos - for KoE at least - except if the banters are all going to be replaced then I can ignore them! As you've seen I'm looking at punctuation, spelling, grammar, facts, relevance - everything EXCEPT characterisation.

By the way, I've just taken Quickstep (my archer who started in 33a) through the Alpine Caverns, and Beeblebox (my half-giant, 33b, who had overtaken and reached Jeriah's) through the Subterranean River, so testing the monsters altered in Logic 33c. I never found either section too difficult, but both are fine now. A party with properly configured shield fighter at the front need fear no dark lunger - but a mob of them all at once are still trouble, especially if some decide to take it out on the mages.

One minor detail on the lectars - they hurt party members, but have no effect on creatures the party has summoned: neither DS2 (rhinock) nor converted DS1 types (bear, darkling), so I can leave it to them to wear down the lectar with impunity. My party members are all people, by the way, so I haven't tested what lectars do to pets.

P.S. many of the convo texts start with row={4-digit number} (and many others do not). What difference does this make, if any?

Raymus wrote:
As a writer. While I have no professional experience, necessarily, I do lots of para to novella roleplaying online. Branching from many different styles, but most commonly in the medieval-fantasy genre. I have a wide range of characters (Beyond Raymus, Who'da thunk) and I am very good at emulating other characters even after only a cursory glance of their personality.

I would've made this offer before but since I was dealing with a bit of Drama (yay) at the time, I wasn't really able to.
I would like to 'take the lead' so to speak when it comes to putting some oomph and re-writing or editing the banters. I would, in fact, like to take it upon myself to rewrite banters completely of all characters, and though I may not quite realize the full scope of banters from all party members across Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven, I am confident that I can handle it.
I believe I can re-write all the banters for one character every day or couple of days, depending on how much experience I have with them, AND I can include new dialogue options to add a bit of spice.
(Ulora, Naidi, Merik and Jondar will be absurdly easy for me, for example, as I carry them around the most.)

I know I'm sort of stroking my own ego here, but put simply, I'd like to handle the banters personally (at least if/until others choose to join). I think it's about time I can actually add something to this mod myself, and this is exactly what I can do.

How would I go about getting the scripts, though?

Also, thank you for deciding to make D.C. Teleporters the standard, rather than making those of DS2-style the standard. I think the original Dungeon Siege's linearity is preserved well by the D.C. Teleporters, considering in DS2 whenever you load the game you spawn in town again. So, with as well spaced-out as they are, they don't remove the feeling of following a.. a single path to your ultimate goal, and that's a good thing in this game's case.

I believe you are very skilled from what I've read of your fanfic and such. You have enthusiasm, passion and talent. I don't think we need a professional, just somebody who has those qualities plus patience and perseverance. You would be credited for all your work of course.

As for the scripts, I've extracted them and uploaded them in this file.
There's also a text file explaining the location names of all the regions as I left them in the correct structure to reinsert back into the mod whenever you're finished with them. A bonus is that if you extract the files to a folder and if you later tank up that folder it will act as a mini_mod so you can test out the changes yourself. Just remember to give the mini-mod a priority level when you tank it up so its certain to over-ride the Legendary Mod's files.

As long as you keep to the formatting of the conversations_banter files, you will be fine. The hero can have multiple choices not just the single one in these banters. For example under the [choices] block you can have a [choice_1] response, a [choice_2] response, etc. The reply line links the reply to a following section. So you can have a reply = more; for choice 1, a reply = more2; for choice 2, etc. Just ensure the final response has an end_conversation = true; line to allow the hero to gracefully terminate the conversation.

The conversation can go on as long as you like until you end it with an end_conversation = true; line. This can also be added as a choice for the player to give them the chance to end the conversation early if they'd rather get to killing things instead of listening to old Gyorn whinge about the past.

If you extract some of the conversation files from DS2 itself, you will see how complex they can be. If you're not sure how to do that, I'll upload the ones from the three main towns, which has the most conversations in them.

The flicks I use are designed for just one party member and the hero. It is possible to create more complex flicks allowing two party members for instance to participate in the conversation but you would have to let me know where that was going to occur (what region) and the flick will need to check for the presence of both party members before activating. I wouldn't go overboard with more complex conversations like this as it means there would be a greater likelihood of the two party members not being present and so never hearing the conversation at all. Like what happens with many of the DS2 banters - there's a lot of them many players will never hear because they wouldn't have the right party members in the party at the right time.

To answer RSimpkinuk57 (who incidentally gave a very good and comprehensive tutorial on how the banters work), the row={4-digit number} really doesn't mean anything and can be safely deleted when revising the banters. I just thought they were important when I first made the banters about 2-3 years ago, as all the DS2 conversations include them. I believe they're just debugging code or something like that so perhaps GPG has a master bible with all the conversations in it and they use the code to quickly find what they're looking for? In another words, I don't know.

Good Luck and be sure to ask if you need further help in understanding how to format the conversations, etc.

I'm going to familiarize myself with how the conversations are set up, and then I'm going to get to work re-writing/editing the dialogue of the banters. I plan on adding a lot more to them, but I won't go nuts.
Also, I think I'm going to work a bit on the dialogue with certain shopkeepers, and dialogue lines when hiring companions...
Because I notice when talking to most weapon sellers, your character will say "I could use some 'butcher tools' too.." when I'm pretty sure that really only applies to the weapon seller in Elddim.
And often times when hiring companions, on an island or otherwise, the choice to view their skills is mostly "I wonder how 'the best fighter on the island' measures up?" Even when they don't make such a claim about themselves...

Anyway, I should have a post here soon giving an example of some of the changes I'll be making, just so you have an idea of what to expect.

Thank you, Simpkinuk, for giving me that tutorial so I could sort of find the conversations myself, although the archive you sent me will definitely make it easier, Iryan.

Raymus wrote:
I'm going to familiarize myself with how the conversations are set up, and then I'm going to get to work re-writing/editing the dialogue of the banters. I plan on adding a lot more to them, but I won't go nuts.
Also, I think I'm going to work a bit on the dialogue with certain shopkeepers, and dialogue lines when hiring companions...
Because I notice when talking to most weapon sellers, your character will say "I could use some 'butcher tools' too.." when I'm pretty sure that really only applies to the weapon seller in Elddim.
And often times when hiring companions, on an island or otherwise, the choice to view their skills is mostly "I wonder how 'the best fighter on the island' measures up?" Even when they don't make such a claim about themselves...

Anyway, I should have a post here soon giving an example of some of the changes I'll be making, just so you have an idea of what to expect.

Thank you, Simpkinuk, for giving me that tutorial so I could sort of find the conversations myself, although the archive you sent me will definitely make it easier, Iryan.

Sounds good Raymus. Do you want me to update the base conversations framework from the maps with the party members and shopkeepers as well or are you comfortable in extracting them yourself from the maps?

Anyhow I've made a small test map which may or may not help you quickly test conversations out.

There's an Innkeeper to swap party members with. Unfortunately there's some limitations - each conversation will only run once so you'll have to continue reloading the map to see different variations. Also to get conversations for each map, you have to rename the conversation files before placing them in the conversation folder. Currently there's the after victory banter in LOA, pre-Fire King banter in Yesterhaven, pre-GOM fight in Kingdom of Ehb and Elddim conversation in the Utraean Peninsula.

Here's also the conversations file for Eirolan from DS2. Some conversations give you up to 5 different choices for the hero to make. Some can go on for ages like the Old Man who gives you the secret treasure quest in the Windstone Fortress.
