[ghost_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Ghostly Spirit (Elven Male) //---ColumnB--- = Spirit of a male Elf standing on the bridge near the Eirulan waterfalls. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you talk to him with spirit speak on i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Ghost_Elven_Male_001; screen_text = "Bitter, bitter, the memory of lost love. Ah, my sweet Lady Dryad. Here we met, here we loved, and here I learned she had been killed so unjustly by the wicked Morden. And finally it was here, when I could bear it no more, that I jumped to my death. Would that I had known even death could not dull the loss!"; voice_script_data = "Elf Spirit,m,27"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = rest; screen_text = "Put your mind to rest, spirit. I will avenge your lost love's death, and the deaths of so many others. The Morden will fall by my hand."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That is a tragic tale. I must be going now. I hope you find peace."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Ghost_Elven_Male_003; screen_text = "Ah, my love long lost! We tossed coins from this bridge for luck. But what good was that? She is gone now. Gone... Gone..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = rest; screen_text = "Put your mind to rest, spirit. I will avenge your lost love's death, and the deaths of so many others. The Morden will fall by my hand."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That is a tragic tale. I must be going now. I hope you find peace."; } } } [t:reply,n:rest] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Ghost_Elven_Male_002; screen_text = "From any other, I would consider it farce. But you -- I can now see things my mortal eyes could not. You could do it! If you swear it, I can rest... I can go to my beloved who waits on the shining shores Beyond. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = byebye; screen_text = "Farewell, spirit. Go to your rest."; } } } } [ghost_mumble] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Ghostly Spirit (Elven Male) //---ColumnB--- = says this if you talk to him without spirit speak on sample = s_vo_npc_116_Ghost_Elven_Male_004; screen_text = "\n\n(You cannot currently understand this spirit. Perhaps Mage Lyssanore in the town of Aman'lu can give you a clue of how to commune with the dead...)"; voice_script_data = "Elf Spirit,m,27"; } } [arcanist_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arcanist Bernard //---ColumnB--- = Human fat man traveling salesman. Recently arrived in Eirulan and is now stuck there due to the fighting. He’s making the best of things and has setup shop on the merchant’s terrace. choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Bernard_001; screen_text = "Welcome to Bernard's Odds-and-Ends Traveling Emporium. I made it to the safety of Eirulan's terraces just before the Morden attacked, and will be staying until they leave, so take your time browsing my fine assortment of goods. I carry many special reagents, all of which Enchantress Lumilla can use in enchanting your equipment."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,45"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Bernard_002; screen_text = "Back to browse my fine assortment of reagents?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } } [corpse_summoner_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Necromancer Eranith //---ColumnB--- = Male Elf. Will summon your corpse if you die. Kinda creepy. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_001; screen_text = "Welcome, friend. The Guild of Death keeps watch over all who pass into our realm. If you have recently died and do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here. As payment, I will take the gold left on your party's corpses (25% of your party's gold)."; voice_script_data = "Elf,m,45"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = retrieve_corpse; screen_text = "Please summon my party's corpses. You may keep the gold on them."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_unconsciousness_1; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness and death."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thanks, farewell."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_001; screen_text = "Welcome, friend. The Guild of Death keeps watch over all who pass into our realm. If you have recently died and do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here. As payment, I will take the gold left on your party's corpses (25% of your party's gold)."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = retrieve_corpse; screen_text = "Please summon my corpses. You may keep the gold on them."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Remind me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { reply = death_unconsciousness_1; screen_text = "Remind me about unconsciousness and death?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thanks, farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_unconsciousness_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_002; screen_text = "When a character loses all his health, he falls unconscious. An unconscious character regenerates normally and can be healed by magic. When he heals enough, he regains consciousness.\n\nIf an unconscious character takes too much damage, he dies and his portrait is replaced with a tombstone. A dead character may only be brought back to life with a resurrection spell or a scroll."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_party_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_party_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_003; screen_text = "If every character in your party dies or is knocked unconscious, you may return to town.\n\nIf you do, all of your equipped items are left at tombstones where you died. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's gear."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_004; screen_text = "To recover your party's equipment, travel to where you died and approach your party's corpses. When you are close enough, you will automatically re-equip all your gear."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = death_gear_recovery_2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_005; screen_text = "If you do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here and keep the gold on your party's corpses as payment."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = death_gear_recovery_3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_006; screen_text = "Please remember that the Guild of Death sees all. If you attempt to escape our gaze by quitting and reloading the game, I will be forced to summon your party's corpses here, and thus be obliged to keep the gold on them as well (25% of your party's gold)."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_unconsciousness_2; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_party_2; screen_text = "What if my entire party dies?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_unconsciousness_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_002; screen_text = "When a character loses all his health, he falls unconscious. An unconscious character regenerates normally and can be healed by magic. When he heals enough, he regains consciousness.\n\nIf an unconscious character takes too much damage, he dies and his portrait is replaced with a tombstone. A dead character may only be brought back to life with a resurrection spell or a scroll."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_party_2; screen_text = "What if my entire party dies?"; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_party_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_003; screen_text = "If every character in your party dies or is knocked unconscious, you may return to town.\n\nIf you do, all of your equipped items are left at tombstones where you died. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_unconsciousness_2; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } } [corpse_summoner_nocorpse] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Necromancer Eranith //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you ask him to summon your corpse, but you don’t have one. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_001; screen_text = "Welcome, friend. The Guild of Death keeps watch over all who pass into our realm. If you have recently died and do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here. As payment, I will take the gold left on your party's corpses (25% of your party's gold)."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nocorpse; screen_text = "Please summon my party's corpses. You may keep the gold on them."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_unconsciousness_1; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness and death."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thanks, farewell."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_001; screen_text = "Welcome, friend. The Guild of Death keeps watch over all who pass into our realm. If you have recently died and do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here. As payment, I will take the gold left on your party's corpses (25% of your party's gold)."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nocorpse; screen_text = "Please summon my corpses. You may keep the gold on them."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Remind me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { reply = death_unconsciousness_1; screen_text = "Remind me about unconsciousness and death?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thanks, farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:nocorpse] { //---ColumnC--- = Said in a calm, deadpan voice. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_007; screen_text = "I'm sorry, but you must first have a corpse in order for me to summon it. I'm sure there are plenty of creatures in the wilds of Aranna who'd be happy to help you out."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,45"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, but I value my life quite highly. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_unconsciousness_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_002; screen_text = "When a character loses all his health, he falls unconscious. An unconscious character regenerates normally and can be healed by magic. When he heals enough, he regains consciousness.\n\nIf an unconscious character takes too much damage, he dies and his portrait is replaced with a tombstone. A dead character may only be brought back to life with a resurrection spell or a scroll."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_party_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_party_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_003; screen_text = "If every character in your party dies or is knocked unconscious, you may return to town.\n\nIf you do, all of your equipped items are left at tombstones where you died. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's gear."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_004; screen_text = "To recover your party's equipment, travel to where you died and approach your party's corpses. When you are close enough, you will automatically re-equip all your gear."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = death_gear_recovery_2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_005; screen_text = "If you do not want to retrieve your party's corpses by returning to them, I would be happy to summon them here and keep the gold on your party's corpses as payment."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = death_gear_recovery_3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:death_gear_recovery_3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_006; screen_text = "Please remember that the Guild of Death sees all. If you attempt to escape our gaze by quitting and reloading the game, I will be forced to summon your party's corpses here, and thus be obliged to keep the gold on them as well (25% of your party's gold)."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_unconsciousness_2; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_party_2; screen_text = "What if my entire party dies?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_unconsciousness_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_002; screen_text = "When a character loses all his health, he falls unconscious. An unconscious character regenerates normally and can be healed by magic. When he heals enough, he regains consciousness.\n\nIf an unconscious character takes too much damage, he dies and his portrait is replaced with a tombstone. A dead character may only be brought back to life with a resurrection spell or a scroll."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_party_2; screen_text = "What if my entire party dies?"; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:death_party_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eranith_003; screen_text = "If every character in your party dies or is knocked unconscious, you may return to town.\n\nIf you do, all of your equipped items are left at tombstones where you died. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = death_unconsciousness_2; screen_text = "Tell me about unconsciousness."; } [choice_2] { reply = death_gear_recovery_1; screen_text = "Tell me how to recover my party's equipment."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Enough of this morbid talk. Farewell."; } } } } [armorer_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sen the Armorer //---ColumnB--- = A Dryad. Sen is a progressive Dryad, hard-working. She’s learning metalsmithing from the Elves, but is already very good at leatherworking and woodcrafting. Late 30s. choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_001; screen_text = "My metallurgy skills are unsurpassed among my sisters. Would you like to see samples of my work?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_002; screen_text = "Greetings, . Are you here to purchase new equipment? "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } } [armorer_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sen the Armorer //---ColumnB--- = When the Dryads think the hero is infected with the plague choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_003; screen_text = "Plague victims are not welcome here! I'll sell you whatever you want, but hurry up and get out!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_004; screen_text = "If you want to buy something, then hurry. And please do not touch me!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Relax for a moment and show me what you have."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Well, if that is how you feel, forget it."; } } } } [armorer_junk] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sen the Armorer //---ColumnB--- = When the hero is a prisoner of war choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_005; screen_text = "Hah! You must have been roughed up pretty badly out there if you think I'm going to sell you anything. Well, I do have a few things I was going to throw away. You can look them over if you don't have anything better to do."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I suppose I don't. Show me what you've got."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no need of junk."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_006; screen_text = "Back again? I still have a few remnants in stock just for prisoners such as yourself."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "In my position I should not be choosy. Let's see your wares."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind."; } } } } [barkeep_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Proprietress Dusi //---ColumnB--- = Dusi is one of the many Dryads who make their living purely off of commerce with other races; since Dryads don’t drink alcohol, her customers are all Elves and Humans from the mainland. Late 40s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dusi_001; screen_text = "Greetings! Eirulan is known far and wide for our exceptional spirits. Pull up a stool and enjoy the house specials!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,49"; } } [barkeep_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Proprietress Dusi //---ColumnB--- = When the Dryads think the hero has the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dusi_002; screen_text = "This establishment is no place for victims of the plague. Please leave quickly."; } } [barkeep_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Proprietress Dusi //---ColumnB--- = When the hero is a prisoner of war sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dusi_003; screen_text = "My fine spirits are not for prisoners. Water will do you fine."; } } [blacksmith_apprentice_stones_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = Telinu is an apprentice blacksmith. She’s very driven, and wants you to help her learn new skills. She is young and very comfortable with other races, open and friendly. Late teens or early 20s. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when a party member other than the hero talks to her when you are on the prisoner of war quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_001; screen_text = "I was told your friend was coming to get the warden's sharpening stones. I'm to give them to no one else."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,23"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will go get for you, then."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_assign_get_recipe] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are on the prisoner of war quest, your task is to get some sharpening stones sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_002; screen_text = "You must be one of Celia's. You wear the Ring of Submission around your neck."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = know_you; screen_text = "Celia does not own me."; } [choice_2] { reply = give_amber; screen_text = "Truth. I need the warden's sharpening stones right away."; } } } [t:reply,n:know_you] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_003; screen_text = "Hm, I recognize you. They brought you in last night."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = telinu_banter_1; screen_text = "You saw them bring me in? Lady Dryad, please tell me what took place."; } } } [t:reply,n:telinu_banter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_004; screen_text = "The battle was terribly bloody. We lost many from our village. Worst of all, Valdis succeeded in taking the Aegis of Life."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = telinu_banter_2; screen_text = "I have heard of this Aegis of Life, but I know very little of it."; } } } [t:reply,n:telinu_banter_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_005; screen_text = "It is a magical artifact that kept the Morden at bay. Without it, we are reduced to barricading ourselves behind these walls.\n\nBefore we sealed the gates, you and the other injured prisoners were carried in. Some of you were mortally wounded. We worked hard to save your lives."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = telinu_banter_3; screen_text = "We fought against you in battle. Why would you save us after that?"; } } } [t:reply,n:telinu_banter_3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_007; screen_text = "You may have forgotten mercy, but we have not. You are indeed the enemy, however, and so you will stay with us as our prisoner."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = give_amber; screen_text = "Mercy. You may be right. It has been such a long time since I witnessed it. I will think on that, but for now, I must collect some sharpening stones for the warden."; } } } [t:reply,n:give_amber] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_008; screen_text = "Here you are. And if you have some time, perhaps you could do a favor for me?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_get_recipe; screen_text = "Allow me to prove I am no longer your enemy. What might I do?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Perhaps another time. I am in a hurry to garner favor from the warden."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_assign_get_recipe2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = When you choose accept_get_recipe above -- assigns her secondary quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_010; screen_text = "With all the fighting, we go through armor faster than we can craft it. Duma and Sen both need my help throughout the day and into the night, but I have only been in this trade for a short number of months. There is much to remember! "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = challenge; screen_text = "If you feel unfit to handle the challenge, you should inform your seniors. They deserve to know."; } [choice_2] { reply = smithing_tome; screen_text = "I am in a hurry, but how can I help?"; } } } [t:reply,n:challenge] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_011; screen_text = "My memory is not normally this poor. I have lost dear ones in this war, and my mind is distracted. I seek your help...\n\nI must craft five suits of armor before the day is over. But, with so much to remember, I have forgotten some of the steps involved! It would mean the end of my apprenticeship if the craftmistresses learned of this."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = smithing_tome; screen_text = "I understand what it is like to lose those who are close to you. What must I do to help?"; } } } [t:reply,n:smithing_tome] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_013; screen_text = "There is a Tome of Smithing within the great hall that is sure to contain such information. I would be in your debt if you can discover the steps to creating Dryad armor, ."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = great_hall_ba; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That hardly seems difficult. I will return shortly."; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_ba] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_014; screen_text = "Take the lift to the southeast across to the Terrace of Wisdom. The great hall will be right in front of you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Simple enough to find; I will return shortly."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_recipe_ready] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = When you have telinu’s SQ active but have not yet told her the answer sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_015; screen_text = "! Have you discovered the steps for crafting that armor? Duma has been giving me looks -- I'm afraid she has realized that I've forgotten one of the most important crafting recipes!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = recipe_ready; screen_text = "Aye, listen closely and I shall tell you."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, not yet."; } [choice_3] { reply = great_hall_ba_2; screen_text = "I have not found the great hall yet. Where is it?"; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_ba_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_014; screen_text = "Take the lift to the southeast across to the Terrace of Wisdom. The great hall will be right in front of you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. I'll be back soon."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_use_recipe] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = When you choose to tell her the recipe -- note that the recipe answers need to be reworked to reflect the new look of the armor. Also, you get a reward even for the wrong choices, but you get a better reward for the correct choice sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_017; screen_text = "That is good news indeed! If I don't get started soon, I'll never be done in time! Dryad armor is tricky stuff to make on a forge. Quietly now, tell me what the tome said."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = bad_one; screen_text = "Use 12 squares of leather, 2 pots of boiling wax, 3 stoneshroom discs, and 5 baskets of leaves. Coat the leather with wax, apply the discs, then fasten the leaves to the resulting armor."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = bad_one; screen_text = "Use 5 squares of leather, 3 pots of boiling wax, 12 stoneshroom discs, and 2 baskets of leaves. Coat the leaves with wax, apply the discs, then fasten the leather to the resulting armor."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; reply = good_one; screen_text = "Use 5 squares of leather, 3 pots of boiling wax, 12 stoneshroom discs, and 2 baskets of leaves. Coat the leather with wax, apply the discs, then fasten the leaves to the resulting armor."; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; reply = bad_one; screen_text = "Use 3 squares of leather, 12 pots of boiling wax, 2 stoneshroom discs, and 3 baskets of leaves. Coat the leather with wax, apply the leaves, then fasten the discs to the resulting armor."; } [choice_5] { reply = forgot; screen_text = "Regretfully, I have already forgotten! I will check again."; } } } [t:reply,n:forgot] { //---ColumnC--- = Anxious sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_018; screen_text = "Oh dear. Please hurry!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = back_soon; screen_text = "Sorry, I will be back shortly."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_recipe_crafting] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = What Telinu says in response to your choice above //---ColumnC--- = Hopeful. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_019; screen_text = "That rings true! Please wait a moment while I make the armor."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = nis; screen_text = "Very well. I am quite curious, to be honest."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_recipe_nis] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = What Telinu says to Armorer Sen during the NIS //---ColumnC--- = Tentative sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_020; screen_text = "Excuse me, Craftmistress Sen. The Dryad armor is completed, just as you requested."; scroll_rate = 4; } } [armorer_recipe_nis_right] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sen the Armorer //---ColumnB--- = Sen’s reply to Telinu in the NIS if you told her the correct recipe //---ColumnC--- = Satisfied sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_007; speaker_name = "Sen the Armorer"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_sen; screen_text = "Armorer Sen: Hm. This is indeed fine work, Telinu. Excellent. You may keep that suit for yourself as a reward for a job well done."; scroll_rate = 4; } } [armorer_recipe_nis_wrong] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sen the Armorer //---ColumnB--- = Sen’s reply to Telinu if you told her the wrong recipe //---ColumnC--- = Angry sample = s_vo_npc_116_Sen_008; speaker_name = "Sen the Armorer"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_sen; screen_text = "Armorer Sen: What is this? You cannot call this piece of shoddy workmanship Dryad armor?! I am displeased, Telinu. This is not fit for even practice gear! You had best produce a masterful piece on your next try, if you value your position here."; scroll_rate = 3; } } [blacksmith_apprentice_recipe_done_right] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = What Telinu says after the nis if you gave the correct recipe //---ColumnC--- = Grateful. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_021; screen_text = "My thanks, . Craftmistress Sen seemed almost happy with my work (for once), and it is thanks to your sleuthing! Please, take this armor as a gift for your assistance."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = give_reward; screen_text = "Thank you, Telinu. I am glad I was able to help."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_recipe_done_wrong] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = What telinu says after te nis if you gave her the wrong recipe //---ColumnC--- = Hopeful sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_022; screen_text = "Ah, well, thank you for aiding me, . I'm afraid this did not come out very well. I shall have to try again. You may as well keep this armor as thanks for your trouble. I doubt that it is quite as useless as Sen seems to think!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = give_reward; screen_text = "I am sure I can put it to good use. Thank you, Telinu."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_offer_quest_again] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = What Telinu says every other time you talk to her after the prisoner of war quest is done and you have still not accepted her SQ sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_025; screen_text = "Are you able to help me now, ?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_get_recipe; screen_text = "Aye, let me prove that I am not your enemy. What do you need?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not just yet, my lady Dryad. Soon, perhaps."; } } } } [blacksmith_apprentice_default] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Apprentice Telinu //---ColumnB--- = Telinu’s base convo if no quest-related conditions are met sample = s_vo_npc_116_Telinu_026; screen_text = "Please don't bother me! I have so many tasks to remember. How can an apprentice smith possibly keep so much in her mind at once?! If you need equipment, talk to Sen or Duma. Oh dear, I've already forgotten something. I just know it!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Good luck, apprentice."; } } } } [blacksmith_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Blacksmith Duma //---ColumnB--- = Duma is distrustful and, like many Dryads, a little racist. She is older, and makes weapons using traditional Dryad methods. She is resistant to learning metallurgy, but is willing to learn so she can sell to a wider customer base. Late 40s. choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_001; screen_text = "If Celia says you're all right, then you're all right, though I must say it makes my skin crawl to sell weapons to a follower of Valdis -- and in my own home, no less."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,48"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "You have nothing to fear from me. Please show me your wares."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind, then."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_002; screen_text = "Welcome, . My stock is limited, but it's all battle ready."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Glad to hear it. Let's have a look."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Later, perhaps."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_003; screen_text = "Good to see you. Would you like to see what's in stock?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now, thank you."; } } } } [blacksmith_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Blacksmith Duma //---ColumnB--- = What she says if the hero is not present choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_002; screen_text = "Welcome, . My stock is limited, but it's all battle ready."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Glad to hear it. Let's have a look."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Later, perhaps."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_003; screen_text = "Good to see you. Would you like to see what's in stock?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now, thank you."; } } } } [blacksmith_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Blacksmith Duma //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the Dryads think the hero has the plague choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_004; screen_text = "By the fates, get back! If you must purchase something, do it fast and leave us be!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "How could I refuse an offer like that?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am not interested at the moment."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_005; screen_text = "You belong in the exile colony with the other plague victims! Buy what you need and go away!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "How could I refuse an offer like that?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am not interested at the moment."; } } } } [blacksmith_junk] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Blacksmith Duma //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the hero is a prisoner i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_006; screen_text = "Why do you disturb me?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = getting_item; screen_text = "I'm here for the sharpening stones."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will leave you be for now."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_008; screen_text = "You want to pick through this trash some more? Be my guest."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Thank you, I believe I will."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No thanks. Your candor leaves something to be desired."; } } } [t:reply,n:getting_item] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_007; screen_text = "My apprentice, Telinu, has them. She's over there."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, lady smith."; } [choice_2] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Might I see what you have for sale?"; } } } [t:reply,n:please_sell] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_009; screen_text = "Well, I have a weapon or two that I was going to cut up for scrap -- nothing better for the likes of you! And Telinu doesn't have all day. You had best get those sharpening stones from her before you forget."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see those scrap weapons."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind, I will seek out Telinu."; } } } } [blacksmith_junk_no_amber] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Blacksmith Duma //---ColumnB--- = when the hero is a prisoner and has already gotten the amber choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_010; screen_text = "Yes? We're rather busy, so make it quick, prisoner."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Can I see what you have for sale?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_012; screen_text = "You want to pick through this trash some more? Be my guest."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Thank you, I believe I will."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have changed my mind."; } } } [t:reply,n:please_sell] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Duma_011; screen_text = "Well, I've got a weapon or two that I was going to cut up for scrap... nothing better for the likes of you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let's see those scrap weapons."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Perhaps I can find better elsewhere. Good day."; } } } } [conversation_lothar_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = Lothar is a lonely Half-Giant. He’s used to being different. He’s very much a cowboy (Clint Eastwood type), but he’s been branded as a coward and a thief. He wants to clear his name, but more than that, he wants to take care of the bad guys. Mid to late 20s, but very gruff and rugged. //---ColumnC--- = What he says when he joins the party sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_001; screen_text = "Been wanting to show this town my back for a long time. You won't be sorry, whatever you've heard."; voice_script_data = "Half-giant,m,27"; } } [conversation_lothar_disband] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = What he says when you disband him sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_002; screen_text = "If you change your mind, you'll find me at the closest inn with decent ale."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "Farewell."; } [choice_2] { cancel = true; reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "[cancel]"; } } } } [conversation_lothar_disband_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = What he says if you talk to him again after having disbanded him choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_003; screen_text = "Need another sword arm, eh? Well, I suppose I've drunk my fill for now."; } } [conversation_lothar_join] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = What he says when he asks to join you for the first time choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_004; screen_text = ". I didn't expect to see you here. If you're leaving town soon, I'll lend you my sword arm."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "I would be happy to have you come along."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "A companion would be welcome. What sort of skills do you have?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "I do not need your help at this time."; } } } } [conversation_lothar_reject] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = What he says if you decline his offer to join your party sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_005; screen_text = "So. The rumors have reached your ears already."; } } [conversation_lothar_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = What he says anytime you talk to him after having previously rejected him choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_006; screen_text = "Changed your mind?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "I have. Welcome to the fight."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "A companion would be welcome. What sort of skills do you have?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "No, I just came to say goodbye."; } } } } [conversation_deru_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = Deru is a Dryad in her mid to late 20s. She is a bit flighty, but very driven, loyal, and exciting. She dreams of ’adventure’ and thinks everyone else is too boring. //---ColumnC--- = What she says when you accept her into your party sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_001; screen_text = "Really? I mean... you've made an excellent choice! What a team we'll make!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,28"; } } [conversation_deru_disband] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you disband her sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_002; screen_text = "What? You're going to leave me here while you run off adventuring? That's not fair!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "Farewell."; } [choice_2] { cancel = true; reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "[cancel]"; } } } } [conversation_deru_disband_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = What she says if you talk to her again after having previously disbanded her choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_003; screen_text = "You're back! Who are we fighting this time?"; } } [conversation_deru_join] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = What she says when she wants to join your party for the first time choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_004; screen_text = "I hear you're off to cause some trouble. I don't suppose you'd care for the company of the best fighter on the island?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "I was planning on asking you to join me, Deru."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "I wonder how the 'best fighter on the island' measures up? What sort of skills do you have?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "Perhaps I am a fool, but I will pass on your offer for now."; } } } } [conversation_deru_reject] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = What she says if you reject her sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_005; screen_text = "Suit yourself. I've got things to do anyway."; } } [conversation_deru_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you have previously rejected her choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_006; screen_text = "Looking for someone? Or are you here to share stories of your exploits?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "I am here to ask you to join me."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "I seek a strong fighter. How skilled are you?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "Just passing through, lady Dryad."; } } } } [petseller_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Neda is a fairly typical Dryad; she hates you at first, then forgets all about that and likes you once you’re no longer a prisoner. She sells animal fighting companions. Late 30s. //---ColumnC--- = What she says if you are a prisoner choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_001; screen_text = "You are lucky I've got these pets in pens, or they'd take a bite out of you. Despite the slow state of business, I would never dream of dealing with a follower of Valdis, had not Celia told me to sell you what you need."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Thanks goodness for Celia. Show me what you have."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will not waste your time."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_010; screen_text = "Well, prisoner, are you going to buy a pet or not? Mind you don't mistreat it!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Fear not, I will take good care of it."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, and good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = sighs indignantly sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_002; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds, prisoner! They are brought here when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creatures attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_003; screen_text = "You are awfully chatty for a convict! A Rift is a gate to another world. A few Nature Mages know the locations of the Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants like myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be extremely powerful and aggressive."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser; screen_text = "If I study Nature Magic, will I be able to do this?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_004; screen_text = "Hmm... I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. In fact, a Nature Mage who supplies some of my stock was looking for an assistant. It's too dangerous to handle alone."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Well, let me see how powerful the ones you have in stock are..."; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser2; screen_text = "Is this something I can learn how to do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_004; screen_text = "Hmm... I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. In fact, a Nature Mage who supplies some of my stock was looking for an assistant. It's too dangerous to handle alone."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:rare_pets] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_006; screen_text = "Why would a prisoner need something like that? In any case, I have nothing unusual. But I have been trying to acquire some Dire Wolves lately, ever since I discovered they existed. What a magnificent addition to my shop they would be! Have you heard of them?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "Yes, do you have any in stock?"; } [choice_2] { reply = not_heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "No, I cannot say that I have..."; } } } [t:reply,n:heard_of_direwolf] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_007; screen_text = "No I do not! However..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Yes?"; } } } [t:reply,n:not_heard_of_direwolf] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_009; screen_text = "I once thought of them as mere legend, until I came upon a group of mages in the forest trying to tame some Nawl Beasts -- a profitable business, mind you. Well, suddenly a large blue wolf emerged through the mages' Rift. Before the mages could react, one of them was dead and the Nawl Beasts had all been torn to ribbons! The remaining mages destroyed it, but it was a fierce and costly battle!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Amazing!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more_about_direwolves] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_008; screen_text = "There is a noteworthy mage living here in Eirulan named Rokhar. He knows how to obtain a Dire Wolf, but I have not had time to visit him. Track him down and tell him that I am interested in obtaining a Dire Wolf specimen for my shop. If you don't run off, I'll make it worth your while."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well, I shall look into it."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_quest; screen_text = "Perhaps another time, I have much to do."; } } } } [petseller_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the Dryads think you have the plague choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_011; screen_text = "I will sell you a pet, but only because when you die of the plague, it will be able to find its own way back."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "How nice of you. What do you have?"; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I feel a sneeze coming on. Perhaps I should leave."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_017; screen_text = "Business may be slow, but yours I don't need. If you want a pet, then buy one! Otherwise, leave."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Your charms have piqued my interest. Show me your wares."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Leaving sounds like the best option you have to offer."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_012; screen_text = "I'll answer that, but keep your distance! Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_013; screen_text = "Put that down! Stop touching things, or get out! A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser; screen_text = "If I study Nature Magic, will I be able to do this?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_014; screen_text = "You are getting too close! Stand back! I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. In fact, a Nature Mage who supplies some of my stock is looking for an assistant. It's too dangerous to handle alone."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Well, let me see how powerful the ones you have in stock are..."; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser2; screen_text = "Is this something I can learn how to do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_014; screen_text = "You are getting too close! Stand back! I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. In fact, a Nature Mage who supplies some of my stock is looking for an assistant. It's too dangerous to handle alone."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:rare_pets] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_015; screen_text = "Alas, nothing unusual, sickly one. But I have been trying to acquire some Dire Wolves lately, ever since I discovered they existed. What a magnificent addition to my shop they would be! Have you heard of them?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "Yes, do you have any in stock?"; } [choice_2] { reply = not_heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "No, I cannot say that I have..."; } } } [t:reply,n:heard_of_direwolf] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_016; screen_text = "Alas, no. However..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Yes?"; } } } [t:reply,n:not_heard_of_direwolf] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_009; screen_text = "I once thought of them as mere legend, until I came upon a group of mages in the forest trying to tame some Nawl Beasts -- a profitable business, mind you. Well, suddenly a large blue wolf emerged through the mages' Rift. Before the mages could react, one of them was dead and the Nawl Beasts had all been torn to ribbons! The remaining mages destroyed it, but it was a fierce and costly battle!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Amazing!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more_about_direwolves] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_008; screen_text = "There is a noteworthy mage living here in Eirulan named Rokhar. He knows how to obtain a Dire Wolf, but I have not had time to visit him. Track him down and tell him that I am interested in obtaining a Dire Wolf specimen for my shop. If you don't run off, I'll make it worth your while."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well, I shall look into it."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_quest; screen_text = "Perhaps another time, I have much to do."; } } } } [petseller_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = What she says at all other times choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_018; screen_text = "Greetings! I must say I am glad you are well. Are you here to buy a pet? Nothing but a loyal animal will love you through thick and thin and fight by your side without complaint. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_021; screen_text = "Would you like to purchase one of my fine pets? Very loyal and highly trained, they are."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I will take a look."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_040; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_041; screen_text = "A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser; screen_text = "If I study Nature Magic, will I be able to do this?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_020; screen_text = "Hmm... I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. If I was not terribly busy, I would introduce you to one of the Nature Mages who supplies my stock. I seem to remember hearing him mention that he was looking for an assistant. Come back later when things have settled down some and perhaps I will be able to help you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = teaser2; screen_text = "Is this something I can learn how to do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:teaser2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_020; screen_text = "Hmm... I have only ever heard of the most powerful Nature Mages mastering the pet trade. Rift-magic is dangerous both to our world and the one on the other side. If I was not terribly busy, I would introduce you to one of the Nature Mages who supplies my stock. I seem to remember hearing him mention that he was looking for an assistant. Come back later when things have settled down some and perhaps I will be able to help you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [petseller_base_offer_direwolf] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you are eligible for the direwolf quest choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_022; screen_text = "Greetings. Are you here to buy a pet? I could certainly use the business, what with all this trouble the Morden are causing."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_3] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not at the moment, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_024; screen_text = "Would you like to purchase one of my fine pets? Very loyal and highly trained, they are. I could certainly use the business, what with all this trouble the Morden are causing."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_3] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_040; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_041; screen_text = "A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { reply = rare_pets; screen_text = "Do you carry anything special? I seek something with great power."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:rare_pets] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_039; screen_text = "Alas, nothing unusual. But I have been trying to acquire some Dire Wolves lately, ever since I discovered they existed. What a magnificent addition to my shop they would be! Have you heard of them?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "Yes, do you have any in stock?"; } [choice_2] { reply = not_heard_of_direwolf; screen_text = "No, I cannot say that I have."; } } } [t:reply,n:heard_of_direwolf] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_016; screen_text = "Alas, no. However..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Yes?"; } } } [t:reply,n:not_heard_of_direwolf] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_009; screen_text = "I once thought of them as mere legend, until I came upon a group of mages in the forest trying to tame some Nawl Beasts -- a profitable business, mind you. Well, suddenly a large blue wolf emerged through the mages' Rift. Before the mages could react, one of them was dead and the Nawl Beasts had all been torn to ribbons! The remaining mages destroyed it, but it was a fierce and costly battle!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_about_direwolves; screen_text = "Amazing!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more_about_direwolves] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_008; screen_text = "There is a noteworthy mage living here in Eirulan named Rokhar. He knows how to obtain a Dire Wolf, but I have not had time to visit him. Track him down and tell him that I am interested in obtaining a Dire Wolf specimen for my shop. If you don't run off, I'll make it worth your while."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well, I shall look into it."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_quest; screen_text = "Perhaps another time. I have much to do."; } } } } [petseller_base_after_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Says this at all other times once you have finished the direwolf quest choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_025; screen_text = "Ah! You have returned. I have a fresh stock of Dire Wolves in addition to my other pets if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not at the moment, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_026; screen_text = "The Dire Wolf has been very popular. I am very grateful for your assistance. Would you care to have a look?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_002; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds, prisoner! They are brought here when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creatures attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_041; screen_text = "A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [petseller_base_after_quest_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Says this at all other times once you have finished the direwolf quest choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_027; screen_text = "So, you haven't tried running off, yet! Well, I have a fresh stock of Dire Wolves in addition to my other pets if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not at the moment, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_028; screen_text = "The Dire Wolf has been very popular. I can't actually be grateful for the assistance of a prisoner, but I'll allow you to have a look at my stock if you wish."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well..."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_002; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds, prisoner! They are brought here when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creatures attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_003; screen_text = "You are awfully chatty for a convict! A Rift is a gate to another world. A few Nature Mages know the locations of the Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants like myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be extremely powerful and aggressive."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [petseller_base_after_quest_prisoner_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Says this at all other times once you have finished the direwolf quest choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_029; screen_text = "Still have your mind intact, I see? Well, it's just a matter of time. I have a fresh stock of Dire Wolves in addition to my other pets if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not at the moment, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_030; screen_text = "The Dire Wolf has been very popular. I am very grateful for your assistance, but please keep your distance. Would you care to have a look?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_012; screen_text = "I'll answer that, but keep your distance! Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_013; screen_text = "Put that down! Stop touching things, or get out! A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [direwolf_quest_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you accept the direwolf quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_031; screen_text = "Excellent! Rokhar can often be found talking with Historian Arisu, in the great hall. "; } } [direwolf_quest_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = says this when the direwolf quest is active choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_032; screen_text = "A Dire Wolf would certainly help my business! Please keep on the lookout for one. I expect that Rokhar will be able to assist you. He should be with Historian Arisu in the great hall. In the meantime, is there anything I can do for you?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_033; screen_text = "Rokhar will be pouring over old manuscripts with the historian, if you are seeking him. I hope you will be able to capture a Dire Wolf with him -- what a boon to business that would be! In the meantime, is there anything I can do for you?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. Later, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_040; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_041; screen_text = "A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [direwolf_quest_urge_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = says this when the direwolf quest is active choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_034; screen_text = "A Dire Wolf would certainly help my business! Please keep on the lookout for one. I expect that Rokhar will be able to assist you. He should be with the historian in the great hall. In the meantime, I'm watching you closely. What do you want?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_035; screen_text = "Rokhar will be pouring over old manuscripts with the historian, if you are seeking him. I hope you will be able to capture a Dire Wolf with him -- what a boon to business that would be! In the meantime, I'm watching you closely. What do you want?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_002; screen_text = "Pets come from other worlds, prisoner! They are brought here when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creatures attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_003; screen_text = "You are awfully chatty for a convict! A Rift is a gate to another world. A few Nature Mages know the locations of the Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants like myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be extremely powerful and aggressive."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [direwolf_quest_urge_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = says this when the direwolf quest is active choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_036; screen_text = "A Dire Wolf would certainly help my business! Please keep on the lookout for one. I expect that Rokhar will be able to assist you. He should be with the historian in the great hall. But mind you keep your infected hands to yourself! I need him healthy. In the meantime, what do you want?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_037; screen_text = "Rokhar will be pouring over old manuscripts with the historian, if you are seeking him. I hope you will be able to capture a Dire Wolf with him -- what a boon to business that would be! In the meantime, don't touch anything and what do you want?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have, please."; } [choice_2] { reply = info; screen_text = "Would you tell me more about pets, please?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_019; screen_text = "Certainly. What would you like to know?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_3] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_4] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing at the moment, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:where_pets] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_012; screen_text = "I'll answer that, but keep your distance! Pets come from other worlds. They can be brought here and tamed when a Nature Mage opens a Rift that temporarily connects our world to theirs. It is a dangerous business, this, and no wise Nature Mage would do so alone, lest the creature that wanders through attack the caster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_rifts; screen_text = "A Rift? What is a Rift?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_rifts] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_013; screen_text = "Put that down! Stop touching things, or get out! A Rift is a gate to another world through which living things may pass. Some Nature Mages know the locations of some Rifts, and even use them to supply merchants such as myself with stock. But as I said, it is a risky business! Some creatures can be much more powerful than others."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = how_tamed; screen_text = "These pets look like strange creatures. How are they tamed?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:how_tamed] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_005; screen_text = "They are tamed either by the Nature Mages who open the Rift, or by one such as myself. It's a dangerous business, but with the right skills, it can be done."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_pets; screen_text = "I was wondering... where exactly do pets come from?"; } [choice_2] { reply = business; screen_text = "How is business faring in these times?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:business] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_023; screen_text = "To be honest, business picked up for a short while, once the Morden started attacking our shores. It has settled down again, though. I'd prefer it that way if it meant no more Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see what you have in stock."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will be leaving now, good day."; } } } } [direwolf_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Pet Seller Neda //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you have completed the direwolf quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Neda_038; screen_text = "I am grateful for your help. Of all the creatures I have dealt with, the Dire Wolf is by far the most ferocious. It will take great effort to train him, but then it will make a superior ally!"; } } [rokhar_base_on_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Rokhar the Mage //---ColumnB--- = Human male mage npc. 30s. Says this when you talk to him after being sent to him by Pet Seller Neda sample = s_vo_npc_116_Rokhar_001; screen_text = "You may have traveled far, but I will wager you have not encountered the kind of terrible beasts that I have dealt with."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,34"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = info; screen_text = "I have been told you know a thing or two about Dire Wolves."; } [choice_2] { reply = quest; screen_text = "Pet Seller Neda has asked me to find a Dire Wolf. She said you might know where to acquire one."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Rokhar_002; screen_text = "Ah, the Dire Wolf. A rare and exotic creature! They are similar to mundane wolves, but are distinguished by their bright blue fur. They are many times more powerful and aggressive, as well. In their natural environment, they hunt Nawl Beasts, which is how they were first discovered. When mages open Rifts to capture Nawl Beasts for taming, a Dire Wolf occasionally wanders through, much to everyone's discomfort."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = quest; screen_text = "Pet Seller Neda has asked me to find a Dire Wolf. She said you might know where to acquire one."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks for that information. I will be on my way."; } } } [t:reply,n:quest] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Rokhar_003; screen_text = "Oh, is that all? My, she doesn't expect much! Well, a test to my abilities is always welcome. But I will need accompaniment. There will be Nawl Beasts to contend with, as well as Morden-Gral mages, who often patrol the Rift locations. If that doesn't frighten you, join me and I'll attempt it. What say you?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "I will do it. Where do we go from here?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Hmm... Perhaps later."; } } } } [rokhar_base_no_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Rokhar the Mage //---ColumnB--- = says this if you talk to him without the quest active //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Rokhar_001; screen_text = "You may have traveled far, but I will wager you have not encountered the kind of terrible beasts that I have dealt with."; } } [direwolf_quest_update_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Rokhar the Mage //---ColumnB--- = says this when you accept his quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Rokhar_004; screen_text = "Good. Head out the south gate. Follow the path as if you were going to the exile colony. Just past the ruined amphitheatre, leave the path and go to the riverside to the north. Cross the footbridge and enter the small cave on the other side. There is a short tunnel -- go through it. On the other side, the Rift will be directly in front of you. Take care of the Morden in the area, and I will meet you there."; } } [deputy_first] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard (cell door) //---ColumnB--- = A very tall, muscular Dryad; this guard is under the command of Warden Celia. Rough and alert. Mid 20s. Standing at the cell door when you first arrive in town and is the first Dryad you can talk to. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_001; screen_text = "What do you want?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,26"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = drevin; screen_text = "Where am I? Where's Drevin?!"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Nothing, never mind."; } } } [t:reply,n:drevin] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_045; screen_text = "What? Oh, you're one of the new ones. We pulled you out from underneath the body of a blue-haired Elf and brought you here, to the town of Eirulan. You're to be kept behind bars until we figure out what to do with you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = out; screen_text = "Let me out of here!"; } } } [t:reply,n:out] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_002; screen_text = "Warden Celia is in charge here, and what's to be done with you is up to her. If I were you, I would keep my head down and learn to be respectful before she finds you making demands."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ring; screen_text = "I don't understand. What is this ring around my neck?"; } } } [t:reply,n:ring] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_003; screen_text = "You wear the Ring of Submission to hold you in check. All prisoners must wear it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where; screen_text = "Prisoner, eh?"; } } } [t:reply,n:where] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_004; screen_text = "Hush! Here comes the warden now!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = nis; screen_text = "..."; } } } } [deputy_quest_active] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard (cell door) //---ColumnB--- = Says this after the cell door has been opened i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_005; screen_text = "You may pass."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_006; screen_text = "Speak to the warden."; } } [deputy_give_gear] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard (cell door) //---ColumnB--- = Says this in MP games if a client joins and needs starter gear sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_046; speaker_name = "Dryad Guard"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_dryad-guard2; screen_text = "There are creatures that carry the plague right outside the town gates. You will not even reach the outpost without being able to defend yourself. Take this equipment. It may not be the same as your old things, but it will give you some chance, at least."; } } [direction_guard_1] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Helpful Guard //---ColumnB--- = One of the three Dryad guards who gives you directions around the town. Kind, but alert; armed with a bow. Late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_001; screen_text = "Do you know where you are going?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,27"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = merchant_1; screen_text = "Where are the Merchants?"; } [choice_2] { reply = warden_1; screen_text = "In which direction is Warden Celia and the prisoner ward?"; } [choice_3] { reply = north_gate_1; screen_text = "Where is the town's north gate?"; } [choice_4] { reply = great_hall_1; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_5] { reply = inn_1; screen_text = "Which way to the inn?"; } [choice_6] { reply = pet_shop_1; screen_text = "Can you direct me to the pet shop?"; } [choice_7] { reply = south_gate_1; screen_text = "How do I get to the south gate out of town?"; } [choice_8] { reply = teleporter_1; screen_text = "Where is the teleporter?"; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I can figure it out on my own."; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_005; screen_text = "Ah, the great hall is on the Terrace of Wisdom. Take the lift to the southeast across and you will see the great hall in front of you.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a shell icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:inn_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_006; screen_text = "You'll find the inn on the next platform. Simply take the lift just northeast of here across to the Adventurers Terrace. The inn is a good place to meet new people, or to renew old acquaintances.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a candle icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:merchant_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_002; screen_text = "The blacksmith, armorer, and mages keep their shops within the building on this terrace.\n\nThe shopkeeps are marked on your map with icons representing the tools of their trades."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:pet_shop_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_008; screen_text = "The pet shop is south of here, on the Terrace of Pets. Simply take the lift to the south across.\n\nThe pet shop is marked on your map with a mule icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:south_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_009; screen_text = "Eirulan's south gate is due south of here. First take the lift to the south across to the Terrace of Pets, then walk around the east side of the pet shop to find the south gate."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:teleporter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_010; screen_text = "The teleporter is here, right next to me.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a vortex icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:north_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_004; screen_text = "The north gate is located on this terrace, just to the north of here."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_003; screen_text = "The lift to the Prisoners Terrace is directly west of here. Simply go through the merchant shops building and out the other side. The lift will be directly in front of you.\n\nThe prisoner ward is marked on your map with a prison bars icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [direction_guard_2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Helpful Guard //---ColumnB--- = One of the three Dryad guards who gives you directions around the town. Kind, but alert; armed with a bow. Late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_001; screen_text = "Do you know where you are going?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,27"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = merchant_1; screen_text = "Where are the Merchants?"; } [choice_2] { reply = warden_1; screen_text = "In which direction is Warden Celia and the prisoner ward?"; } [choice_3] { reply = north_gate_1; screen_text = "Where is the town's north gate?"; } [choice_4] { reply = great_hall_1; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_5] { reply = inn_1; screen_text = "Which way to the inn?"; } [choice_6] { reply = pet_shop_1; screen_text = "Can you direct me to the pet shop?"; } [choice_7] { reply = south_gate_1; screen_text = "How do I get to the south gate out of town?"; } [choice_8] { reply = teleporter_1; screen_text = "Where is the teleporter?"; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I can figure it out on my own."; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_037; screen_text = "Ah, the great hall is right here, just behind me on this terrace.\n\nIt's marked on your map with a shell icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:inn_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_038; screen_text = "You'll find the inn to the north on the next terrace. Simply take the lift just north of here across to the Adventurers Terrace. The inn is a good place to meet new people, or to renew old acquaintances.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a candle icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:merchant_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_034; screen_text = "The blacksmith, armorer, and mages keep their shops within the building on the Merchant Terrace. Simply take the lift northwest of here to reach it.\n\nThe shopkeeps are marked on your map with icons representing the tools of their trades."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:pet_shop_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_039; screen_text = "The pet shop is located on the Terrace of Pets. Take the lift just to the southwest across to it.\n\nThe pet shop is marked on your map with a mule icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:south_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_040; screen_text = "Eirulan's south gate is southwest of here. First take the lift to the southwest across to the Terrace of Pets, then look south of the pet shop to find the south gate."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:teleporter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_041; screen_text = "The teleporter is next to the merchant shops on the Merchant Terrace. Just take the lift northwest of here to reach it.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a vortex icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:north_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_036; screen_text = "The north gate is located on the Merchant Terrace. Take the lift northwest of here across and then look for it north of the merchant shops building."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_035; screen_text = "The Prisoners Terrace is accessible via the far platform. First, use the lift northwest of here to cross to the Merchant Terrace. Then, go through the merchant shops building and out the other side. The lift across will be directly in front of you.\n\nThe prisoner ward is marked on your map with a prison bars icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [direction_guard_3] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Helpful Guard //---ColumnB--- = One of the three Dryad guards who gives you directions around the town. Kind, but alert; armed with a bow. Late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_001; screen_text = "Do you know where you are going?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,27"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = merchant_1; screen_text = "Where are the Merchants?"; } [choice_2] { reply = warden_1; screen_text = "In which direction is Warden Celia and the prisoner ward?"; } [choice_3] { reply = north_gate_1; screen_text = "Where is the town's north gate?"; } [choice_4] { reply = great_hall_1; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_5] { reply = inn_1; screen_text = "Which way to the inn?"; } [choice_6] { reply = pet_shop_1; screen_text = "Can you direct me to the pet shop?"; } [choice_7] { reply = south_gate_1; screen_text = "How do I get to the south gate out of town?"; } [choice_8] { reply = teleporter_1; screen_text = "Where is the teleporter?"; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I can figure it out on my own."; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_045; screen_text = "Ah, the great hall is on the Terrace of Wisdom. Take the lift to the south across to reach it.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a shell icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:inn_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_046; screen_text = "The inn is right behind me, on this terrace. The inn is a good place to meet new people, or to renew old acquaintances.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a candle icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:merchant_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_042; screen_text = "The blacksmith, armorer, and mages keep their shops within the building on the Merchant Terrace. Simply take the lift to the west to reach it.\n\nThe shopkeeps are marked on your map with icons representing the tools of their trades."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:pet_shop_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_047; screen_text = "The pet shop is located on the Terrace of Pets. First take the lift to the west to the Merchant Terrace, then take the lift to the south to arrive at the Terrace of Pets.\n\nThe pet shop is marked on your map with a mule icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:south_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_048; screen_text = "Eirulan's south gate is located on the Terrace of Pets. First take the lift to the west across to the Merchant Terrace, then take the lift to the south to reach the Terrace of Pets. The south gate is on the southeastern edge of the platform."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:teleporter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_049; screen_text = "The teleporter is next to the merchant shops on the Merchant Terrace. Just take the lift to the west to reach it.\n\nThe teleporter is marked on your map with a vortex icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:north_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_044; screen_text = "The north gate is located on Merchant Terrace. Take the lift to the west across and then look for it north of the merchant shops building."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_043; screen_text = "The Prisoners Terrace is accessible via the Merchant Terrace. First, use the lift to the west to reach it. Then, go through the merchant shops building and out the other side. The lift across will be directly in front of you.\n\nThe prisoner ward is marked on your map with a prison bars icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [direction_guard_4] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Helpful Guard //---ColumnB--- = One of the three Dryad guards who gives you directions around the town. Kind, but alert; armed with a bow. Late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_001; screen_text = "Do you know where you are going?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,27"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = merchant_1; screen_text = "Where are the Merchants?"; } [choice_2] { reply = warden_1; screen_text = "In which direction is Warden Celia and the prisoner ward?"; } [choice_3] { reply = north_gate_1; screen_text = "Where is the town's north gate?"; } [choice_4] { reply = great_hall_1; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_5] { reply = inn_1; screen_text = "Which way to the inn?"; } [choice_6] { reply = pet_shop_1; screen_text = "Can you direct me to the pet shop?"; } [choice_7] { reply = south_gate_1; screen_text = "How do I get to the south gate out of town?"; } [choice_8] { reply = teleporter_1; screen_text = "Where is the teleporter?"; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I can figure it out on my own."; } } } [t:reply,n:great_hall_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_053; screen_text = "Ah, the great hall is on the Terrace of Wisdom. Take the lift to the east across to reach it.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a shell icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:inn_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_054; screen_text = "The inn is on the Adventurers Terrace. First, take the lift to the east across to the Terrace of Wisdom. Then take the lift to the north to the Adventurers Terrace. The inn is a good place to meet new people, or to renew old acquaintances.\n\nIt is marked on your map with a mug icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:merchant_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_050; screen_text = "The blacksmith, armorer, and mages keep their shops within the building on the Merchant Terrace. Simply take the lift to the north to reach it.\n\nThe shopkeeps are marked on your map with icons representing the tools of their trades."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:pet_shop_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_055; screen_text = "The pet shop is located on this terrace, just next to me. The pet shop is marked on your map with a mule icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:south_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_056; screen_text = "Eirulan's south gate is located on this terrace, just behind me on the southeastern edge of the platform."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:teleporter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_057; screen_text = "The teleporter is next to the merchant shops on the Merchant Terrace. Just take the lift to the north to reach it.\n\nThe teleporter is marked on your map with a vortex icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:north_gate_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_052; screen_text = "The north gate is located on Merchant Terrace. Take the lift to the north across and then look for it north of the merchant shops building."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_HelpfulGuard_051; screen_text = "The Prisoners Terrace is accessible via the Merchant Terrace. First, use the lift to the north to reach it. Then, go west around the merchant shops building. The lift across to the Prisoners Terrace will be directly in front of you.\n\nThe prisoner ward is marked on your map with a prison bars icon."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [enchanter_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = A very feminine Dryad. She is adept at practical magic, such as enchanting weapons. Gentle and competent. Early 40s. //---ColumnC--- = What she says when you are a prisoner choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_001; screen_text = "Well, prisoner, I suppose I can enchant an item for you so long as that ring ensures your good behavior. If you are able to pay my price, I may be able to make you something very special."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,43"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "With or without the ring, I am trustworthy. Please enchant an item for me."; } [choice_2] { reply = salve; screen_text = "Tell me more about this special thing."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Another time, perhaps."; } } } [t:reply,n:salve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_002; screen_text = "First you must understand that becoming a Master Enchantress is not easy. One must spend many years studying the arts of herbalism and alchemy. If one did not know the properties of every reagent and the results of their combination, why, terrible things could happen; I have even seen careless apprentices blow themselves up!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = difficult; screen_text = "It sounds like a difficult art to master."; } } } [t:reply,n:difficult] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_003; screen_text = "For one of my caliber, even the most difficult of tinctures and salves are possible. There is one in particular that is my specialty -- it grants a fair amount of life recovery. I am told it is quite useful, if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = wantSalve; screen_text = "Oh? That does sound rather useful. Tell me more."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. I'm not interested right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:wantSalve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_004; screen_text = "My customers call it 'Lumilla's salve,' and it can be applied to enchantable armor for fighters and rangers or jewelry of your preference. I would be happy to make some if you bring me the ingredients: four nettle clusters. They can be found in the jungle, if you keep your eyes open."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Thank you, I will be on the lookout for nettle clusters."; } } } } [enchanter_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the drayds think you have the plague choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_005; screen_text = "What a tragedy to see a fine young person such as yourself struck down at your prime. If only you had my special salve, perhaps you would have had a chance. Alas, I will enchant an item for you if you wish, though you'll never live to use it. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I will do my best not to waste your time. What can you do for me?"; } [choice_2] { reply = salve; screen_text = "Special salve? Tell me more, please."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, but never mind for now."; } } } [t:reply,n:salve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_002; screen_text = "First you must understand that becoming a Master Enchantress is not easy. One must spend many years studying the arts of herbalism and alchemy. If one did not know the properties of every reagent and the results of their combination, why, terrible things could happen; I have even seen careless apprentices blow themselves up!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = difficult; screen_text = "It sounds like a difficult art to master."; } } } [t:reply,n:difficult] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_003; screen_text = "For one of my caliber, even the most difficult of tinctures and salves are possible. There is one in particular that is my specialty -- it grants a fair amount of life recovery. I am told it is quite useful, if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = wantSalve; screen_text = "Oh? That does sound rather useful. Tell me more."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. I'm not interested right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:wantSalve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_004; screen_text = "My customers call it 'Lumilla's salve,' and it can be applied to enchantable armor for fighters and rangers or jewelry of your preference. I would be happy to make some if you bring me the ingredients: four nettle clusters. They can be found in the jungle, if you keep your eyes open."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Thank you, I will be on the lookout for nettle clusters."; } } } } [enchanter_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = What she says at all other times choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_006; screen_text = "Greetings, . Would you like an item enchanted today?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Yes, please."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } } [enchanter_give_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = Convo changes to this after you are no longer a prisoner and have not yet accepted her SQ choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_007; screen_text = "Greetings, . I am quite talented in the arts of enchantment and alchemy, and can make you something very special if you are able to pay my price."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I should like very much to see what you can do."; } [choice_2] { reply = salve; screen_text = "Alchemy? What do you mean?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Another time."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_009; screen_text = "Greetings, . Would you like an item enchanted today? Or hear about one of my other specialties?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I should like very much to see what you can do."; } [choice_2] { reply = salve; screen_text = "What other services can you perform?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:salve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_002; screen_text = "First you must understand that becoming a Master Enchantress is not easy. One must spend many years studying the arts of herbalism and alchemy. If one did not know the properties of every reagent and the results of their combination, why, terrible things could happen; I have even seen careless apprentices blow themselves up!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = difficult; screen_text = "It sounds like a difficult art to master."; } } } [t:reply,n:difficult] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_003; screen_text = "For one of my caliber, even the most difficult of tinctures and salves are possible. There is one in particular that is my specialty -- it grants a fair amount of life recovery. I am told it is quite useful, if you are interested."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = wantSalve; screen_text = "Oh? That does sound rather useful. Tell me more."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you. I'm not interested right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:wantSalve] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_004; screen_text = "My customers call it 'Lumilla's salve,' and it can be applied to enchantable armor for fighters and rangers or jewelry of your preference. I would be happy to make some if you bring me the ingredients: four nettle clusters. They can be found in the jungle, if you keep your eyes open."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Thank you, I will be on the lookout for nettle clusters."; } } } } [enchanter_quest_active] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = What she says when her SQ is active choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_010; screen_text = "Greetings, . Would you like an item enchanted today? Or perhaps you have found some of the ingredients for my salve?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I would like to have an item enchanted."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = leaves; screen_text = "I have some nettle clusters for you."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not today, thank you."; } } } } [enchanter_quest_completed] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you have brought all of the nettle clusters for her quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_011; screen_text = "Wonderful, these look to be in perfect condition! Here you are, one vial of Lumilla's Salve!"; } } [enchanter_quest_need_more] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Enchantress lumilla //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you didn’t bring enough NC’s sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lumilia_012; screen_text = "That is a good start, but I still need some more nettle clusters or the salve will not have any effect."; } } [front_gate_guard_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Guard Captain //---ColumnB--- = Captain of the Dryad guards. Armed with a bow. Sarcastic. Late 30s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Guard_Captain_001; screen_text = "Hello, . Off to do some fighting?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,39"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That's right."; } } } } [front_gate_guard_gate_open] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Guard Captain //---ColumnB--- = Says this when the gate is opened and you are free to leave sample = s_vo_npc_116_Guard_Captain_002; screen_text = "Safe travels."; } } [front_gate_guard_try_gate] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Guard Captain //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are a prisoner and not yet allowed to leave i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Guard_Captain_003; screen_text = "No one may enter the southern jungle until we find out more about this plague. That includes you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Plague? Perhaps I shall tarry here awhile."; } } } [text*] { i order = 1; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Guard_Captain_004; screen_text = "Look! The gate is big, sturdy, and exceedingly locked. Go do whatever it is you should be doing."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Pay me no thought. I am just admiring the view."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Guard_Captain_005; screen_text = "How many times do I have to tell you? Get out of here before I start using you for target practice."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way. Farewell."; } } } } [guard_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = The Dryad guards have been told to not let you out of their sight while you’re a prisoner. They patrol the town, looking for Haku or Morden sneak-attacks, and making sure the prisoners don’t escape. Mid to late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_007; screen_text = "We are watching you closely."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,28"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_008; screen_text = "Prisoners only speak when spoken to."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_009; screen_text = "You are fortunate we didn't kill you when we had the chance."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_010; screen_text = "Take care to keep your hands to yourself, prisoner. There is a terrible disease ravaging the jungle. I am ordered to kill anyone who shows signs of the infection."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_011; screen_text = "As long as you wear the Ring of Submission, you will be kept in line."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_012; screen_text = "Watch your step."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_013; screen_text = "You dare to touch me?"; } } [guard_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = what the guards say when they think you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_014; screen_text = "We are watching you closely."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_015; screen_text = "If you look like you are about to sneeze, I will kill you where you stand. Begone!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_016; screen_text = "If you think to infect me, you will die before you hit the ground!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_017; screen_text = "If I am taken ill because of you..."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_018; screen_text = "You dare to touch me? Take your plague-ridden fingers to the exile colony where they belong!"; } } [guard_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = Now that you are no longer a prisoner or diseased, they are nice to you :-) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_019; screen_text = "We're watching out for you, friend. If you get into trouble out there, just run back and my arrows will do their work swiftly."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_020; screen_text = "Peace to you, friend."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_021; screen_text = "Keep your wits about you. Anything could come out of the jungle."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_022; screen_text = "The attacks have been getting much less severe. Just what are you up to out there, friend?"; } } [historian_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Historian Arisu //---ColumnB--- = Arisu is probably the most intelligent of all the Dryads. She is in charge of keeping track of the history of the Dryads, but Dryads are notorious for keeping very poor records, so most of what she knows has been taught to her by the elf and Human visitors. She is very wary of you at first, as it is also her job to mourn for fallen Dryads, and is worn out after the battle. The oldest Dryad, in her 50s. This set of dialogue is REALLY long and probably should be broken up between multiple NPCS -- perhaps given to ambient townspeople to spread it out more. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_001; screen_text = "I have heard a tale or two in my time, and can recite many stories of old. I am full of years, but my memory is still youthful."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,56"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_6] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_7] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_8] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_9] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_10] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, but I don't have any questions right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:isle] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_002; screen_text = "The island is quite large, and completely covered by jungle. There are many caves, most inhabited by various dangerous creatures. There is a much larger land to the northeast, where the Elves and Humans live. They call it Aranna."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle_2; screen_text = "This village suspended in the trees is quite impressive."; } } } [t:reply,n:isle_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_011; screen_text = "Greilyn's trees give us nuts and fruit, and its rivers give us water. We were happy and content here, until Valdis and his armies came to harass us."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_2] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_3] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_4] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_5] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:dryads] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_003; screen_text = "We Dryads have lived on this island for many generations. The Elves tell us that we were created during an ancient magical storm of sorts, long ago. I do not know if that is true, but they also tell us that much of the mainland is a desert; we must live among the trees, so perhaps our mystical friends are correct."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = dryads_2; screen_text = "Do you have contact with anyone else?"; } } } [t:reply,n:dryads_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_012; screen_text = "My sister Dryads trade with the Elves and Men. Our carvings and weavings are in demand, and we receive in return objects of metal and magical texts. Of late they have been teaching us smithing, a dangerous art for those who live in a city of trees."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_3] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_4] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_5] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:Eirulan] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_004; screen_text = "Eirulan was built in the time of my mother's mother. Before that, our people lived among the ancient ruins in the jungle. Something was causing the jungle creatures to become more dangerous, so we sought to build homes in trees where we could be safe. Our first attempts were disastrous, but soon the Elves came to us and offered their help."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = Eirulan_2; screen_text = "Why did you choose to build your city here? It seems to be in the middle of nowhere."; } } } [t:reply,n:Eirulan_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_013; screen_text = "We chose this location because it is near a sacred water source, and it is near the Temple of the Coast, which the Elves say is important. The temple was built long ago to hold an ancient artifact of great power. The Elves have an artifact that is much like it. We tried our best to protect it, but Valdis was too strong for us. It is in his possession now."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_4] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_5] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:haku] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_005; screen_text = "The Hak'u have always been troublesome. Occasionally, they steal our food and throw rocks at our children, and one time they even set fire to Eirulan, although that may have been accidental. Mostly they keep to the deep jungle and play their drums in the bowels of the darkest caves."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = haku_2; screen_text = "You are certain they are harmless?"; } } } [t:reply,n:haku_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_014; screen_text = "Lately, they have become more bloodthirsty and have begun openly attacking our outposts. They never had the courage to do this before. I think that someone is goading them into it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_5] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:ruins] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_006; screen_text = "Elven scholars used to come to our island in great numbers to study the ruins. They believed they were built by an Elven tribe that lived on Greilyn long ago. Of course, now that no one can go into the jungle without an armed escort, many of them have stopped coming. A few of them didn't want us to use catapults against the Morden armies, because we might hit something important in the shrine. I told them that my city and my people are more important than a pile of mossy rocks stacked by some long-forgotten Elf."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ruins_2; screen_text = "How did the Elves take the destruction of the shrine?"; } } } [t:reply,n:ruins_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_015; screen_text = "They were very upset when Valdis destroyed the Temple of the Coast, but I reminded them that if they had lent a few more soldiers to help defend it, the tragedy might not have happened. The Elves seem to be more concerned with the past than the present."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:skath] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_007; screen_text = "A Skath once came to Eirulan. He wore a strange golden helm, but I could see his beady eyes within. He wanted to inspect the artifact in the Temple of the Coast, to see if it was genuine. When I told him we didn't even know what it was, he said, 'It is better so.'"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = skath_2; screen_text = "What did you do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:skath_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_016; screen_text = "I took him to see it. The instant he laid eyes upon it, his fur stood all on end -- it looked rather funny. 'This is not what I was looking for,' he said. 'This object is far more powerful than that I am seeking. Guard it well and keep it a secret, for if those with power hear that you have it, your fate will be a dark one.' He went back to the mainland soon after that. I wonder what he was looking for?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_6] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:desert] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_008; screen_text = "The Elves tell us that Aranna is many times larger than Greilyn, and that the whole continent is a wasteland except for the forests they inhabit. The Azunite Desert is the part of Aranna that is closest to Greilyn, and it is a dusty place of thorns and rocks. Our Human friends come from there."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = desert_2; screen_text = "What else do you know about the desert?"; } } } [t:reply,n:desert_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_017; screen_text = "The Humans tell us that it was once part of the Empire of Stars, and is filled with old imperial roads. They use these roads for travel where they can, but many of them have worn away or were destroyed in the catastrophic event the Elves call Turmanar. The desert is also home to the Skath and many other creatures, mostly hostile."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_6] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_7] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:windstone] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_009; screen_text = "The Humans have built many fortresses in the desert. Windstone is one of these. They say that it is constructed within a narrow canyon, with defenses tunneled into the canyon's walls, and a temple to their goddess of war, Xeria, at the canyon's end. They claim that the fortress is completely impregnable."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_6] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_7] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_8] { reply = humans; screen_text = "Tell me about the Humans."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } [t:reply,n:humans] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_010; screen_text = "Our Human friends claim to be descended from citizens of the Empire of Stars. Their ancestors built great cities and fortresses whose ruins can be found all across the desert. The Elves, however, believe that the Humans now inhabiting the desert, come from Lescanza in the north. They say that the Empire of Stars was utterly destroyed in the Turmanar, which the Humans call the War of Legions. The Elves tell me that this is a deceptive name, and that the Empire's legions had nothing to do with Turmanar. I cannot say for certain; neither I nor any of my mother's mothers were there to see it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = isle; screen_text = "Tell me about Greilyn Isle."; } [choice_2] { reply = dryads; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of the Dryads."; } [choice_3] { reply = Eirulan; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Eirulan."; } [choice_4] { reply = haku; screen_text = "Tell me about the Hak'u."; } [choice_5] { reply = ruins; screen_text = "Tell me about the ruins in the jungle."; } [choice_6] { reply = skath; screen_text = "Tell me about the Skath."; } [choice_7] { reply = desert; screen_text = "Tell me about the Azunite Desert."; } [choice_8] { reply = windstone; screen_text = "Tell me about the history of Windstone Fortress."; } [choice_9] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have no further questions."; } } } } [historian_go_home] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Historian Arisu //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you are a prisoner i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_018; screen_text = "We lost many great soldiers, thanks to you and your wicked comrades. I have no wish to speak with anyone foolish enough to follow Valdis."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will take my leave, then."; } } } [text*] { i order = 1; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_019; screen_text = "Leave me be. Let me mourn in peace for my fallen sisters."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Forgive me. That is all I can say for now."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arisu_020; screen_text = "Guards!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "All right, I am leaving."; } } } } [hf_child_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Cecily //---ColumnB--- = A Human girl, about 8 years old. Ambient npc. Visiting from the desert. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Cecily_001; screen_text = "My da is in the tavern negoshimating. He told me to play outside."; voice_script_data = "Human,f,8"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Cecily_002; screen_text = "This place would be more fun if they let us go in the jungle."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Cecily_003; screen_text = "Want to play?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Cecily_004; screen_text = "I miss the desert. The captain says it's too dangerous for us there any more, but I'm a good fighter! My da taught me how to use a sword. He's the best swordsman in Windstone!"; } } [hm_child_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Eben //---ColumnB--- = A Human boy, about 8 years old. Ambient npc sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eben_001; screen_text = "Mama told me I could watch the blacksmith if I stay out of everybody's way."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,8"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eben_002; screen_text = "I want to be a blacksmith when I grow up."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eben_003; screen_text = "I'm already a good blacksmith. My Uncle Ajax showed me how to fix his gauntlet when it broke, and mama lets me sharpen her knives."; } [t:reply,n:z_old] { //---ColumnB--- = CUT sample = s_vo_npc_116_Eben_004; screen_text = "Mama said that if I'm good, she'll take me to see the waterfalls when she finishes talking to that Elf person."; } } [hm_prisoner1_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Male Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A captured male mercenary soldier, mid 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_013; screen_text = "Those filthy brutes left us on the field to die. So much for loyalty among the Morden."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,26"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_014; screen_text = "Better a living dog than a dead Dragon, I say. Besides, the Dryad women don't spit at you the way the Morden do, and they're a lot easier to look at."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_015; screen_text = "Thank Xeria I'll have another chance to fight again someday. Of course, it will be on the other side, next time."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_016; screen_text = "Better to have some employment than to sit rotting in a cell. It's a pleasure to work on these well-constructed walkways."; } } [hm_prisoner2_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Male Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A captured male mercenary soldier, late 30s. sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_017; screen_text = "How dare these wood wenches treat me like a slave? Would that Valdis had killed them all when he had the chance!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_018; screen_text = "I hate this wretched jungle; the dampness sucks the energy right out of me."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_019; screen_text = "Stop distracting me! I'm sure the sap-bloods will have some horrible punishment awaiting if I don't repair this on time."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_020; screen_text = "I'm a fighting man, not a carpenter. I hope that warden ends up dancing on Xeria's spear!"; } } [hf_prisoner2_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Female Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A captured female mercenary soldier, late 30s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_001; screen_text = "How dare these wood wenches treat me like a slave? Would that Valdis had killed them all when he had the chance!"; voice_script_data = "Human,f,38"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_002; screen_text = "I hate this wretched jungle; the dampness sucks the energy right out of me."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_003; screen_text = "Stop distracting me! I'm sure the sap-bloods will have some horrible punishment awaiting me if I do not repair this on time."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_004; screen_text = "I'm a sword woman, not a carpenter. I hope that warden ends up dancing on Xeria's spear!"; } } [hf_prisoner_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Female Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A captured female mercenary soldier, early 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_005; screen_text = "If I work hard, perhaps I'll see Kalrathia again someday. Though it's very far away when there's no Dragon to carry you."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_006; screen_text = "I never should have signed on with the Morden. They promised so much, but it was all lies. Compared to working for them, this is paradise."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_007; screen_text = "The warden says that if I do what she says, she'll allow me to train with the Nature Mages here. I hope so -- the Dryads are world-famous for their Nature Magic skills."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_008; screen_text = "I don't think I'll ever join the army again, for anything. Perhaps I'll become a healer."; } } [innkeep_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = A Dryad. Completely out of touch, only cares about customers and money. Mid 30s. //---ColumnC--- = What she says when you are a prisoner choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_001; screen_text = "The battle has brought so many travelers, I can hardly find beds for them all! This inn is the crossroads of the island. If you ever lose a friend, chances are they'll end up here."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see if I recognize anyone."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I would like to increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am not looking, thank you."; } } } } [innkeep_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you have the plague choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_002; screen_text = "Sorry, no beds for plague victims! Please leave quickly. You'll drive off customers."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Not until I say hello to some former members of my party."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I would like to increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am leaving."; } } } } [innkeep_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says at all other times choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_003; screen_text = "Greetings! Are you here to meet someone? I've seen some adventurer types skulking about."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I would like to have a look at some of these skulkers."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I want to increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I must be at the wrong place."; } } } } [innkeep_buy_3rd_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you purchase an additional party slot. //---ColumnC--- = Do not record, ’It will cost X gold.’ sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_004; screen_text = "The Warrior's Guild pact states that one of your standing may add a third seat to your party roster, but you must be charged a one-time fee for it. Do you wish to add a third seat to your party? It will cost 500 gold."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_slot; screen_text = "Yes I do. Here is 500 gold to cover the fee."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "500 gold? Let me reconsider this."; } } } } [innkeep_buy_4th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you purchase an additional party slot. //---ColumnC--- = Do not record, ’It will cost X gold.’ sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_005; screen_text = "The Warrior's Guild pact states that one of your standing may add a fourth seat to your party roster, but you must be charged a one-time fee for it. Do you wish to add a fourth seat to your party? It will cost 1,500 gold."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_slot; screen_text = "Yes I do. Here is 1,500 gold to cover the fee."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "1,500 gold? Does the Warrior's Guild think it grows on trees?"; } } } } [innkeep_buy_5th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you purchase an additional party slot. //---ColumnC--- = Do not record, ’It will cost X gold.’ sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_006; screen_text = "The Warrior's Guild pact states that adventurers of sufficient standing may add a fifth seat to their party roster, but they must be charged a one-time fee for it. Do you wish to add a fifth seat to your party? It will cost 10,000 gold."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_slot; screen_text = "Yes I do. Here is 10,000 gold to cover the fee."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "10,000 gold? You may as well ask for a pound of my own flesh! Perhaps another time."; } } } } [innkeep_buy_6th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you purchase an additional party slot. //---ColumnC--- = Do not record, ’It will cost X gold.’ sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_007; screen_text = "The Warrior's Guild pact states that adventurers of sufficient standing may add a sixth seat to their party roster, but they must be charged a one-time fee for it. Do you wish to add a sixth seat to your party? It will cost 65,000 gold."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_slot; screen_text = "Yes I do. Here is 65,000 gold to cover the fee."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "65,000 gold? What does the Warrior's Guild do with all that coin? Another time."; } } } } [innkeep_cant_afford_party_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you choose to purchase a party slot but cannot afford it sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_008; screen_text = "I see from the way you're slapping your pockets that you don't have enough gold at this time. Come back later when you can pay."; } } [innkeep_bought_3rd_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the additional party slot is added choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_009; screen_text = "Congratulations! You may now have up to three members in your party. Would you like to see what adventurers are available?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Aye, let me review them."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I would like to further increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, not right now."; } } } } [innkeep_bought_4th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the additional party slot is added choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_010; screen_text = "Congratulations! You may now have up to four members in your party. Would you like to see what adventurers are available?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Aye, let me review them."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I would like to further increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, not right now."; } } } } [innkeep_bought_5th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the additional party slot is added choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_011; screen_text = "Congratulations! You may now have up to five members in your party. Would you like to see what adventurers are available?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Aye, let me review them."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = buy_slot; screen_text = "I would like to further increase the size of my party."; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, not right now."; } } } } [innkeep_bought_6th_slot] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when the additional party slot is added choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_012; screen_text = "Congratulations! You may now have up to six members in your party. Would you like to see what adventurers are available?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Aye, let me review them."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I would like to further increase the size of my party."; } } } } [innkeep_5th_slot_not_veteran] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you try to buy a fifth slot but are not in veteran mode sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_013; screen_text = "Very sorry, but the Warrior's Guild pact states that one cannot purchase a fifth party slot until they become a true Veteran."; } } [innkeep_6th_slot_not_elite] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you try to buy a sixth slot but are not in elite mode sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_014; screen_text = "Very sorry, but the Warrior's Guild pact states that one cannot purchase a sixth party slot until one is truly Elite."; } } [innkeep_max_slots] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you try to buy a slot but already have 6. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_015; screen_text = "Very sorry, but the Warrior's Guild pact states that six is the maximum party size any adventurer may have."; } } [innkeep_max_slots_mp] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you try to buy a slot but are in mp mode sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_016; screen_text = "Very sorry, but you already have the maximum party slots allowed in this game."; } } [innkeep_prisoner_mp] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = A Dryad. Completely out of touch, only cares about customers and money. Mid 30s. //---ColumnC--- = What she says when you are a prisoner choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_001; screen_text = "The battle has brought so many travelers, I can hardly find beds for them all! This inn is the crossroads of the island. If you ever lose a friend, chances are they'll end up here."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Let me see if I recognize anyone."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am not looking, thank you."; } } } } [innkeep_plague_mp] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says when you have the plague choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_002; screen_text = "Sorry, no beds for plague victims! Please leave quickly. You'll drive off customers."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Not until I say hello to some former members of my party."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am leaving."; } } } } [innkeep_base_mp] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Innkeeper Leni //---ColumnB--- = What she says at all other times choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Leni_003; screen_text = "Greetings! Are you here to meet someone? I've seen some adventurer types skulking about."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I would like to have a look at some of these skulkers."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I must be at the wrong place."; } } } } [merc_prisoner_male_wounded] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Male Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A wounded Human Male, sleeping in a hammock in Warden Celia’s house. Seems to be having bad dreams. Mid 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_021; screen_text = "... Morden scum, leaving me to rot... "; voice_script_data = "Human,m,26"; } [t:reply,n:z_old] { //---ColumnC--- = CUT sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_022; screen_text = "... zzzzzzzz..."; } [t:reply,n:z_old2] { //---ColumnC--- = CUT sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_023; screen_text = "... mmph... aaaugh!!... zzzzz..."; } } [merc_prisoner_female_wounded] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Female Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A wounded Human Female, sleeping in a hammock in Warden Celia’s house. Seems to be having bad dreams. Mid 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_009; screen_text = "... Morden wretches, abandoning their own troops... "; voice_script_data = "Human,f,26"; } [t:reply,n:z_old] { //---ColumnC--- = CUT sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_010; screen_text = "... groan..."; } [t:reply,n:z_old2] { //---ColumnC--- = CUT sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_011; screen_text = "... mmph... aaaugh!!... sigh..."; } } [merc_prisoner_female_standing] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Female Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A Human Female Mercenary, imprisoned in the cell next to the player. Mid 20s. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_012; screen_text = "Hello. Looks like we'll be here for a while -- might as well be friendly."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nice1; screen_text = "True. My name is -- I think some filthy Morden knocked me out during the battle."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I don't really feel like talking."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_017; screen_text = "These Dryads do not seem intelligent enough to keep a decent watch over us. I'm sure I'll be able to escape soon."; } [t:reply,n:nice1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_013; screen_text = "You and everyone else who got in their way. I suppose once they took the temple, they considered us expendable."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nice2; screen_text = "The temple... I saw... Valdis?"; } } } [t:reply,n:nice2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_014; screen_text = "Yes, that cursed Valdis! Now we're stuck in some tree, imprisoned by walking foliage. How dare they abandon us?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nice3; screen_text = "So this is the Dryad city?"; } } } [t:reply,n:nice3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_015; screen_text = "Ha, I suppose you could call it that. I've tried to tell them to let me out, but they're a stubborn lot. Oh, well, I can wait for them to see sense."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = nice4; screen_text = "Perhaps we can break out somehow..."; } } } [t:reply,n:nice4] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_016; screen_text = "Well... I doubt it. These blasted rings around our heads seem to sense our intentions even before we have thought them. The previous occupant in your cell threw his bowl at the guard, and was dead before it even hit the floor..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Hmm..."; } } } } [merc_prisoner_giant_standing] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Half-Giant Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A Half-Giant Mercenary, imprisoned in the cell next to the player’s. Mid 20s. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Half-Giant_Prisoner_001; screen_text = "As soon as I get out of here, these tree-dwellers will feel the strength of my sword arm!"; voice_script_data = "Half-giant,m,26"; } [text*] { i order = 1; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Half-Giant_Prisoner_002; screen_text = "Cowardly Dryads. They lost the battle, but they have no scruples about treating their prisoners like slaves."; } [text*] { i order = 2; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Half-Giant_Prisoner_003; screen_text = "Of course, the only prisoners those leaf-heads were able to capture were those of us that were wounded. Thank Xeria my constitution is strong, and I was able to recover quickly. Now I can rot in this cell standing on my own two feet!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Half-Giant_Prisoner_004; screen_text = "More jabber? Just leave me be."; } } [north_gate_guard_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Nen is an older Dryad soldier and a good friend of Celia. She is grateful to you and wants to see you rewarded, but doesn’t like disagreeing with Celia. Late 30s. You saved her from a cage at the first morden outpost. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_023; screen_text = "Don't let this calm fool you... it's not safe beyond these walls. It seems every animal has turned against us."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you for the warning."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_024; screen_text = "As long as our walls remain, all may seek shelter here."; } } [north_gate_guard_open_gate] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = says this when the gate is open sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_025; screen_text = "You are clear to leave."; } } [north_gate_guard_try_gate_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Says this if a party member other than the hero tries to leave (only the hero is a prisoner, but nobody else can leave either. Because we say so. :-) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_027; screen_text = "None may pass at this time."; } } [north_gate_guard_try_gate] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are a prisoner i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_028; screen_text = "Nice try, prisoner. No one's going to let you skulk back to your filthy Morden friends. Step back."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "You do have a point."; } } } [text*] { i order = 1; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_029; screen_text = "Look: the gate is big, sturdy, and exceedingly locked. Go do whatever it is you should be doing."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Pay me no thought. I am just admiring the view."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_030; screen_text = "How many times do I have to tell you? Get out of here before I start using you for target practice."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way. Farewell."; } } } } [nurse_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Nurse //---ColumnB--- = A Dryad who is nursing some wounded Dryad soldiers back to health in the infirmary. Depressed, and for good reason. Also very tired. Mid to late 30s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Nurse_001; screen_text = "So many dead... we must work to save those that can be saved."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "It is tragic, indeed."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Nurse_002; screen_text = "Morden weapons seem to have been designed to inflict painful, festering wounds. I only wish their weaponsmiths were less skilled in their deadly work."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Nurse_003; screen_text = "Please leave us to our work... if the wounded are to heal, they must not be disturbed."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Very well, I have no wish to disturb anyone."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Nurse_004; screen_text = "As if the Morden scourge is not enough, half of the town has shown signs of plague. We were forced to send the victims to an exile colony, else the infection may reach epidemic proportions. Such a horrible disease... and none seem to have any idea as to a cure."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Plague... I have never experienced such a thing. I pray I never do."; } } } } [elf_female_picnicker_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Emowyn //---ColumnB--- = This Elf is picnicking by the waterfall. She is in her late 20s or early 30s. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you are a prisoner sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_001; screen_text = "Do you want something, mercenary, or are you just making yourself a nuisance?"; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,28"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_002; screen_text = "I don't know how this town's keeping body and soul together after that attack."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_003; screen_text = "These Dryads are rather hysterical about the so-called 'plague' in the jungle. At least they have not closed this part of the jungle off -- yet."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_004; screen_text = "I suppose even a prisoner has a right to visit the falls."; } } [elf_female_picnicker_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Emowyn //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_005; screen_text = "I have seen the filth of Morden camps; I suspect this disease is something you contracted from your former commanders."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_006; screen_text = "You don't look ill -- at least, you look no worse than you did before."; } } [elf_female_picnicker_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Emowyn //---ColumnB--- = says this when nothing else applies sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_007; screen_text = "These falls are so beautiful. They remind me of Aman'lu, my home."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_008; screen_text = "Suilad, friend. Take care not to step on our feet, please."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Emowyn_009; screen_text = "This cool spray almost makes me forget the darkness of these days... I do hope my cousin is not suffering too much in the frigid air of Snowbrook Haven. He has been stationed there far longer than normal."; } } [dryad_picnicker_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Idari //---ColumnB--- = This Dryad is picnicking by the waterfall. She is in her late 20s or early 30s. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you are a prisoner sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_001; screen_text = "I was enjoying the view until you showed up."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,28"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_002; screen_text = "Stay downwind of me, prisoner. You stink of Morden filth."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_003; screen_text = "Go away, prisoner. One with your lesser intelligence could not tell the difference between a diseased gremal and a healthy one, I am sure!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_004; screen_text = "Who let you out of your cage? "; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_005; screen_text = "I've never seen the Ring of Submission do its work -- perhaps we could play a little game? "; } } [dryad_picnicker_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Idari //---ColumnB--- = says this when you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_006; screen_text = "Are you trying to infect the water supply? Go away!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_007; screen_text = "You've come the wrong way; the exile colony is down the other lift. To the south. Take your illness there!"; } } [dryad_picnicker_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Idari //---ColumnB--- = says this when nothing else applies sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_008; screen_text = "You look like you've been through some hard knocks."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_009; screen_text = "I have never left this island. I hear the center of the mainland is very flat and dry. Why would anyone want to visit something like that?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Idari_010; screen_text = "It's lucky the Elves are so wise. The Kingdom of the Northern Reaches is ringed by jagged mountains, taller even than the highest trees. We'd never have even met the fair folk without their magical portals that can move a person across such vast peaks!"; } } [shaman_base_2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mage Elenu //---ColumnB--- = Dryad; mixer of potions and distributor of spells. Late 40s. choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_001; screen_text = "Greetings, . Will you be needing any magical items to help you on your journeys?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,48"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I may indeed."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_002; screen_text = "You are in luck, ! Lumilla and I just finished brewing up a fresh batch of potions and spells."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "That sounds interesting."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_003; screen_text = "We must stand fast in the face of the rising darkness. What better way to prevail than with my specialty magic goods?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Intriguing. I will browse for a bit, if you do not mind."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Perhaps later."; } } } } [shaman_junk] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mage Elenu //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are a prisoner choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_004; screen_text = "What are you doing out of the prison ward? You should not be wandering around here."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I was wondering if I could purchase some of your goods."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Goodbye."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_006; screen_text = "Whatever errands the warden is having you run must be dangerous. I might have a few potions left I can part with."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Any help is worth considering."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I need none of your wares right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:sell_please] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_005; screen_text = "I suppose healing should be available to everyone, however unworthy they might be."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I will see what you have, but do not expect a tip."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind."; } } } } [shaman_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mage Elenu //---ColumnB--- = Says this when the Dryads think you have the plague choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_007; screen_text = "By my mother's mother! Not even my tonics can treat your infection. Buy what you will, but keep away!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "My thanks. I shall try to keep from breathing on you."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Never mind."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_008; screen_text = "Quickly now! Choose something and get out! It would not do for my customers to see you die within my very shop!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I will be quick."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "It is touching, your concern for others. Perhaps another time."; } } } } [shaman_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mage Elenu //---ColumnB--- = Dryad; mixer of potions and distributor of spells. Late 40s. choice = shop; i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_009; screen_text = "Greetings, friend. My potions are always brewed fresh, and in these troubled times, a new spell can always come in handy."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "I will have a look."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not now, thank you."; } } } [text*] { choice = shop; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Elenu_010; screen_text = "Please take your time browsing through my goods... I am sure you will not be disappointed in their quality."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = shop; screen_text = "Very well."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } } [taar_tower_quest_done] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Taar is a folklore expert. She loves investigating stories, and is intrigued by the player. She is very courageous and big-hearted. She is very young (18 or so), but strong and compassionate; she will grow into a great leader. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you have finished the Morden Towers quest sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_001; screen_text = "I hear that I am to set you free, ."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,18"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = set_free; screen_text = "Aye, please do."; } } } [t:reply,n:set_free] { //---ColumnC--- = Friendly tone sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_002; screen_text = "What a pleasure to be taking someone's ring OFF for a change. I imagine you've had quite enough of Celia."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = gear; screen_text = "Quite, but she takes her job seriously and does it well."; } } } [t:reply,n:gear] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_003; screen_text = "Here's what is left of your gear. Those engravings on your medallion are unusual. I have never seen anything like them."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = unclean; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:unclean] { //---ColumnA--- = Daci //---ColumnB--- = Daci is just a friend of Taar’s. She is very nervous because of the war and plague outside town. Says it low, like in a horror film. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Daci_001; speaker_name = "Daci"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_dryad4; screen_text = "Bite marks. Those are animal bites on 's arm!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,18"; } } [taar_tower_quest_done_give_gear] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Taar is a folklore expert. She loves investigating stories, and is intrigued by the player. She is very courageous and big-hearted. She is very young (18 or so), but strong and compassionate; she will grow into a great leader. Says this after Daci notices the bite marks above //---ColumnC--- = Sounds extremely concerned -- can say the first sentence under your breath, and then rev up -- the bad news is sinking in, and then you react. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_004; screen_text = "What... Oh no. Step back. Don't touch me!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_1; screen_text = "What is wrong? These are just flesh wounds, bites from animals in the forest."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_017; screen_text = "Go on! Your only hope is to drink from the Elven Fountain before the infection takes hold!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will not fail."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_1] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_005; screen_text = "Are you mad? Those animals carry the plague!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_2; screen_text = "I feel fine!"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_2] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_006; screen_text = "The plague is raging through the island. By the fates, you have it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_3; screen_text = "Stop! Be calm. Tell me what you know about this plague."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_3] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_007; screen_text = "Anyone who is infected with it is transformed into a murderous creature. Animals carry the disease in their bite, and you have been bitten! It is only a matter of time now."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_4; screen_text = "Do you know this to be true?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_4] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_008; screen_text = "Why would I create such a nightmare? Of course it's true!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_5; screen_text = "Where did this plague come from?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_5] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_009; screen_text = "They say the Dark Wizards created the disease to lay waste to Valdis' enemies!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_6; screen_text = "Who are the Dark Wizards?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_6] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_010; screen_text = "They are Valdis' greatest weapons! They're hundreds of years old and beyond evil. Long ago they turned to a form of magic so evil, it destroys those who use it. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_6a; screen_text = "How did it affect these Dark Wizards?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_6a] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_011; screen_text = "They are slowly dying. It is said that they even ingest voldane to keep the black magic at bay, which tortures them. They are horrible creatures, and they use their own suffering to fuel the wicked magic they cast. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_7; screen_text = "Can such creatures truly exist? It sounds like a tale told to restrain wandering children."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_7] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_012; screen_text = "It is no tale, for you live it! Please, you must leave before you infect us all!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_8; screen_text = "Surely there must be a cure!"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_8] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_013; screen_text = "Many have hoped that. Some believe the stories about the healing properties of the sacred waters within the Elven Shrine. Others accept their fate and enter the exile colony."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_9; screen_text = "I refuse to die, not after all of this. Where is this shrine?"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_9] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_014; screen_text = "I will not quench the hope that burns in your breast, . But be aware that many have tried to reach the shrine, and none have returned."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_10; screen_text = "Tell me where it is!"; } } } [t:reply,n:what_10] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_015; screen_text = "Travel past the Morden towers until you reach the Elven ruins. You'll find the shrine there. There used to be a shorter route, but it became overrun with the Hak'u, and we had to block it off."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_11; screen_text = "Past the Morden towers. Very well."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_11] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_016; screen_text = "Take this vial. Use it to hold the Elven waters... if you reach the shrine.\n\nHere are your things. Goodbye, . I weep for your fate."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Save your tears. When we meet again I will not have suffered the fate you fear. Farewell."; } } } } [taar_cure_quest_active] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are on the quest for the cure sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_018; screen_text = "Go on! Leave! Go to the Elven Shrine past the Morden towers if you cling to hope of survival!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am on my way."; } } } } [taar_cure_quest_done] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return from the dead, having made it to the curing fountain sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_019; screen_text = "! It's you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = returned; screen_text = "Yes, it's still me."; } } } [t:reply,n:returned] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_020; screen_text = "How can it be?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_1; screen_text = "I don't know. Perhaps you could tell me that."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_1] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_021; screen_text = "Then the cure works!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = taste; screen_text = "If you say so."; } } } [t:reply,n:taste] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_022; screen_text = "How did it feel when you drank the waters? How did they taste?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_2; screen_text = "Honestly, I don't feel much different than I did before I left. The water was very sweet though, like Elven honey ale."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_2] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_023; screen_text = "Then you are immune! The Elven waters have transformed you, against all hope!\n\nAnd you've saved us as well! There are so many Dryads in the exile colony."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_3; screen_text = "I am afraid I cannot help them. There was just the smallest trickle remaining within the fountain."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_3] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_024; screen_text = "Tell me it is not so! Dozens of infected sisters are living in exile!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_3a; screen_text = "It is possible that more of the waters will gather in the basin, but at the rate it was filling, a single vial would take weeks to fill."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_3a] { //---ColumnC--- = RERECORD sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_025; screen_text = "That will not be fast enough to save the infected. Oh, to come so close to the cure, only to have it snatched away. Fate is cruel this day."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_4; screen_text = "Well... I do have a small amount left in my vial."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_4] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_026; screen_text = "Then you must share that water with the exile colony!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_4a; screen_text = "I do not wish ill to your people, but I am weary. My only desire is to return to my hometown of Aman'lu."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_4a] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_027; screen_text = "The exiles never lifted a finger against you. They need you now. Imagine their suffering. You won't just stand by and let them die, will you?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = cure_done_5a; screen_text = "I am willing to hand my vial of Elven waters over to you to use as you will. This life of a mercenary, adventuring throughout strange lands -- I do not think it is for me anymore."; } } } [t:reply,n:cure_done_5a] { choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_028; screen_text = "But both destinations lie on the same road! To leave this island, you must take the portal on the far side.\n\nLeave by the south gate, then go into the southern jungle to the exile colony. Continue on to the Kithraya Caverns and through them.\n\nPerhaps I could accompany you as a guide?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "It would help to have someone along who knows the lay of the land."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "Only if you can hold your own in battle. What sort of skills do you have?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "I do not wish to expose you to the dangers ahead."; } } } } [taar_cure_quest_done_gsbeta] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Gamespy Beta endpoint //---ColumnC--- = NO VO, NO LOC i order = 0; screen_text = "This concludes the Dungeon Siege II Demo. Thank you for playing!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = play_movie; screen_text = "[end conversation]"; } } } [text*] { screen_text = "This concludes the Dungeon Siege II Demo. Thank you for playing!"; } } [conversation_taar_reject] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you reject her sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_029; screen_text = "I understand. If you change your mind, I will be here in town.\n\nPlease do not forget about the exiles."; } } [conversation_taar_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you accept her into your party sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_030; screen_text = "Together we will perform good works, ."; } } [conversation_taar_disband] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you disband her sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_031; screen_text = "Whatever you say. I'll be back at the inn if you change your mind."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "Farewell."; } [choice_2] { cancel = true; reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "[cancel]"; } } } } [conversation_taar_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have previously rejected her choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_032; screen_text = "Let me join you... I know you need help."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "You are right about that. Thank you."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "Are you skilled enough to survive the jungle? What sort of combat abilities do you have?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "No, I must continue without you for the time being."; } } } } [conversation_taar_disband_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have previously disbanded her choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_033; screen_text = "Make up your mind! Do you want me to come with you or not?"; } } [taar_colony_quest_active] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when the Dryad Exile Colony quest is active sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_034; screen_text = "The plague colony needs that cure. Head out the south gate, find the colony, and share the cure!"; } } [taar_default] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this when there are no quest or party-related circumstances (ie, when you are a prisoner) sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_035; screen_text = "Greetings, . Good to see you up and about."; } } [taar_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnB--- = Says this if the hero isn’t the one to talk to her sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_036; screen_text = "I am rather busy... please do not bother me right now, ."; } } [teacher_npc_default] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mida //---ColumnB--- = Mida (a Dryad) sits outside the tavern and gives you gameplay hints. Age anywhere from 20-50. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Mida_001; screen_text = "Greetings, . I have some secrets to share with you."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,40"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = secrets; screen_text = "Secrets? What manner of secrets?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Another time, perhaps."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Mida_002; screen_text = "Well, , are you ready to hear a secret?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = secrets; screen_text = "You have intrigued me. I am listening."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, thank you."; } } } } [teacher_npc_secrets] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Mida //---ColumnB--- = Mida (a Dryad) sits outside the tavern and gives you gameplay hints. Age anywhere from 20-50. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Mida_003; screen_text = "Have you noticed that all the creatures you have encountered are listed in your Journal? It's a great way to remember interesting things you've learned about them."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Is that so? Thanks."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Mida_004; screen_text = "Now take a look at your Compass Map. Notice how I show as a green dot? Interactive objects, like levers and doors, show as blue dots, and monsters show as red dots."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That is good to know, thanks."; } } } } [trainer_powers_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Champion Lanaris //---ColumnB--- = An Elven Champion who knows everything there is to know about powers. i order = 0; screen_text = "Greetings. I have fought many a battle in my time, and mastered the techniques of strategic power use. I will share my knowledge with you, if you wish."; voice_script_data = "Elf,m,45"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_1; screen_text = "Please, tell me more. What is a power?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now. Farewell."; } } } [text*] { screen_text = "Greetings. I have fought many a battle in my time, and mastered the techniques of strategic power use. I will share my knowledge with you, if you wish."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_2; screen_text = "Tell me what powers are again."; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_learning_2; screen_text = "How do I learn powers?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_select_2; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_use_2; screen_text = "Remind me how to use my selected power."; } [choice_5] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Tell me again about power recharging."; } [choice_6] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_about_1] { screen_text = "Powers are special abilities that can turn the tide of the battle for your party, but they require wisdom and strategic timing to use properly.\n\nSome powers deal extra damage, some stun enemies, some protect you in battle, and some call down tremendous energy that hurts everything it hits.\n\nEach power has three levels of strength, and each level requires that you know certain skills. Plan ahead by deciding what powers you want to learn, then teach yourself the required skills. Check your Journal Handbook if you need to remind yourself how to learn skills."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_learning_1; screen_text = "How do I learn Powers?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_learning_1] { screen_text = "Trainers such as myself teach you powers. Upgrading a power costs gold, but is well worth the investment.\n\nAsk us to train you and you will see a list of powers we can teach. Move the mouse over powers to learn about them, then LEFT-CLICK on a power to purchase training."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_select_1; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_select_1] { screen_text = "Use the Character Panel in the upper left of the screen to manage your powers. Open the Specialties tab of the Character Window by pressing P, and DRAG powers to the circular slots in the Character Panel.\n\nLEFT-CLICK on a power in the Character Panel to select it, and it will become highlighted. Your party's currently selected powers appear in buttons in the Power Bar at the bottom of the screen."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_use_1; screen_text = "How do I use my selected power?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_use_1] { screen_text = "To use a power, LEFT-CLICK its button on the Power Bar at the bottom of the screen. You will enter power targeting mode and the power targeting reticle will appear. A white glow will appear on the character who will use the power.\n\nWhen the targeting reticle is over a valid target, the reticle will turn red if that target is an enemy, and blue if that target is an ally. RIGHT-CLICK to fire the power at your target. LEFT-CLICK to exit power targeting mode."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Are there any drawbacks to powers?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_recharge_1] { screen_text = "After using a power, characters must recover their strength before they can use a power again. Powers have different recovery times based on their potency.\n\nA gray timer appears on a power when it is used, then slowly counts down while powers are recovering. When the timer is gone, that character's powers are ready to be used again.\n\nIf a character attempts to use a power before he has recovered, nothing will happen, and an error message will appear."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_2; screen_text = "Tell me what powers are again."; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_learning_2; screen_text = "How do I learn powers?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_select_2; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_use_2; screen_text = "Remind me how to use my selected power."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I need no training now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_about_2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE screen_text = "Powers are special abilities that can turn the tide of the battle for your party, but they require wisdom and strategic timing to use properly.\n\nSome powers deal extra damage, some stun enemies, some protect you in battle, and some call down tremendous energy that hurts everything it hits.\n\nEach power has three levels of strength, and each level requires that you know certain skills. Plan ahead by deciding what powers you want to learn, then teach yourself the required skills. Check your Journal Handbook if you need to remind yourself how to learn skills."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_learning_2; screen_text = "How do I learn powers?"; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_select_2; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_use_2; screen_text = "Remind me how to use my selected power."; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Tell me again about power recharging."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_learning_2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE screen_text = "Trainers such as myself teach you powers. Upgrading a power costs gold, but is well worth the investment.\n\nAsk us to train you and you will see a list of powers we can teach. Move the mouse over powers to learn about them, then LEFT-CLICK on a power to purchase training."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_2; screen_text = "Tell me what powers are again."; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_select_2; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_use_2; screen_text = "Remind me how to use my selected power."; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Tell me again about power recharging."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_select_2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE screen_text = "Use the Character Panel in the upper left of the screen to manage your powers. Open the Specialties tab of the Character Window by pressing P, and DRAG powers to the circular slots in the Character Panel.\n\nLEFT-CLICK on a power in the Character Panel to select it, and it will become highlighted. Your party's currently selected powers appear in buttons in the Power Bar at the bottom of the screen."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_2; screen_text = "Tell me what powers are again."; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_learning_2; screen_text = "How do I learn powers?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_use_2; screen_text = "Remind me how to use my selected power."; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Tell me again about power recharging."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:powers_use_2] { screen_text = "To use a power, LEFT-CLICK its button on the Power Bar at the bottom of the screen. You will enter power targeting mode and the power targeting reticle will appear. A white glow will appear on the character who will use the power.\n\nWhen the targeting reticle is over a valid target, the reticle will turn red if that target is an enemy, and blue if that target is an ally. RIGHT-CLICK to fire the power at your target. LEFT-CLICK to exit power targeting mode."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = powers_about_2; screen_text = "Tell me what powers are again."; } [choice_2] { reply = powers_learning_2; screen_text = "How do I learn powers?"; } [choice_3] { reply = powers_select_2; screen_text = "How do I configure my powers for battle?"; } [choice_4] { reply = powers_recharge_1; screen_text = "Tell me again about power recharging."; } [choice_5] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I'm not interested right now. Farewell."; } } } } [dryad_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = Dryads are, in general, flighty and ditzy. They are also fierce, aggressive warriors. They are good friends with the Elves, although the Elves frequently get frustrated with the Dryads’ silliness. Dryads are very interested in the natural world and in fighting. They have just suffered a great military defeat at the hands of Valdis, and therefore do not like you at all while you’re still a prisoner. Dryads don’t trust strangers, or understand other races very well. Ages vary from late teens to early 40s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_001; screen_text = "These Morden invaders are much more frightening than the trickster Hak'u -- even though the forest folk can't be trusted, at least they're small enough to throttle!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,30"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_002; screen_text = "Death is too easy a price for those who serve Valdis!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_003; screen_text = "I always thought that the sharp rocks lining our coast would be more than enough defense against invaders. It seems the Morden are as resourceful as they are ugly."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_004; screen_text = "It is said that Elandir, the leader of the Agallan Giants, used his own powers to grow the trees large enough to support this town. I think that is a nasty rumor started by the Humans to discredit the Dryad Nature Mages!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_005; screen_text = "The Morden are wicked and destructive creatures. They want to destroy everything in their path, including us. And you were fighting for them?!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_006; screen_text = "I don't know why they are letting someone like you run around uncaged. If I were the warden... well, just be thankful I'm not."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_007; screen_text = "We Dryads are a peaceful people. What did we do to deserve your attacks? We are only trying to preserve what is ours!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_008; screen_text = "Watch your step, prisoner. There are many creatures in the jungle who would sooner bite you than avoid you, Dryads included. Do not hope to find a friendly face there; the plague is not a respecter of persons."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_009; screen_text = "So many of our sisters have died; many were our greatest warriors. I wonder why the invaders do not press their advantage and attack Eirulan directly? Perhaps they are distracted by events elsewhere."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_010; screen_text = "Our friends on the mainland will trade for our weavings, but when trouble besets us, they are nowhere to be found. They promised they would send soldiers to help, but we've learned that their promises are worth nothing!"; } } [dryad_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = They say this when they think you carry the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_011; screen_text = "Ugh! Get away before you infect us all!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_012; screen_text = "What are you doing? Leave Eirulan, and take that disease with you!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_013; screen_text = "Get out of our town! Your infection may spread..."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_014; screen_text = "We maintain an exile colony for a reason! Go there, and stop risking all of our lives!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_015; screen_text = "Surely you were warned about the dangers of the jungle animals? Go back to the jungle before you spread your illness to the rest of us!"; } } [dryad_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = They say this at all other times sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_016; screen_text = "The mainland has been alive of late with flashes of light, and the horizon has been sheathed in smoke. Who knows what chaos is stirring there?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_017; screen_text = "Have you seen Greilyn Falls? It's to the east. Almost lovely enough to make you forget the war..."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_018; screen_text = "The Humans say that their land is dry and dusty. It must be horrible."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_019; screen_text = "No new travelers have come to Eirulan since the battle; I wonder why?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_020; screen_text = "We would not have our backs against the wall now had Elandir the Agallan led his Giants into battle all those years ago! But no, those haughty creatures would never risk their precious hides to become involved in the affairs of the mundane folk of the land."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_021; screen_text = "Legend has it that Xeria the warrior followed Azunai into battle against Zaramoth the Unmaker, the Emperor of the land. If she actually lived, I think she must have been in love with Azunai. The tragedy of her death certainly has not been forgotten by the Humans, who worship her as a goddess of war!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_022; screen_text = "Azunai the Defender was the first to set in motion the war that brought about the Second Age. I wonder, did he ever dream of creatures such as we Dryads being a result of his actions?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_023; screen_text = "If the plague has spread to the Kithraya Caverns, then the path to the eastern shore of Greilyn will be treacherous."; } } [elf_male_visitor_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Males //---ColumnB--- = Elf Scholars and warriors visit frequently from the mainland, to study the ruins on Greilyn Isle and to teach high-level skills to the Dryads. They are not yet angry at Valdis, and therefore are ambivalent to you. sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_001; screen_text = "If these Dryads had applied themselves and fought with skill, the Aegis would still be in our hands! How could they have been so foolish as to have let Valdis capture it?"; voice_script_data = "Elf,m,30"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_002; screen_text = "Your face is familiar. Are you from Aman'lu?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_003; screen_text = "The proprietress of the tavern is crafty. Dryads do not make or drink wine, but they import Elven vintages and then sell it back to us here at a higher price. I admire such bold innovation."; } } [elf_male_visitor_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Males //---ColumnB--- = They say this when the Dryads think you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_004; screen_text = "You're going to find an ancient Elven Shrine, are you? The Dryads should have told we Elves about it, so we could study it."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_005; screen_text = "You don't appear to have any disease symptoms. If those Dryads are as poor with medicine as they are with history, you probably have nothing to worry about."; } [text*] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_003; screen_text = "The proprietress of the tavern is crafty. Dryads do not make or drink wine, but they import Elven vintages and then sell it back to us here at a higher price. I admire such bold innovation."; } } [elf_male_visitor_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Males //---ColumnB--- = They say this at all other times sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_006; screen_text = "There is reported to be a bas-relief on one of the jungle ruins, dating back to the cataclysm. I have heard that it is a picture of Elandir leading the Agallans into the mountains. If they had not refused to take sides in that war, the cataclysm might not have occurred."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_003; screen_text = "The proprietress of the tavern is crafty. Dryads do not make or drink wine, but they import Elven vintages and then sell it back to us here at a higher price. I admire such bold innovation."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_007; screen_text = "Legend has it that both Dryads and the Hak'u were created during the cataclysm. That the Dryads will snarl at you if you mention such a relationship does not mean it is not true."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_008; screen_text = "The Dryads speak of a terrible disease raging in the jungle. Something seems wrong about that, although I can not say just what. The humidity of this place clouds my vision."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_211_Visiting_Elf_Males_009; screen_text = "Dryads are normally a rather pleasant people, if you can overlook their fondness for heights. Like the Elves, they admire beauty in craftsmanship, although there is a certain rudimentary simplicity to all they create."; } } [elf_female_visitor_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Females //---ColumnB--- = Elf Scholars and warriors visit frequently from the mainland, to study the ruins on Greilyn Isle and to teach high-level skills to the Dryads. They are not yet angry at Valdis, and therefore are ambivalent to you. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_001; screen_text = "I don't know how this town's keeping body and soul together after that attack."; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,30"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_002; screen_text = "If Elandir the Agallan had known these Dryad creatures would have arisen from Turmanar, the cataclysm of the Sword and Shield, I wonder if he would still have refused to take part in the battle?"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_003; screen_text = "The Dryads speak of a terrible disease raging in the jungle. Something seems wrong about that, although I can not say just what. The humidity of this place clouds my vision."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_004; screen_text = "These tree folk seem to treat their prisoners well. You don't look like you're suffering much."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_005; screen_text = "Though this is a Dryad city, it was built using Elven methods. We have taught these young creatures well."; } } [elf_female_visitor_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Females //---ColumnB--- = They say this when the Dryads think you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_006; screen_text = "I do not sense any illness in you, but the Dryads know the diseases of their island better than I. Please stay back, just in case."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_007; screen_text = "I have seen the filth of Morden camps. I suspect this disease is something you contracted from your former commanders."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_008; screen_text = "It is said that the Vai'kesh's sorry state began with a strange illness. I wonder..."; } } [elf_female_visitor_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Elf Females //---ColumnB--- = They say this at all other times sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_009; screen_text = "Greilyn Isle is covered with ruins built by the ancient Elves. We come here to study the handiwork of our ancestors."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_010; screen_text = "Xeria, the Human warrior goddess, was said to have martyred herself to save Azunai's life. Poor girl... I suppose she could not have known that had she only gone to the Elves, we could have dispelled the Seck mage's enchantment without any bloodshed."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_011; screen_text = "The Elves who lived on this island, long ago, left it to fight in the war between Azunai and Zaramoth. Of course, their sacrifice was all for nothing, since Elandir convinced the rest of the Agallans not to fight."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_012; screen_text = "Suilad. I wish you good fortune on your journey."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Elf_Females_013; screen_text = "There are secrets to be found out there in the jungle, if you only open your eyes."; } } [human_male_visitor_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Males //---ColumnB--- = Humans are very warlike, and are visiting Greilyn to teach martial arts to the Dryads and to find out what the Morden are doing (since the Humans are having a few Morden problems of their own). The Humans in Eirulan come from the Western desert on the mainland, where they scrape out a meager existence. They are very proud. //---ColumnC--- = They say this when you are a prisoner sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_001; screen_text = "So what's your story, stranger? On second thought, I'm not really that interested."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,30"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_002; screen_text = "You seem filled with the light of Xeria, mercenary."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = xeria; screen_text = "Xeria? Should I know that name?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, I think."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_007; screen_text = "I cannot fault these Dryads for barricading themselves in the village; I do not want to leave here myself, what with such a terrible sickness spreading like wildfire out there!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_008; screen_text = "Valdis takes our youths, then sends them to fight against our friends! Curse him!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_009; screen_text = "Were the ancient Empire of Stars still around, this kind of monstrosity would never be allowed! Attacking a defenseless island, where's the honor in that?"; } [t:reply,n:xeria] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_003; screen_text = "What?! You do not know of Xeria?!\n\nA thousand years ago, in what historians call the First Age, Azunai the Defender rose up against Zaramoth the Unmaker and led his people in battle to escape the yoke of tyranny. Xeria served as a mere outrider in the van of his army..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue; screen_text = "Please go on..."; } } } [t:reply,n:continue] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_004; screen_text = "Legends say that she crept up on Zaramoth's army of Seck infidels; close enough to overhear a plan that surely would have ended Azunai's rebellion then and there. Well, she bade one of her companions to make haste to Azunai's camp and warn him before it was too late. It seems that the lovely creature who had recently entered his company and with whom he seemed quite taken was actually a Seck in disguise!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue_2; screen_text = "What happened to Xeria?"; } } } [t:reply,n:continue_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_005; screen_text = "With the warning dispatched, Xeria herself rode full into the center of the enemy's encampment. By the time she reached their mages' tent, it is said that she was riddled with arrows and worse. Alive by sheer will alone, she slaughtered every mage in the tent that night before they brought her down."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = happened; screen_text = "That is quite a story."; } } } [t:reply,n:happened] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_006; screen_text = "Indeed. When the last Seck mage died, the enchantment was dispelled, and all could see the true nature of Azunai's paramour. And just in time, too -- a few more minutes, and she would have slit his throat!\n\nWe will never forget Xeria's bravery and sacrifice. If she had not acted, you and I would surely not be here today."; } } [human_male_visitor_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Males //---ColumnB--- = They say this when the Dryads think you have the plague //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_001; screen_text = "So what's your story, stranger? On second thought, I'm not really that interested."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_010; screen_text = "Sick, eh? Well, don't give it to me."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_011; screen_text = "Go away, you. I have no wish to acquire a wretched jungle illness."; } } [human_male_visitor_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Males //---ColumnB--- = They say this at all other times sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_012; screen_text = "The important thing is to fight! Any situation can be improved with some good swordplay."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_013; screen_text = "I wish the soldiers from Windstone Fortress would arrive and give us an escort home. At least there's plenty of ale to keep us occupied."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_014; screen_text = "You seem filled with the light of Xeria, friend."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = xeria; screen_text = "Xeria? Should I know that name?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, I am feeling very well today."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_015; screen_text = "My cousins probably brewed the ale served by the Dryads, but I pay five times as much for it here as I would at home."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_016; screen_text = "These Dryads are the least friendly bunch I've ever met. The same cannot be said of the fair Elves of Aman'lu!"; } [t:reply,n:xeria] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_003; screen_text = "What?! You do not know of Xeria?!\n\nA thousand years ago, in what historians call the First Age, Azunai the Defender rose up against Zaramoth the Unmaker and led his people in battle to escape the yoke of tyranny. Xeria served as a mere outrider in the van of his army."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue; screen_text = "Please go on..."; } } } [t:reply,n:continue] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_004; screen_text = "Legends say that she crept up on Zaramoth's army of Seck infidels; close enough to overhear a plan that surely would have ended Azunai's rebellion then and there. Well, she bade one of her companions to make haste to Azunai's camp and warn him before it was too late. It seems that the lovely creature who had recently entered his company and with whom he seemed quite taken was actually a Seck in disguise!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue_2; screen_text = "What happened to Xeria?"; } } } [t:reply,n:continue_2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_005; screen_text = "With the warning dispatched, Xeria herself rode full into the center of the enemy's encampment. By the time she reached their mages' tent, it is said that she was riddled with arrows and worse. Alive by sheer will alone, she slaughtered every mage in the tent that night before they brought her down."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = happened; screen_text = "That is quite a story."; } } } [t:reply,n:happened] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Males_006; screen_text = "Indeed. When the last Seck mage died, the enchantment was dispelled, and all could see the true nature of Azunai's paramour. And just in time, too -- a few more minutes, and she would have slit his throat!\n\nWe will never forget Xeria's bravery and sacrifice. If she had not acted, you and I would surely not be here today."; } } [human_female_visitor_prisoner] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Females //---ColumnB--- = Humans are very warlike, and are visiting Greilyn to teach martial arts to the Dryads and to find out what the Morden are doing (since the Humans are having a few Morden problems of their own). The Humans in Eirulan come from the Western desert and Northern snowfields on the mainland, where they scrape out a meager existence. They are very proud. Humans are the most rugged race, and they’ve had to work the hardest to survive. //---ColumnC--- = They say this when you are a prisoner sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_001; screen_text = "If Valdis had the nerve to attack OUR home, we'd soon stop him! Of course, the Northern Reaches are much better defended than that empty beach."; voice_script_data = "Human,f,30"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_002; screen_text = "You mercenaries disgust me. If Valdis gave the order, you'd attack your own people!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_003; screen_text = "I cannot fault these Dryads for barricading themselves in the village. I do not want to leave, either, with such a terrible sickness spreading like wildfire out there!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_004; screen_text = "You seem filled with the Light of Xeria, mercenary."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = xeria; screen_text = "Xeria? Should I know that name?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, I am feeling very well today."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_006; screen_text = "I should return home, soon. Now that that artifact is gone, the Morden don't have any reason to stay on this island. Do they?"; } [t:reply,n:xeria] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_005; screen_text = "What?! You do not know of Xeria?!\n\nA thousand years ago, in what historians call the First Age, Azunai the Defender rose up against Zaramoth the Unmaker and led his people in battle to escape the yoke of tyranny. Xeria served as a mere outrider in the van of his army."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue; screen_text = "Please go on..."; } } } [t:reply,n:continue] { //---ColumnC--- = CHANGED sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_007; screen_text = "Legends say that she crept up on Zaramoth's army of Seck infidels; close enough to overhear a plan that surely would have ended Azunai's rebellion then and there. Well, she bade one of her companions to make haste to Azunai's camp and warn him before it was too late. It seems that the lovely creature who had recently entered his company and with whom he seemed quite taken, was actually a Seck in disguise!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue_2; screen_text = "What happened to Xeria?"; } } } [t:reply,n:continue_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_008; screen_text = "With the warning dispatched, Xeria herself rode full into the center of the enemy's encampment. By the time she reached their mages' tent, it is said that she was riddled with arrows and worse. Alive by sheer will alone, she slaughtered every mage in that tent that night before they brought her down."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = happened; screen_text = "That is quite a story."; } } } [t:reply,n:happened] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_009; screen_text = "Indeed. When the last Seck mage died, the enchantment was dispelled, and all could see the true nature of Azunai's paramour. And just in time, too -- a few more minutes, and she would have slit his throat!\n\nI will never forget Xeria's bravery and sacrifice. If she had not acted, you and I would surely not be here today."; } } [human_female_visitor_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Females //---ColumnB--- = They say this when you have the plague sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_010; screen_text = "The Dryads say you have some disease! Maybe that explains why you joined Valdis -- you were feverish."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_011; screen_text = "I'm not taking any chances. Leave me alone until the Dryads say you're better."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_012; screen_text = "Go away, you. I have no wish to spend my days rotting in an exile colony."; } } [human_female_visitor_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Visiting Human Females //---ColumnB--- = They say this at all other times sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_013; screen_text = "This island was once a vassal of the great Empire of Stars, but we, its descendants, lack the strength to reclaim it. And we have no wish to fight the Dryads."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_014; screen_text = "The Dryads are competent warriors, but their troops lack discipline. That's the problem with such flighty creatures."; } [text*] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_015; screen_text = "You seem filled with the light of Xeria, friend."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = xeria; screen_text = "Xeria? Should I know that name?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you, I am feeling very well today."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_016; screen_text = "I haven't heard anything from my kinsmen at Windstone Fortress for some time. I wonder how they are faring? Most likely they are too hot to write, or the desert beetles have gotten to their paper again."; } [t:reply,n:xeria] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_005; screen_text = "What?! You do not know of Xeria?!\n\nA thousand years ago, in what historians call the First Age, Azunai the Defender rose up against Zaramoth the Unmaker and led his people in battle to escape the yoke of tyranny. Xeria served as a mere outrider in the van of his army."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue; screen_text = "Please go on..."; } } } [t:reply,n:continue] { //---ColumnC--- = CHANGED sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_007; screen_text = "Legends say that she crept up on Zaramoth's army of Seck infidels; close enough to overhear a plan that surely would have ended Azunai's rebellion then and there. Well, she bade one of her companions to make haste to Azunai's camp and warn him before it was too late. It seems that the lovely creature who had recently entered his company and with whom he seemed quite taken, was actually a Seck in disguise!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = continue_2; screen_text = "What happened to Xeria?"; } } } [t:reply,n:continue_2] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_008; screen_text = "With the warning dispatched, Xeria herself rode full into the center of the enemy's encampment. By the time she reached their mages' tent, it is said that she was riddled with arrows and worse. Alive by sheer will alone, she slaughtered every mage in that tent that night before they brought her down."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = happened; screen_text = "That is quite a story."; } } } [t:reply,n:happened] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Visiting_Human_Females_009; screen_text = "Indeed. When the last Seck mage died, the enchantment was dispelled, and all could see the true nature of Azunai's paramour. And just in time, too -- a few more minutes, and she would have slit his throat!\n\nI will never forget Xeria's bravery and sacrifice. If she had not acted, you and I would surely not be here today."; } } [prisoner2_example] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Female Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A female prisoner working, not far from the prisoner ward. Says this during the opening NIS to urge the male prisoner next to her to go after celia i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Female_Merc_Prisoner_018; screen_text = "Female Prisoner: Blasted Dryads! Quickly, Oraym, while she's talking to that Elf. Now's your chance!"; scroll_rate = 4; voice_script_data = "Human,f,28"; } } [prisoner_example] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Male Mercenary Prisoner //---ColumnB--- = A male prisoner working near the prisoner ward. Says this during the NIS as he runs to attack Celia, who’s back is turned i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_111_Male_Mercenary_024; screen_text = "Male Prisoner: AAAAUUUGHGGHG! "; scroll_rate = 4; voice_script_data = "Human,m,28"; } } [amren_example_warning] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Amren //---ColumnB--- = Amren is an Elven mystic who spends much of his time traveling and giving advice. He will eventually offer to join your party in act 2. The Dryads respect him a huge amount as does Celia. //---ColumnC--- = Says this during the NIS when the male prisoner above rushes at celia’s back i order = 0; sample = s_vo_par_116_Amren_002; screen_text = "Amren: Celia, look out!"; scroll_rate = 4; } } [warden_example_1] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Celia is a Dryad Guard Captain who has been put in charge of the Prisoners of war that were captured during the beach battle. She is competent, but incredibly stubborn, and doesn’t like you. She needs some things done, however, and since you’re one of the only prisoners that aren’t horribly wounded, she puts you to work. Also, Amren put in a good word for you, and she respects him highly. Very difficult to earn her trust or respect. Late 30s. //---ColumnC--- = Says this after the attacking prisoner is choked to death by the ’mark of the prisoner’ he wears around his neck. Still in the NIS i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_016; screen_text = "Warden: Foul creature! I warned him what would happen if he attempted to harm a Dryad. There can be no hope for these types!"; scroll_rate = 4; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; } } [amren_example_1] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Amren //---ColumnB--- = Conversation between Celia & Amren during the nis continued i order = 0; sample = s_vo_par_116_Amren_003; screen_text = "Amren: Do not be so hasty, Celia. Some of these prisoners have roles to play yet -- I have seen it. This poor soul here, for example. I know this one can be trusted."; scroll_rate = 4; duration = 9; } } [warden_example_2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Conversation between Celia & Amren during the nis continued i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_017; screen_text = "Warden: I do not know, Amren. Given arms, that mercenary could well kill us all. The entire village is endangered."; scroll_rate = 4; duration = 5; } } [amren_example_2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Amren //---ColumnB--- = Conversation between Celia & Amren during the nis continued i order = 0; sample = s_vo_par_116_Amren_004; screen_text = "Amren: As a personal favor to me, please give this prisoner a chance."; scroll_rate = 4; duration = 19; } } [warden_example_3] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Conversation between Celia & Amren during the nis continued i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_018; screen_text = "Warden: As you wish, my friend. I hope you are able to find that which you seek."; scroll_rate = 4; duration = 3; } } [amren_example_4] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Amren //---ColumnB--- = Conversation between Celia & Amren during the nis continued i order = 0; sample = s_vo_par_116_Amren_169; screen_text = "Amren: Namarie, mellonamin. Till next we meet."; scroll_rate = 4; duration = 19; } } [warden_task_quest_assign] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this at the end of the NIS; she ends up outside your cell door. Assigns the Prisoner of War quest //---ColumnC--- = Emphasis on "I." sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_019; screen_text = "Amren the Elf seems to trust you. I trust only the Ring of Submission around your neck, prisoner."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where_sword; screen_text = "Prisoner? Is that what I am now?"; } } } [t:reply,n:where_sword] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_020; screen_text = "Our troops found you on the battlefield. You are lucky they found you alive, unlike the blue-haired Elf."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = warden_banter_1; screen_text = "Drevin is dead? He must have foreseen this. Where are my things? My medallion..."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_banter_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_022; screen_text = "You were fighting on the side of Valdis! You are an enemy to the Dryads of Eirulan, your friend is of no matter to me, and your medallion will remain property of Eirulan until you show where your loyalties lie."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = mistake; screen_text = "I have no quarrel with you. I merely followed orders."; } [choice_2] { reply = pays_well; screen_text = "I am not loyal to Valdis. My sword was for hire, and he paid well."; } } } [t:reply,n:mistake] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_025; screen_text = "It is my orders you will follow now, and you will learn to keep your head down and your mouth shut. I have a task for you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = work; screen_text = "What do you want me to do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:pays_well] { //---ColumnC--- = Angry. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_026; screen_text = "He can afford to. That monster razed our shrine to the ground and helped himself to our treasures. He grows richer by the day, as do soulless mercenaries like you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = valdis; screen_text = "When the coffers grow empty, ideals seem less urgent than an empty stomach."; } } } [t:reply,n:valdis] { //---ColumnC--- = Angry. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_027; screen_text = "Thanks to you and your employer, my village is stripped bare. The Aegis of Life is gone. But for some reason, Amren asked that you be treated mercifully.\n\nI have a task for you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = work; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:work] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_028; screen_text = "Go to the weaponsmith at the blacksmith shop. She has spared some sharpening stones for our warriors. Get them and take them to the Dryad outpost just outside the north gate of town. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more_info; screen_text = "Is this outpost you speak of the Temple of the Coast?"; } [choice_2] { reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well. With this ring around my neck, I suppose I don't have much of a choice."; } } } [t:reply,n:more_info] { //---ColumnC--- = Interrogating the player at the end. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_007; screen_text = "No, the Temple of the Coast held the Aegis of Life, a powerful relic from the First Age. This artifact gave us all the protection we needed.\n\nNow the Aegis is gone, stolen by Valdis. Tell me, prisoner, what does he mean to do with it?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = morden; screen_text = "I know only that Valdis has ordered the Morden to destroy everything in their path, in his search for a powerful relic."; } } } [t:reply,n:morden] { //---ColumnC--- = Barely contained fury. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_010; screen_text = "Valdis is growing stronger by the day, as is his army. The Morden mean to destroy our outposts, and then us.\n\nEnough, prisoner. Go get the sharpening stones from the weaponsmith and take them to the outpost in the northern jungle. If you do well, I might reward you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well. With this ring around my neck, I suppose I don't have much of a choice. That medallion is all I have left. I mean to have it back."; } } } [t:reply,n:accept_quest] { //---ColumnC--- = grim. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_014; screen_text = "Be thankful Amren spoke up for you. Take my advice, prisoner, and avoid the animals of the jungle. One bite from them, and you'll be riddled with the plague. Now go, and don't make me regret granting Amren's favor. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:bye] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard (cell door) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_046; speaker_name = "Dryad Guard"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_dryad-guard2; screen_text = "There are creatures that carry the plague right outside the town gates. You will not even reach the outpost without being able to defend yourself. Take this equipment. It may not be the same as your old things, but it will give you some chance, at least."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [warden_urge_player_1] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this when she is waiting for you to get the sharpening stones sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_003; screen_text = "I'm still waiting to hear that you brought the sharpening stones to the outpost. Now get going before I lose my patience."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = weaponsmith; screen_text = "How do I get to the weaponsmith, again?"; } [choice_2] { reply = outpost; screen_text = "How do I get to the outpost, again?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way."; } } } [t:reply,n:weaponsmith] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_011; screen_text = "Take the lift across to the Merchant Terrace. The blacksmith shop is inside the merchant shops building. You will find Weaponsmith Duma or her apprentice inside."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way."; } } } [t:reply,n:outpost] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_058; screen_text = "Take the lift across to the Merchant Terrace, then walk north to the north gate and take the lift down to the jungle floor. One of the guards will escort you to the outpost."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way."; } } } } [warden_urge_player_2] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this when she is waiting for you to bring the stones to the outpost sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_003; screen_text = "I'm still waiting to hear that you brought the sharpening stones to the outpost. Now get going before I lose my patience."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = outpost; screen_text = "How do I get to the outpost, again?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way."; } } } [t:reply,n:outpost] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_058; screen_text = "Take the lift across to the Merchant Terrace, then walk north to the north gate and take the lift down to the jungle floor. One of the guards will escort you to the outpost."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "On my way."; } } } } [warden_release_dryads] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you return to her instead of freeing the dryads at the outpost sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_033; screen_text = "What?! There are Morden at the outpost and my sisters have been captured? Well, don't just stand there! Go free those sisters if you know what's good for you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Very well, I am going."; } } } } [warden_morden_towers_find_tower1] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Urge convo for finding the first morden tower sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_034; screen_text = "Kirani reported that the first Morden tower is just past the outpost where you rescued her and the other Dryads."; } } [warden_morden_towers_prompt_burn] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = urge convo for burning the rest of the morden towers sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_060; screen_text = "Good work so far. Return to the jungle and destroy the remaining towers, if you want to see your medallion again."; } } [warden_morden_towers_burned] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return to her after burning all 4 morden towers sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_036; screen_text = "You're not dead!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = morden_are; screen_text = "No, but the Morden are. I burned the towers down. All of them."; } [choice_2] { reply = warden_2; screen_text = "I have done all you asked. Set me free."; } } } [t:reply,n:morden_are] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_037; screen_text = "I know. We saw the smoke."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = Kirani; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:Kirani] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_020; speaker_name = "Kirani"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_kirani; screen_text = "Enough, Celia. Set the prisoner free."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = nen; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:nen] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Nen is an older Dryad soldier and a good friend of Celia. She is grateful to you and wants to see you rewarded, but doesn’t like disagreeing with Celia. Late 30s. You saved her from a cage at the first morden outpost. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_013; speaker_name = "Nen"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_nen; screen_text = "This one deserves our gratitude, not our distrust."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = Kirani_2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:Kirani_2] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_021; speaker_name = "Kirani"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_kirani; screen_text = "Valdis' forces were on the verge of overwhelming us. I do not need to tell you of the cruelty they inflicted on our people."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = warden; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:warden] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_040; screen_text = "What will stop this prisoner from going straight to Valdis and informing him of the sorry state of our defenses?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = nen_2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:nen_2] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_014; speaker_name = "Nen"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_nen; screen_text = "This one has killed too many Morden. Valdis would never welcome such a person back into his army. The resistance is in desperate need of such a warrior! I ask you to put an end to this cruelty, Celia. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = warden_2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_2] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_038; screen_text = "Very well. I can see no reason to restrain you further. Somehow you have earned not only Amren's trust, but that of these two as well."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = warden_3; screen_text = "Then I will leave at once for my village."; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_041; screen_text = "Go to the great hall. There you will find a sister named Taar. She will remove your ring, and she will give you your things."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = warden_4; screen_text = "And my medallion?"; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_4] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_042; screen_text = "And your medallion."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = kirani_4; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } [t:reply,n:Kirani_4] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_022; speaker_name = "Kirani"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_kirani; screen_text = "You will now be more welcome in the village, I expect.\n\nTaar can help you on your first leg of the journey home."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = warden_5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:warden_5] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_043; screen_text = "Watch your step carefully, stranger. You know that I will."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = Nen_3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:Nen_3] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_015; speaker_name = "Nen"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_nen; screen_text = "Be on your guard, friend! Valdis will have heard of your attacks. He will want to exact his vengeance."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = info; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, I will keep on my guard."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_045; screen_text = "Take the lift across to the next terrace. Walk through the merchant shops building and take the southeast lift across to the Terrace of Wisdom. The great hall will be directly in front of you, and you can find Taar inside."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, I will be on my way."; } } } } [warden_goto_taar_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = urge convo for going to see Taar sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_035; screen_text = "If you want to see your beloved medallion again, go to the great hall and speak with Taar."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = info; screen_text = "Where is the great hall?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:info] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_045; screen_text = "Take the lift across to the next terrace. Walk through the merchant shops building and take the southeast lift across to the Terrace of Wisdom. The great hall will be directly in front of you, and you can find Taar inside."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "My thanks, I will be on my way."; } } } } [warden_plague] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = She says this when the hero has the plague. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_055; screen_text = "Keep your distance! I will not have you spreading your plague to my charges. Take yourself to the exile colony before you infect us all!"; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_056; screen_text = "Don't stand there gawking, mercenary. Leave Eirulan before you infect us all!"; } } [warden_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnC--- = She says this when no quest-related convos apply. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_001; screen_text = "Watch your step, mercenary. You may have earned the right to walk about Eirulan unfettered, but that does not mean I fully trust you."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I understand. Farewell."; } } } } [warden_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Prisoner Warden Celia //---ColumnB--- = Says this is someone other than the hero talks to her sample = s_vo_npc_116_Celia_002; screen_text = "Yes? If you are attempting to curry favor, , do not bother. I have seen the company you keep. Tell your leader to speak to me in person if either of you want something from me."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Understood, thank you."; } } } } [warden_bouncers_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = One of the Dryad guards in Warden Celia’s charge. Late 20s. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_031; screen_text = "Prisoners only speak to the warden."; } } [warden_bouncers_nowarden] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = says this when Celia is at the outpost sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_031; screen_text = "Prisoners only speak to the warden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = where; screen_text = "Where is the warden? I cannot seem to find her."; } } } [t:reply,n:where] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_032; screen_text = "Hmm... Warden Celia went to the outpost to locate you, prisoner. You had best find her in all haste if you know what's good for you!"; } } [warden_bouncers_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = says this when the hero is not present sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_033; screen_text = "Speak to the warden if you need something, ."; } } [Kirani_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani //---ColumnB--- = Says this if a party member other than the hero talks to her sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_002; screen_text = "It's been quite a day. How often does one get captured by filthy, murdering brutes and live to tell the tale?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,35"; } } [Kirani_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani //---ColumnB--- = Base convo if no other conditions apply sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_003; screen_text = "I thank you again for your help at the outpost, friend."; } } [nen_freed] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Base convo for if you talk to her and no other conditions apply sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_001; screen_text = "My thanks again for freeing me. I shudder to think what would have become of me had you not come to my rescue."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; } } [nen_morden_towers_burned] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Nen //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you talk to her and have burned all the morden towers sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_002; screen_text = "I fear it will be a long and bloody time before we are free of this Morden scourge. I feel as if the sun has gone behind a cloud."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Nen_003; screen_text = "I miss the peaceful days, when one could walk from one side of Greilyn Isle to the other without a care to the wind."; } } [Kirani_morden_towers_burned] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Kirani //---ColumnB--- = Says this when all of the morden towers are burned sample = s_vo_npc_116_Kirani_004; screen_text = "You've certainly convinced me of your worth. I wish you the best on your journey home, friend."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [Tola_taar_quest_give] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = A young Human, very fearful. Taar doesn’t respect her very much, since Taar is a skeptic and Arianne is gullible. About 16 years old. One of the Human soldiers sent to help the Dryads in the war. The jungle is so new and different to her that it affects her judgement. //---ColumnC--- = Says this if you talk to her with Taar i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_001; screen_text = "Taar! I hear you're planning on leaving the village! At a time like this? Are you mad?"; voice_script_data = "Human,f,16"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more1; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_002; screen_text = "Taar! You really should listen to me before you leave the village!"; voice_script_data = "Human,f,16"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more8; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_037; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I have no fear of any Morden!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_003; screen_text = "Morden are the least of your worries! There's a monster lurking in the forest!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_038; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "The Hak'u beast? Come, Arianne, that creature never existed."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more4; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_004; screen_text = "That's what everyone says. All I know is that it nearly killed us!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_039; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Are you sure you know what you're talking about?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more6; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more6] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_005; screen_text = "Listen! Katral and I were in the woods several weeks ago when we stumbled across its lair. I saw it! Teeth like blades, horrible eyes that pierced right through you -- it was terrifying! And it pursued us right to the town gates! We're lucky to be alive."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more7; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more7] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_040; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, the jungle heat has got the better of you. Do you really expect me to believe such a wild tale?"; } [t:reply,n:more8] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_041; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, this tale is just another wild fancy of yours. Can't you just accept that?"; } } [Tola_taar_quest_give_after_movie] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = Says this after the nis of what you think happened plays (shows some people getting chased by a huge dinosaur through the jungle) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_006; screen_text = "Why won't you believe me?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_042; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I will look into this, but only to prove you wrong, Arianne. For your own sake."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "Hmm... I'm not sure."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_quest; screen_text = "We do not have time for this. Come on, Taar, we must be off."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_007; screen_text = "They say it serves the Hak'u. It lives in a magical cave and it will destroy anyone that trespasses onto Hak'u sacred ground. It's such a vile beast that the Hak'u must sacrifice a living being just to call it up! They use a magical ceremonial blade to do the deed. And as soon as they call the beast, even they must flee because it will kill everything in sight."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_043; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "That sounds like the foolishness of a mind too easily swayed by a child's tale!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more4; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_008; screen_text = "Wait, there's more! There's only one way to kill the beast: by using a blade blessed with the magic of the ones who command it -- the Hak'u."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_044; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, you are living needlessly in fear. I will find this 'lair' and reassure you that there is no such beast."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more6; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more6] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_009; screen_text = "You will know the truth, but by then it will be too late! It will kill you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more7; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more7] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_045; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "It will do no such thing. And besides, there is nothing I like better than learning the truth."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more8; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more8] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_010; screen_text = "You cannot approach the beast's lair unprotected. If you hope to defeat it, you must first equip yourself with a magical Hak'u blade! The infidels have many camps in the northern jungle... I have heard their foul drums beating every night. Surely you will be able to find one of their blades in the ritual camps! I know of at least one ritual camp far to the North, near the river..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more9; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more9] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_046; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I will go, Arianne, but I seriously doubt I'm going to find either blade or monster."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well, we will investigate."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_quest; screen_text = "We do not have time for this. Come on, Taar, we must be off."; } } } } [Tola_taar_quest_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = says this when the quest is active and you do not yet have the blade sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_012; screen_text = "Please keep your eyes open and watch your back. That terrible Hak'u beast is not likely to ignore your passing, even if you are a Dryad and native to this island. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "Hm, do you have any more information?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thanks for the warning, farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_013; screen_text = "Just this: if the legend is true, you cannot approach the beast's lair unprotected. If you hope to defeat it, you must first equip yourself with a magical Hak'u blade found in their ritual camps! I know of at least one ritual camp far to the North, near the river."; } } [Tola_taar_quest_blade] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you return to her with the haku ceremonial blade i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_014; screen_text = "Ah ha! I see you've found the blade! I am not mad! There is a blade, and I swear to you, there is a monster as well! With horrible teeth, and worse breath, and a desire to do nothing but kill!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_015; screen_text = "If you are able to defeat the beast with that Hak'u blade, you will have saved us all! The beast chased us nearly to the southern town gates. Perhaps its den is nearby as well?"; } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_047; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Well, Arianne, I must admit, you were right about the blade."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_016; screen_text = "Taar! You have the power! You must take the blade to the forest and kill the monster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_048; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I will get rid of this monster, that is for certain."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more4; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_017; screen_text = "Excellent! Oh Taar, you're saving us all.\n\nWe had just set out into the southern jungle when we came across it. You will not have to go far, I assure you!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_049; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, I am only saving you from your own delusions. The beast does not exist and I will prove it to you!"; } } [Tola_taar_quest_beast] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = says this after you kill the beast sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_019; screen_text = "Well? Did you do it? Did you kill the beast?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_050; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "We killed... something in the forest. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_020; screen_text = "Did it have teeth like blades?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_051; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Yes. Yes it did."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more4; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_021; screen_text = "And piercing eyes?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_052; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I suppose you could say that."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more6; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more6] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_022; screen_text = "And a savage soul?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more7; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more7] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_053; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "It was quite aggressive, yes. It was also less than two feet tall. I took its head to show you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more8; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more8] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_023; screen_text = "THAT'S IT! Aaaah, it looks scary, even dead!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more9; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more9] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar //---ColumnC--- = RERECORD sample = s_vo_par_116_Taar_054; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, you described it as a big, vicious monster!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = tiniest; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:tiniest] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnC--- = Emphasis on "big." sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_024; screen_text = "I never said it was big -- just terrifying! Thank you for killing it. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more10; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more10] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_taar_174; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "Arianne, I don't think I'll ever speak to you again, for as long as I live."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more11; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more11] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_027; screen_text = "Ah, Taar, don't be angry with me. Please, take this, with my gratitude."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more12; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more12] { //---ColumnA--- = Taar sample = s_vo_par_116_taar_175; speaker_name = "Taar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Taar; screen_text = "I've learned my lesson. From now on, I'll let people believe any foolishness they like."; } } [Tola_taar_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = says this when you have completed the quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_025; screen_text = "My thanks again. I sleep so much better now that I know that horrible monster is dead."; } } [Tola_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Arianne (used to be Tola) //---ColumnB--- = says this if you talk to her with someone other than taar sample = s_vo_npc_116_Arianne_026; screen_text = "Take care in the jungle. There are horrors out there the likes of which you've never imagined!"; } } [hesla_base_a] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = An older dryad who, like most Dryads, hates hak’u with a passion. Hates them even more since they captured her daughter Tanzi. Was wounded in the struggle to save Tanzi and is resting in the infirmary. //---ColumnC--- = Says this if you chose to help the hak’u during the hak’u part 2 quest and thus taught her that blind hate is bad sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_001; screen_text = "It is strange to think of the Hak'u as creatures with problems of their own. I feel sorry for them, in a way, even though I do not think I will ever be able to forgive their treachery."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; } } [hesla_base_b] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_002; screen_text = "It is a good thing you did, , in killing those filthy Hak'u. I feel much safer already, and will feel safer still when they are all exterminated!"; } } [hesla_haku_quest_01_give] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you talk to her in the infirmary and do not already have the haku quest //---ColumnC--- = Sobbing, barely intelligible i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_003; screen_text = "Ohhh... My Tanzi, my poor lost girl... ohhh..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = tanzi; screen_text = "Why do you weep, lady? "; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_005; screen_text = "Have you reconsidered? Will you help rescue my daughter Tanzi?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_rescue; screen_text = "Aye, I will do my best."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now, I am sorry."; } } } [t:reply,n:tanzi] { //---ColumnC--- = groaning with pain sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_004; screen_text = "Ahhh... My daughter Tanzi... We three -- Tanzi, my sister Morain, and I -- were searching for survivors following the Morden attacks. She, Tanzi, was taken by those treacherous Hak'u. Morain looks for her still, but I have heard no word. Ohhh..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = haku; screen_text = "The Hak'u? Those little, masked forest creatures?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_rescue; screen_text = "I shall find your daughter for you."; } } } [t:reply,n:haku] { //---ColumnC--- = Speaking rapidly, breathlessly sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_006; screen_text = "Yes! Do not be deceived, they are vile fiends! At first, we gladly let them be, although they were mischief makers. But recently they have become more aggressive. They must have allied with those Morden brutes! Ohhh, my poor Tanzi."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = help; screen_text = "Aye, well, war does indeed reveal one's true colors. I am sorry about your daughter."; } } } [t:reply,n:help] { //---ColumnC--- = Desperate, pleading, voice cracking with pain and anxiety sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_007; screen_text = "Please, stranger, you seem strong and well-equipped. I beg you! Help me find Tanzi! Ahhh... I am wounded grievously, and my sister has never been very skilled in tracking. Tanzi will surely be killed if she is not rescued soon! Ohhh..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_rescue; screen_text = "Certainly, lady, I shall get to the bottom of this."; } [choice_2] { reply = refuse_rescue; screen_text = "I am sorry, lady, but I have urgent matters to attend to. Surely there are others here in town that can help you."; } } } [t:reply,n:refuse_rescue] { //---ColumnC--- = Despairing & anguished sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_008; screen_text = "Ahhh... Please, none will help; they do not believe the Hak'u are capable of such treachery. Those vermin will commit unspeakable horrors to her if she is not rescued soon! Ohhh..."; } } [hesla_haku_quest_01_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you choose to accept the haku quest above //---ColumnC--- = relieved but still anxious sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_009; screen_text = "Ohhh... Bless you, friend. I am sure they cannot have taken Tanzi far. There is a vast network of caves within the nearby cliffs. The closest opening is very near to town, but it is always closely guarded by many of the little fiends. However, when I was a child, I remember coming across another entrance once, in the dark jungle between the two old bridges on the ridge."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = help; screen_text = "I will do my best to find it, lady. Now, relax and set your fears aside."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_011; screen_text = "Hurry, please? The hidden Hak'u cave entrance is in the deep jungle. Search to the southwest on the ridge above, somewhere between the two bridges."; } [t:reply,n:help] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_010; screen_text = "My prayers are with you, friend. Please hurry. Tanzi must be terribly frightened!"; } } [hesla_haku_quest_01_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Urge convo for when you have the hak’u quest active but have not yet found tanzi sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_012; screen_text = "Hurry, please? The hidden Hak'u cave entrance is in the deep jungle. Search to the southwest on the ridge above, somewhere between the two bridges. Tanzi has never been away from me for this long. She must be hysterical by now!"; } } [hesla_haku_quest_01_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return to her after saving Tanzi sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_013; screen_text = "My thanks, ! Your bravery has saved my daughter. I cannot think of what might have happened had you not found her when you did! May all Hak'u rot forever! Please, take this with my gratitude."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = thanks; screen_text = "Thank you."; } } } } [hesla_haku_quest_02_give] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you talk to her again after having finished the haku part 1 quest //---ColumnC--- = Speaks rapidly, forcefully i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_014; screen_text = "Tanzi has told me of her terrible time with the Hak'u. If it happened as she said, and one attacked another, then now is the time to strike!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = strike; screen_text = "Strike?"; } [choice_2] { reply = refuse_hunt; screen_text = "I have done all I can for now. Perhaps another time."; } [choice_3] { reply = haste; screen_text = "I am in haste. What must be done?"; } } } [text*] { //---ColumnC--- = Speaks rapidly, forcefully sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_018; screen_text = "Please, you must help us and strike down the accursed Hak'u before they come for us in force!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = strike; screen_text = "Strike?"; } [choice_2] { reply = refuse_hunt; screen_text = "I have done all I can for now. Perhaps another time."; } [choice_3] { reply = haste; screen_text = "I am in haste. What must be done?"; } } } [t:reply,n:strike] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_015; screen_text = "The time to defeat the Hak'u is now! If they are fighting amongst themselves, they will be distracted and open to attack!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = tanzi_1; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:tanzi_1] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = A young Dryad who was captured by the Hak’u. You rescued her in the Hak’u quest. About 18 sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_008; speaker_name = "Tanzi"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_tanzi; screen_text = "Wait, mother, you are mistaken! Brave stranger, it is not as my mother believes. I was speaking to the one you saw when you arrived; his name is Hrawn, and you will want to hear what he has said before you obey my mother's wishes!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,18"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = tanzi_2; screen_text = "Hak'u have names? I would never have guessed. What did this Hrawn say to you?"; } } } [t:reply,n:tanzi_2] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnC--- = TEXT CHANGED sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_009; speaker_name = "Tanzi"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_tanzi; screen_text = "Hrawn is the son of the Hak'u High Priest! His father was overthrown by a Hak'u usurper priest, the very one who appeared in the cave after Hrawn freed me! Hrawn's father had always encouraged the Hak'u to live in peace with us, but the usurper is allied with the Morden! We need to help Hrawn's father restore peace before it's too late. He is hiding in a cave in the jungle."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = enough; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:enough] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_019; screen_text = "Tanzi, that is enough! Child, you have had a great trauma. You must rest now and leave these worrying matters to your elders.\n\n, you must seek out this Hrawn and the Hak'u High Priest and defeat them. The sooner the treacherous Hak'u are gone from the island, the sooner I can be at peace!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_hunt; screen_text = "Aye, I will look into this. It is a grave matter indeed."; } [choice_2] { reply = refuse_hunt; screen_text = "I am sorry, but I cannot at this time."; } } } [t:reply,n:refuse_hunt] { //---ColumnC--- = Ends with an insane, high pitched cry of frustration sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_016; screen_text = "What? But, you must do this! I will certainly go mad if the accursed Hak'u are not exterminated!"; } [t:reply,n:haste] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_017; screen_text = "The time to defeat the Hak'u is now! If they are fighting amongst themselves, they will be distracted and open to attack!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = haste_1; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:haste_1] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_010; speaker_name = "Tanzi"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_tanzi; screen_text = "No! It's all a mistake! Some of the Hak'u are good. Stranger, speak with Hrawn, the High Priest's son. He will tell you the truth!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_hunt; screen_text = "Hmm... Why would this child speak so if there were not something to it? I will get to the bottom of this."; } [choice_2] { reply = refuse_hunt; screen_text = "None of this concerns me right now. Perhaps another time."; } } } } [hesla_haku_quest_02_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you accept the hak’u part 2 quest above sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_022; screen_text = "Good. If Tanzi has not imagined all of this, you will surely find this Hrawn creature without too much difficulty. There are not so many caves in the southern jungle, but be on your guard all the same!"; } } [hesla_haku_quest_02_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are on the hak’u part 2 and have not yet finished the quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_023; screen_text = "Tanzi thinks that Hrawn creature can be found in a cave within the southern jungle, along with this father, the High Priest. Find them and kill them, before they kill us! I cannot rest until I see proof of their death!"; } } [hesla_haku_quest_02_complete_a] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return after having helped the Haku and killed the Haku Usurper instead of Hrawn and the High Priest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_024; screen_text = "You have returned! Please tell me that Hrawn and his filthy High Priest father are dead."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = truth; screen_text = "I did indeed kill a Hak'u priest, but not those of whom you speak."; } [choice_2] { reply = vague; screen_text = "All has been dealt with. Here is the headdress of the culprit. I must be going."; } } } [t:reply,n:truth] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_025; screen_text = "What?! Another priest? Explain yourself!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = tanzi_1; screen_text = "It is as Tanzi said. The recent attacks were led by a few Hak'u rebels. Most Hak'u are horrified by this and wish only to live in peace with you. I have dealt with the usurper and his cohorts. Rest assured that the Hak'u will be a threat to you no longer. I bring you proof -- the headdress of the usurper who kidnapped your daughter."; } } } [t:reply,n:tanzi_1] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_011; speaker_name = "Tanzi"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_tanzi; screen_text = "See, mother? You should not have been so hasty in judging them. Hrawn saved my life! Now do you believe me?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = explanation; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:explanation] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_027; screen_text = "Interesting. This is not far from what Tanzi herself has said, I admit. I did not believe her, but can you blame me? It was an extraordinary story, to be sure. But now, you too speak of Hak'u acting with honor.\n\nIn exchange for this headdress you have brought me and for your honesty, please take this special reward. I have learned much from you, and I owe you my gratitude."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = thanks; screen_text = "My thanks, lady. I am glad to have helped."; } } } [t:reply,n:vague] { //---ColumnC--- = Caught off guard by his abruptness sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_026; screen_text = "I see. Very well. In addition to my thanks, please accept this reward. You have my gratitude."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = thanks; screen_text = "My thanks, lady. I am glad to have helped."; } } } } [hesla_haku_quest_02_complete_b] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Hesla //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return after having either killed Hrawn and the High Priest or accepted their bribe sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_028; screen_text = "You have returned! Please tell me that Hrawn and his filthy High Priest father are dead?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = tanzi_1; screen_text = "Indeed they are. I bring you the headdress that the High Priest himself wore. You need not fear the Hak'u any longer."; } } } [t:reply,n:tanzi_1] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_012; speaker_name = "Tanzi"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_tanzi; screen_text = "Dead? But... Hrawn was my friend..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = dead; screen_text = "I am sorry, Tanzi, but you are better off without the possibility of the Hak'u attacking again."; } } } [t:reply,n:dead] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Hesla_029; screen_text = "Tanzi, be still. is right.\n\nYou have my sincere thanks, friend. Please, take this as a token of my appreciation for your efforts."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = thanks; screen_text = "Thank you. Goodbye."; } } } } [morain_haku_quest_02_get] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Morain //---ColumnB--- = An older Dryad. Hesla’s younger sister and Tanzi’s aunt. You came across her in the jungle being attacked by the hak’u; she was wounded and returned to town and to the infirmary. Racist as most Dryads, hates Haku. //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you have finished the hak’u part 1 quest but have not yet started part 2 sample = s_vo_npc_116_Morain_001; screen_text = "You have honored my family, friend. Speak to Hesla if you are willing to help us further."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,43"; } } [morain_haku_quest_02_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Morain //---ColumnB--- = urge convo for finding Hrawn and the High Priest in part 2 sample = s_vo_npc_116_Morain_002; screen_text = "Tanzi said the Hak'u infidels can be found in a cave within the southern jungle. Find them and kill them, before they kill us! "; } } [morain_haku_quest_02_good_work] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Morain //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have found and finished the haku part 2 quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Morain_003; screen_text = "Good to see you again, friend. Speak to Hesla if you have news for her."; } } [morain_base_a] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Morain //---ColumnB--- = Says this after the haku part 2 quest is compelte and you had chosen to help the haku and thus taught her that blind hate is bad sample = s_vo_npc_116_Morain_004; screen_text = "It is hard to believe that the Hak'u are not the evil vermin I thought they were."; } } [morain_base_b] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Morain //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have completed the haku quest part 2 and chosen to kill Hrawn & the High Priest or accept their bribe. IE, she has not learned anything sample = s_vo_npc_116_Morain_005; screen_text = "You are a hero indeed, . Those sniveling little Hak'u will be exterminated from this island, if I have any say about it. They make my skin crawl!"; } } [tanzi_haku_quest_02_get] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you talk to her after rescuing her in part 1 but before part 2 is active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_001; screen_text = "I thank you for coming to my aid, . I am not sure if Hrawn could have defeated so many Hak'u single handedly, but your presence seemed to scare them off in time!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,18"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = hrawn; screen_text = "Hrawn? What do you mean?"; } } } [t:reply,n:hrawn] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_002; screen_text = "Yes. He was the one who tried to save me from the usurper's knife when you arrived. They were planning to sacrifice me to their gods!\n\nI have been trying to convince my mother of what happened, but she is being stubborn again and will not listen."; } } [tanzi_haku_quest_02_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have haku part 2 active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_003; screen_text = "This is wrong. Please do not listen to my mother! Once she has made up her mind, she will not change it, despite what may or may not be true. But you... Please give Hrawn a chance to explain things when you find him!"; } } [tanzi_haku_quest_02_good_work] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you have finished the hak’u part 2 quest //---ColumnC--- = fearing the worst sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_004; screen_text = "Don't talk to me. I truly do not want to know what has happened. "; } } [tanzi_base_a] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you have the haku part 2 quest complete and had chosen to help the hak’u and killed the usurper sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_005; screen_text = "Thanks to you, Hrawn will no longer have to fear retribution from the Dryads. Perhaps I can even bring him here to meet my family!"; } } [tanzi_base_b] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tanzi //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you had chosen to kill Hrawn & the High Priest or accepted the bribe sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tanzi_006; screen_text = "Go away. I have nothing to say to you."; } } [escort_greetings] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = A dryad guard assigned by Warden Celia to take you to the Dryad outpost. Mid 20s. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_034; screen_text = "There you are, prisoner. Come along. I am to take you to the outpost. It is just ahead."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_035; screen_text = "Hurry now, the outpost is just a little farther ahead."; } } [escort_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = Says this if you talk to her and the hero is not present sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_036; screen_text = "Greetings. I am expecting a prisoner. If you see that recently captured Morden mercenary, tell the misbegotten fool that I do not have all day to spend waiting around!"; } } [deru_lothar_banter] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = party banter when you leave town sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_007; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "At last I've escaped that dreary tree-town! Finally on my way! Freedom, glory, adventure."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_007; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Lothar; screen_text = "Danger. Pain. Death."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_008; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "I see. You're going to try to explain to me that I don't know what I'm getting into!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more3; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_008; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Lothar; screen_text = "Something like that."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more4; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_009; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "What's the matter? Were there flies in your porridge this morning? Your attitude could sour milk."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more5; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_009; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Lothar; screen_text = "I know what lies ahead. I have no grand illusions. We go to greet the Morden."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more6; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more6] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_010; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "Morden! I've heard they're practically savages! I wonder if its true they eat their own dead, right on the battlefield!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more7; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more7] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_010; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Lothar; screen_text = "Oh. Yes. They have a regular picnic."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more8; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more8] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_011; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "Tell me more! Have you seen them in the act?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more9; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more9] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_011; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_Lothar; screen_text = "It is time for me to stop talking."; } } [laenne_give_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = Laenne is a crafty dryad in the second floor of the trainer hall. 45ish. She has traveled all over aranna and buys and sells relics and objects d’art. Once you are no longer a prisoner she will give you this convo i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenna_001; screen_text = ", I hear you have earned the trust of Warden Celia. Not an easy task, to be sure. You must be very capable to have managed it. I could use your help, if you care to earn some coin."; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = interested; screen_text = "Oh? Tell me more."; } [choice_2] { reply = ok; screen_text = "I could use a generous amount of coin. What do I do?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I am very busy at the moment."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_005; screen_text = ", I will reward you well if you would do a small task for me."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = interested; screen_text = "I may be able to help you. Tell me more."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, not right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:interested] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_002; screen_text = "I knew that would get your attention. I specialize in antiquities, you see. Before Greilyn Isle became home to the Dryads, Elves lived here. You probably have seen the ruins of their buildings in the jungle, yes?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = artifacts; screen_text = "Yes, I believe I have."; } } } [t:reply,n:artifacts] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_006; screen_text = "Well, as you can imagine, there are many rare and beautiful artifacts to be found, if one searches carefully enough. Oh, most are valueless fragments, in truth. But occasionally, if one looks in the right sort of spots, you understand, one can find a bauble precious enough to guarantee a comfortable future."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "Intriguing. I take it you have an idea where to look?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_007; screen_text = "Aye, friend, I am very practiced at finding the right places to look. Ply an adventurous type with a goodly amount of drink, or slip a generous amount of coin into the right hands, and one can learn all sorts of trivia. I will tell you what I know of a particularly valuable object, if you are willing to seek it out. I reward my treasure hunters very well, you know."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ok; screen_text = "Very well, I could use a generous amount of coin myself, these days."; } [choice_2] { reply = greedy; screen_text = "If this object is so valuable, why should I give it to you when I find it?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No thanks. I am not in the mood for bathing in dust and cobwebs right now."; } } } [t:reply,n:greedy] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_008; screen_text = "Still a mercenary at heart, I see.\n\nRest assured, you shall be amply rewarded for your efforts. Besides, only a certain type of buyer is interested in such objects, and those types buy only from me. I guarantee their authenticity, you see."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ok; screen_text = "Fair enough. Tell me where to look and I will do my best."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Forget it. I have better things to do with my time. "; } } } [t:reply,n:ok] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_003; screen_text = "Good choice. Now, listen closely. Beyond those ugly towers the Morden have built on the western ridge lies an ancient Elven Shrine. Inside, there is rumored to be a secret vault containing the Sapphire of the Elves. If the rumors are true, this is truly a relic of historical importance!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ok_2; screen_text = "And what is the trick? Most secret vaults are called such for a reason."; } } } [t:reply,n:ok_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_009; screen_text = "My sources tell of a secret mechanism you must discover to gain entrance to the outer vault rooms. Once you have done that, the inner vault itself is opened with a series of weighted rocks that need to be positioned correctly. I'm sure you can figure it out."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept; screen_text = "Hmm... I will take a look and see what I can find. Farewell."; } } } } [laenne_doesnt_trust] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = says this when you are a prisoner i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_010; screen_text = "Hmm... You are that prisoner Amren spoke of, are you not? Too bad, I could use the help of an honest mercenary. Ah well, so long as you wear that Ring of Submission, you would not be able to pass beyond the western outpost."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will not be a prisoner forever. Perhaps we will speak later."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_012; screen_text = "Well, , I hear Warden Celia has put you to work. When she's done with you I may have a job for you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Perhaps."; } } } } [laenne_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = says this when her quest is complete sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_013; screen_text = "The ancient Elves were remarkable craftsmen; their handiwork always fetches a handsome price."; } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_014; screen_text = "So many valuable relics from the past have been lost to the ravages of time... and to careless looters."; } } [laenne_quest_return] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = says this when you return after having found the sapphire sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_015; screen_text = "Ah, my treasure hunting adventurer has returned! Have you succeeded in recovering the sapphire?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ihave; screen_text = "Aye, I have it here."; } } } [t:reply,n:ihave] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_016; screen_text = "My friend! This is indeed a lovely specimen! I know just the collector who will appreciate it.\n\nYou have done well, . I promised you a fine reward, did I not? Well, you shall have it. This should repay you for your troubles."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = thanks; screen_text = "A pleasure."; } } } } [laenne_no_hero] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = says this if the hero is not present sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_017; screen_text = "Greetings, . I may have a job for you. Tell your leader to seek me out if you are interested."; } } [laenne_quest_prompt] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Laenne //---ColumnB--- = says this if you return to her without having found the sapphire sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_018; screen_text = "Ah, my treasure hunting adventurer has returned! Have you succeeded in recovering the sapphire?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = ihavenot; screen_text = "No, not yet."; } } } [t:reply,n:ihavenot] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Laenne_019; screen_text = "Well, keep trying. I'm sure you shall succeed eventually."; } } [tamari_give_quest] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tamari //---ColumnB--- = A young, nervous dryad who had a bad experience in the insect caverns and is now traumatized. Around 20. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_001; screen_text = "Gahhhh! A spider! Get it away!"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,20"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = huh; screen_text = "What? Where?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I'll be leaving now."; } } } [text*] { i order = 1; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_003; screen_text = "Gahhhh! Was that a gnat?! Please make it go away!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = huh; screen_text = "What? Where?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I'll be leaving now."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_004; screen_text = "Gahhhh! I see a centipede! I think I'm going to be sick!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = huh; screen_text = "What? Where?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Yes, I'll be leaving now."; } } } [t:reply,n:huh] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_002; screen_text = "Oh, um, never mind. It's just a stick. I hate insects. I see them everywhere, around every corner. I feel their horrible beady eyes staring at me out of the darkness, with ill intent. Ohhh..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = explain; screen_text = "You need help. Perhaps you should pay a visit to the Elves of Aman'lu?"; } [choice_2] { reply = cause; screen_text = "What is the cause of this? Explain it quickly, and I may be of help."; } } } [t:reply,n:explain] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_005; screen_text = "Ack! Aman'lu... A few weeks ago, I set out for Aman'lu to visit my cousin. While I was going through the Kithraya Caverns, I found myself lost."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = explain2; screen_text = "And?"; } } } [t:reply,n:explain2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_007; screen_text = "Have you ever been to the deeper tunnels of the Kithraya Caverns? There are insects everywhere! I admit that it did not bother me at the time -- I am a Dryad after all -- and at first I... I thought I had stumbled upon a windfall fit for the Queen."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = explain3; screen_text = "Go on."; } } } [t:reply,n:explain3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_008; screen_text = "I decided I would go back to Eirulan and let the foragers know of our good luck. I turned around, began walking through the caverns, trying to retrace my route. I must have taken another wrong turn; I stumbled down a side passage and ran into the biggest insect I have ever seen!\n\nIts carapace was larger than the biggest house in Eirulan... eyes like the darkest pits, burning into my mind... fangs dripping venom... Ohhh..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = explain4; screen_text = "I can understand how that might frighten some..."; } } } [t:reply,n:explain4] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_009; screen_text = "I do not know how I found my way home. But I did, and here will I stay so long as that terrible beast lives. Forever will I be cursed to see it around every corner... beneath every bed."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = kill; screen_text = "I will find it and dispose of it for you. Then you will have no need to live in fear."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline; screen_text = "That is a terrible story. Well, good luck to you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:kill] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_010; screen_text = "Would you really? If you are able to manage this feat, I will be beyond grateful to you, . I think I would no longer be afraid, were I to see its severed head with my own two eyes!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept; screen_text = "Rest assured, I will bring you its head as a trophy, if that will put your fears to rest. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:cause] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_006; screen_text = "There is a terrible fiend at the bottom of the Kithraya Caverns! A monster insect, larger than a house! If only I could see its severed head, I feel that I would no longer be paralyzed with this fear."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept; screen_text = "I will find it and dispose of it for you. Then you will have no need to live in fear."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline; screen_text = "That is a terrible story. Well, I shall be on my way. Good luck to you."; } } } } [tamari_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tamari //---ColumnB--- = says this after you have compelted her quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_011; screen_text = "I still see bugs everywhere. At least these kinds are small enough to crunch beneath my feet, thanks to your help, ."; } } [tamari_quest_finish] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tamari //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you return to her with the head of the insect queen sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_012; screen_text = "! Did you... Is that the head of the terrible overgrown beast?!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = dead; screen_text = "Aye, this oversized flea will bother you no more. It is not so scary now, is it?"; } } } [t:reply,n:dead] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_013; screen_text = "No. I feel... lightheaded with relief. My thanks, friend. You have returned the light to my world.\n\nPlease, take this as a gift for your bravery."; } } [tamari_quest_prompt] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tamari sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_014; screen_text = "Have you found the terrible insect in the Kithraya Caverns, yet? I fear I shall not sleep nor eat until the foul creature is truly dead!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = kithraya; screen_text = "I am still looking for the Kithraya Caverns. Which way are they from Eirulan?"; } [choice_2] { reply = lair; screen_text = "I found the Kithraya Caverns, but not the tunnel leading to the oversized insect. Can you tell me anything about where it was?"; } [choice_3] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am on my way. Do not worry yourself, lady."; } } } [t:reply,n:kithraya] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_015; screen_text = "You must travel through the south gate and into the jungle past the plague colony. Eventually the path will enter the caverns dedicated to Kithraya the Wise. Please hurry!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = lair; screen_text = "Once I enter the caverns, which way do I go to find the giant insect?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am on my way. Do not worry yourself, lady."; } } } [t:reply,n:lair] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tamari_016; screen_text = "It is all a blur. I seem to remember a large room, with a ledge to the right side; a pile of massive bones down below. There was a place where the path split to either side. I traveled to the right.\n\nPerhaps the gruesome beast was the hive's Queen. There were pulsing rows of eggs lining the walls."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am on my way. Do not worry yourself, lady."; } } } } [lothar_early_banter] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = party banter right after lothar joins the party sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_012; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "You fought with the Morden. Are they powerful?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "Aye."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_013; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "They're a blight. The world's better off without them."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "I am with you on that. They are formidable, though."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_014; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "When I see one, I will kill it. I trust you won't stop me?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Be my guest, friend."; } } } } [lothar_plague_banter] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lothar //---ColumnB--- = party banter when the quest for the cure is assigned sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_015; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "I'll go with you to the shrine, but you don't appear that sick."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "I have been bitten. It is only a matter of time."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_016; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "Bitten, aye, but not the walking dead yet. You are strong. If you are really sick, your body will fight it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "Would that I had a measure of your faith."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Lothar_017; speaker_name = "Lothar"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_lothar; screen_text = "My faith won't save you. Get your own."; } } [deru_early_banter] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = party banter right after she joins the party sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_012; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "Are you sure you know how to use your weapon?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "I have been holding one since I was a child."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_013; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "I hope so. The Morden are accomplished fighters."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "They are, indeed."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_014; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "As am I! I will spill much Morden blood before this day is through."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Better Morden blood than mine. Watch where you point that thing."; } } } } [deru_plague_banter] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru //---ColumnB--- = party banter when the quest for the cure is assigned sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_015; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "Have you made your funeral plans?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "What?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_016; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "How should we bury you? Or maybe you'd like us to burn your corpse, as is the Dryad custom."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "I am not going to die!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { //---ColumnA--- = Deru sample = s_vo_par_116_Deru_017; speaker_name = "Deru"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_deru; screen_text = "If you say so. Personally, I think we should put you out on the river in a flaming raft. That would be something!"; } } [lady_levreth_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lady Levreth //---ColumnB--- = Lady Levreth is a middle aged Elven female. She was once the very wealthy wife of Lord Levreth and lived in a vast estate near Aman’lu. Her husband was violently murdered 10 years ago and she has lived quietly in Eirulan ever since. Says this if you do not have the Servant’s Haunt quests sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_001; screen_text = "I would like to be alone, if you do not mind."; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,42"; } } [lady_levreth_confront] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lady Levreth //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you are on Servant’s Justice; it turns out that she knows something about how her husband was murdered... sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_001; screen_text = "I would like to be alone, if you do not mind."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "It must be hard to have lost a husband."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_002; screen_text = "Yes, it is.\n\nDo I know you?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "No, but we share a common acquaintance. Eldoriath Wilwarin."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_003; screen_text = "The nephew of the man that murdered my husband? Why are you dredging up my painful past?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more3; screen_text = "Eldoriath never believed his uncle was guilty. I investigated the crime for him."; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_004; screen_text = "It is understandable that the nephew would defend him, but the evidence was clear. Threnith, our servant, killed my husband when he discovered the affair my husband was having."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more4; screen_text = "You couldn't have been very happy with your husband."; } } } [t:reply,n:more4] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_005; screen_text = "I... no... Well, of course not. But I loved him.\n\nPlease, stranger, I really do not want to talk about this."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more5; screen_text = "Lady Levreth! I do not believe Threnith killed your husband. I think you had him killed!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more5] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_007; screen_text = "How dare you! What is this rubbish?! Begone and leave me in my sorrow!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more6; screen_text = "Perhaps you indeed feel sorrow, but you are also guilty. I have found the jewels! Clearly you are implicated!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more6] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_008; screen_text = "I... I...\n\nI did not want to do it. I was so angry with him! It was my brother who convinced me that it was the best thing. He arranged the whole thing, and it was his hand that slit my husband's throat! I…"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more7; screen_text = "Your brother? And who is he?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more7] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_009; screen_text = "He is the Guardian Commander of Aman'lu."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more8; screen_text = "What?! Guardian Commander Wethril is a murderer? The Elder's most trusted advisor? I must warn him!"; } } } [t:reply,n:more8] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Guard //---ColumnB--- = This dryad is loitering nearby and hears the entire exchange between you and Lady Levreth sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Guard_047; speaker_name = "Dryad Guard"; portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_dryad-guard2; screen_text = "Lady Levreth! Come with me, please. Warden Celia will want to hear of this. Now."; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more9; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more9] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_010; screen_text = "Very well. Strangely it is a relief to have this finally brought into the light. Oh my husband... forgive me."; } } [lady_levreth_prison] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lady Levreth //---ColumnB--- = Says this when she is imprisoned sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lady_Levreth_011; screen_text = "How would you have reacted had you discovered that the spouse to whom you had always been faithful was creeping around behind your back? I... I do not know what I would do differently, even now."; } } [conversation_vix_join] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = Vix (Human Male) is a great fighter, but he’s going a little crazy. He’s cocky, competitive, and decisive. He’s also very charismatic. He understands other people, and is generally well-liked. Doesn’t take advice or criticism well. He was deeply saddened and frightened by the death of his squad, but he’s forcing himself to keep going. Like most Humans, he is brazen and aggressive. 32. Says this when he asks to join the party for the first time choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_001; screen_text = "These people all just want to stay here and hide! Don't they know what's going on out there? Let me come with you."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,32"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "Aye, I suppose you can join me."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "What skills have you learned since we met last?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "I do not think that would be a good idea right now, Vix."; } } } } [conversation_vix_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = says this when you accept him into the party sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_002; screen_text = "Let's go. The sooner we rejoin the resistance, the better!"; } } [conversation_vix_disband] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = says this when you disband him sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_003; screen_text = "I'll be in town getting my own reinforcements! Meet me in the tavern if you change your mind."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "Farewell."; } [choice_2] { cancel = true; reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "[cancel]"; } } } } [conversation_vix_disband_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = says this when you talk to him again after previously disbanding him choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_004; screen_text = "I can't just sit here and drown myself in drink, good as it may be. Let me come with you."; } } [conversation_vix_reject] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = says this when you reject him sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_005; screen_text = "Fine. I'm looking for my own reinforcements anyway."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = decline_member; screen_text = "Good luck, Vix."; } } } } [conversation_vix_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Vix //---ColumnB--- = says this when he has been previously rejected choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Vix_006; screen_text = "I cannot stay here doing nothing. Let me join you."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "Aye, I suppose you can join me."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "How skilled a warrior are you?"; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "Sorry, not this time."; } } } } [conversation_sartan_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = Sartan is a fantastic fighter, and would love to be the leader. Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand people who aren’t like him. He’s buff and handsome, and knows it. He knows exactly how everything should be, and gets frustrated when things don’t go his way. 35, Half-Giant. says this when you accept him into the party sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_001; screen_text = "This place is filled with spies and traitors. The sooner we are on our way, the better."; voice_script_data = "Half-giant,m,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_member; screen_text = "Aye, let's go."; } } } } [conversation_sartan_disband] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = says this when you disband him sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_002; screen_text = "You think you can just do as you please? Well, Sartan shall be sipping a tankard of frothy ale while you are sweating in the dirt. I laugh at your 'leadership!'"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "Farewell."; } [choice_2] { cancel = true; reply = run_flick; flick = disband_to_inn; screen_text = "[cancel]"; } } } } [conversation_sartan_disband_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = says this when you talk to him and he has been previously disbanded choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_003; screen_text = "Crawling back, ? Admit that you need Sartan's superior abilities!"; } } [conversation_sartan_join] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = says this when he asks to join you for the first time choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_004; screen_text = "You have my thanks for releasing me from that stinking hole. You strike me as honorable. I will help you run things, if you enjoy the company of a maddened Half-Giant!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "Aye, your strength and, um, humor would be welcome."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "Remind me what skills you possess. I know you will not be shy."; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "No, you seem somewhat distraught. Perhaps you should find a tavern and drink a tankard of ale. Or in your case, a bucket."; } } } } [conversation_sartan_reject] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = says this when you reject him sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_005; screen_text = "Very well, then I shall find myself a cozy tavern and enjoy a barrel of ale!"; } } [conversation_sartan_rejoin] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Sartan //---ColumnB--- = says this when he has been previously rejected choice = potential_member; sample = s_vo_par_116_Sartan_006; screen_text = "Greetings again, . I would still like to get out of here if you could recognize my battle expertise."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = accept_member; screen_text = "Yes, please come along."; } [choice_2] { reply = show_hire_stats; screen_text = "Remind me what skills you possess. I know you will not be shy."; } [choice_3] { reply = decline_member; screen_text = "Not at this time."; } } } } [scavenger_npc1_lelani_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lelani //---ColumnB--- = Dryad, 40s //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you talk to her and have never gotten her quest sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_001; screen_text = "Greetings, stranger. Do... do I detect the accent of Aman'lu in your speech?"; voice_script_data = "Dryad,f,45"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more1; screen_text = "Aye, why do you ask?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Aye, but I do not have time to talk right now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_002; screen_text = "I visited there once, in happier times. It was... it was my poor daughter's favorite place."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "But no longer?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_003; screen_text = "No... My daughter is lost to me -- killed by those foul Morden beasts when they took the Temple of the Coast. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more3; screen_text = "That is tragic. Is there anything I can do?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_004; screen_text = "Hmm... Perhaps. My daughter was young when we last visited the Elves' fair town of Aman'lu. She pestered me for days for one of those curiosities their craftsman make. But we were poor, and I refused.\n\nNow that she is gone, I would give anything to grant her wish, even if she will never see it."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = help; screen_text = "A curiosity from Aman'lu?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am sorry for your troubles, but I must go now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:help] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_005; screen_text = "Aye, something to remember Aman'lu by. I do not have much to reimburse you with, but perhaps you will find this of use, for bartering purposes. I make these dolls for a living, though there have been so few children lately that they barely support me."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "Very well, I will do what I can."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Sorry, but I am rather busy at the moment. Perhaps later."; } } } } [scavenger_npc1_lelani_quest_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lelani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_006; screen_text = "You have my thanks. When next you are in Aman'lu, be on the lookout for some sort of memorabilia."; } } [scavenger_npc1_lelani_quest_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lelani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_007; screen_text = "Please find some sort of memorabilia from Aman'lu. Anything to lighten the heaviness in my heart."; } } [scavenger_npc1_lelani_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lelani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_008; screen_text = "Ah, my friend! I recognize that -- the Aman'lu orchid! Already I feel so much better. Here, please accept this with my gratitude!"; } } [scavenger_npc1_lelani_base_after] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Lelani sample = s_vo_npc_116_Lelani_009; screen_text = "The Aman'lu orchid you found is beautiful in my daughter's room. It reminds me of her in many ways."; } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Female Elf, 30s //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you talk to her and do not have the lelani quest active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_001; screen_text = "It is tragic how many of the Dryad sisterhood have perished in the fighting. These Dryads are not prepared for war. Now, Elven folk such as myself are accustomed to loss. Those who seek involvement in others' affairs must accept the dangers that come with."; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,30"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Does your Elven ability of foresight not prevent losses?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_002; screen_text = "Foresight can help, aye, but it cannot be willfully controlled. And, it seems matters close to one's heart are always shadowed in the dream world. I would give anything to cheer my young daughter; but alas, I am unable to give her good news.\n\nMy husband and I came to Eirulan to assist the Dryads -- he to train them in the dance of blades, I to teach them our methods of mending wounds. He... he is missing, but I would certainly know if he was gone from me forever. He will return when he is able, one day. Sadly, our daughter, Challe, does not understand and is most distressed."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "What is that there, on the table?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Aye, war is a difficult thing for everyone. Good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_is_that] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_004; screen_text = "That is a rare flask of Elven ale. I'd be willing to give it to you in exchange for something that will cheer my young child."; } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_active_first] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this the first time you talk to her and do have the Lelani quest active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_001; screen_text = "It is tragic how many of the Dryad sisterhood have perished in the fighting. These Dryads are not prepared for war. Now, Elven folk such as myself are accustomed to loss. Those who seek involvement in others' affairs must accept the dangers that come with."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Does your Elven ability of foresight not prevent losses?"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_002; screen_text = "Foresight can help, aye, but it cannot be willfully controlled. And, it seems matters close to one's heart are always shadowed in the dream world. I would give anything to cheer my young daughter, but alas, I am unable to give her good news.\n\nMy husband and I came to Eirulan to assist the Dryads -- he to train them in the dance of blades, I to teach them our methods of mending wounds. He... he is missing, but I would certainly know if he was gone from me forever. He will return when he is able, one day. Sadly, our daughter, Challe, does not understand and is most distressed."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "What is that there, on the table?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "That is unfortunate indeed. Good day to you."; } } } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_active_item] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you ask about the item on the table, do have the quest active, and also have the item she wants //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_004; screen_text = "That is a rare flask of Elven ale. I'd be willing to give it to you in exchange for something that will cheer my young child."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = give_item; screen_text = "Would this doll do?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will keep looking, lady."; } } } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_active_no_item] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you ask about the item on the table, do have the quest active, but do not have the item she wants. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_004; screen_text = "That is a rare flask of Elven ale. I'd be willing to give it to you in exchange for something that will cheer my young child."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will seek out something for her."; } } } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_task_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you have the quest active, have spoken to her before and either didn’t have the item she wanted or chose not to give it to her. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_005; screen_text = "Challe does not understand that her father will return in good time. All one can do for such a child is to take her mind off it. Have you found anything appropriate yet?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "What is that on the table, again?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will keep looking, lady."; } } } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_task_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you choose to give her the item she wants sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_006; screen_text = "A child's doll! That is just the thing to make my daughter smile again while we wait for my husband's return. I promised you the flask of Elven ale -- here it is."; } } [scavenger_npc2_fenella_base_after] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Fenella //---ColumnB--- = Says this every other time you talk to her. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Fenella_007; screen_text = "The doll you found me has made my daughter much happier. I thank you again for your kind help."; } } [challe_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Challe //---ColumnB--- = Elven child, 8. Fenella’s daughter //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you talk to her before giving her mother the Child’s Doll sample = s_vo_npc_116_Challe_001; screen_text = "I miss my daddy."; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,8"; } } [challe_base_after] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Challe //---ColumnB--- = Says this after you have given her mother the doll sample = s_vo_npc_116_Challe_002; screen_text = "Thank you for my dolly. Her name is Celia."; } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_base] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Male Human, 30s //---ColumnC--- = Says this when you talk to him and do not have the lelani quest active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_001; screen_text = "There are no decent recruits to be found here! And what's worse, while my own squadron finds glory and riches in battle, soldier Jordhan is languishing in this backwater town seeking phantoms. Pshaw!"; voice_script_data = "Human,m,38"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_002; screen_text = "If that wasn't enough, these leaf-heads don't even eat decently, let alone fight right. I'd give near anything to taste red meat again -- the bloodier, the better!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "Forgive my curiosity, but I was wondering, what is that beside you on the table?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Life can be tough. Good day."; } } } [t:reply,n:what_is_that] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_003; screen_text = "It's a statuette of Xeria. I'd be willing to give it to you in exchange for some fresh meat. This Dryad diet of leaves and insects doesn't agree with me at all!"; } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_active_first] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this the first time you talk to him and do have the Lelani quest active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_001; screen_text = "There are no decent recruits to be found here! And what's worse, while my own squadron finds glory and riches in battle, soldier Jordhan is languishing in this backwater town seeking phantoms. Pshaw!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_002; screen_text = "If that wasn't enough, these leaf-heads don't even eat decently, let alone fight right. I'd give near anything to taste red meat again -- the bloodier, the better!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "Forgive my curiosity, but I was wondering, what is that beside you on the table?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Life can be tough. Good day."; } } } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_active_item] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you ask about the item on the table, do have the quest active, and also have the item he wants sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_004; screen_text = "That is a statuette of Xeria. I've had time enough on my hands to carve a few more of 'em. These sap-bloods may not be able to tell Xeria from Elandir, but my art will fetch a fair price when I rejoin my unit. I'd be willing to give that statue to you in exchange for some fresh meat. This Dryad diet of leaves and insects does not agree with me at all!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = give_item; screen_text = "Will this do?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Life can be tough. Good day."; } } } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_active_no_item] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you ask about the item on the table, do have the quest active, but do not have the item he wants. //---ColumnC--- = DUPLICATE LINE sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_004; screen_text = "That is a statuette of Xeria. I've had time enough on my hands to carve a few more of 'em. These sap-bloods may not be able to tell Xeria from Elandir, but my art will fetch a fair price when I rejoin my unit. I'd be willing to give that statue to you in exchange for some fresh meat. This Dryad diet of leaves and insects does not agree with me at all!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I will see what I can find."; } } } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_task_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you have the quest active, have spoken to him before and either didn’t have the item he wanted or chose not to give it to him sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_005; screen_text = "I'd do almost anything for a taste of rich, bloody meat. I wouldn't even cook it. Have you found any yet?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = what_is_that; screen_text = "Tell me about the item beside you again?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, and you are sounding suspiciously like a Morden to me. Perhaps I will check with you later."; } } } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_task_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this when you choose to give him the item he wants sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_006; screen_text = "Skath Cat ribs! Now these are something I can dig my teeth into! I promised you the statuette of Xeria, so here it is."; } } [scavenger_npc4_jordhan_base_after] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Soldier Jordhan //---ColumnB--- = Says this every other time you talk to him sample = s_vo_npc_116_Jordhan_007; screen_text = "Those ribs cooked up nicely. Thanks again for your help. "; } } [bhartos_quest_active] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = There is a random chance of this being played when the mythrilhorn quest is active sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_020; screen_text = "We would not have our backs against the wall now had Elandir the Agallan led his Giants into battle all those years ago! But no, those haughty creatures would never risk their precious hides to become involved in the affairs of the mundane folk of the land."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = bhartos; screen_text = "Yes, that is interesting, indeed. By the way, have you heard of a mage named Khartos the Wise?"; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_021; screen_text = "Legend has it that Xeria the Warrior followed Azunai into battle against Zaramoth the Unmaker, the emperor of the land. If she actually lived, I think she must have been in love with Azunai. The tragedy of her death certainly has not been forgotten by the Humans, who worship her as a goddess of war!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = bhartos; screen_text = "Yes, that is interesting, indeed. By the way, have you heard of a mage named Khartos the Wise?"; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_022; screen_text = "Azunai the Defender was the first to set in motion the war that brought about the Second Age. I wonder, did he ever dream of creatures such as we Dryads being a result of his actions?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = bhartos; screen_text = "Yes, that is interesting, indeed. By the way, have you heard of a mage named Khartos the Wise?"; } } } } [bhartos_quest_reply_01] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = There is a random chance of this being played when you ask if they have heard of Bhartos sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_029; screen_text = "Khartos the what? That name does not ring familiar to me, I'm afraid."; } } [bhartos_quest_reply_02] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = There is a random chance of this being played when you ask if they have heard of Bhartos sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_030; screen_text = "Khartos? Yes, I recall that name. He was said to be one of the more powerful mages in Aranna. There is a rumor that he moved to Kalrathia after the Morden built their city of Darthrul, but who knows how true that may be."; } } [bhartos_quest_reply_03] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Dryad Townspeople //---ColumnB--- = There is a random chance of this being played when you ask if they have heard of Bhartos sample = s_vo_npc_116_Dryad_Townspeople_031; screen_text = "Khartos the Wise was more courageous than most. He died bravely during the Morden invasion of Kalrathia, some say. I am not so certain about that. We may hear more of him yet."; } } [xeria_quest_give] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron //---ColumnB--- = A senile old man sitting at the bar. If you listen to his ramblings, he’ll eventually give you a clue that will help you find a treasure. 60-70. sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_001; screen_text = "My story is both long and sad. You'll probably want to sit down and take out a hankie. Many years ago, I was captain of a fine ship, but now..."; voice_script_data = "Human,m,70"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_1; screen_text = "Yes? But now what?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Oh my goodness! A firefly has escaped from that lamp!"; } } } [t:reply,n:story_1] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_002; screen_text = "... Oh! Well, one day, my ship was wrecked in a brutal storm. I was washed ashore, unconscious. When I came to..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_2; screen_text = "When you came to? What happened then?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have something I need to be doing right now. Goodbye."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_003; screen_text = "... Right! Ah, as I was saying, when I came to, there was a beautiful woman standing over me. There was something a little odd about her, though..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_3; screen_text = "What was odd about her?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have a head injury, too. In fact, I should really go back to bed. Goodbye."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_004; screen_text = "... Ah! You'll never believe this part; this is the part no one ever believes. As I was saying, there was this beautiful woman, and she was..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_4; screen_text = "Beautiful woman, yes, yes..."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Goodbye."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_4] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_005; screen_text = "... Ah, well, she was green! Green and leafy! I had seen many strange things in my time, but none so strange as that, let me tell you! Well, except maybe for the..."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_5; screen_text = "What? For the what?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Green and leafy. You must be talking about a walking salad. It certainly could not be a Dryad, could it? Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_5] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_006; screen_text = "... Well, you see, when I was your age (before I was captain of that ship, of course), I... I was a soldier! I was stationed at Windstone Fortress, which was built by the ancient Azunites way back before the... uh, what... what was I talking about, again?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_6; screen_text = "Something strange you had seen! What was it?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I cannot recall. I suppose that means it is time for me to leave."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_6] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_007; screen_text = "Oh, of course! As I was saying, my job was to sweep the cloister in the Temple of Xeria at the heart of the fortress. So, one day, I was sweeping, and I stubbed my toe! You'll never guess what I stubbed it on!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = story_7; screen_text = "A senile old man, perhaps?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I suppose not. Good day to you."; } } } [t:reply,n:story_7] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_008; screen_text = "We wouldn't have let senile old men into the temple! No, it was a green stone, carved with the ancient Azunite symbol for the Tree of Life! There was a socket in the center of the room that looked as if the stone would fit inside it, but I took a nap instead of trying it. I bet if I had, though, it would have opened a secret door or something. There, now, wasn't that riveting?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = secret; screen_text = "Yes, yes. Tell me more about that socket."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Indeed. Goodbye now."; } } } [t:reply,n:secret] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_009; screen_text = "Well now, I believe it may be part of some sort of puzzle. You know they were keen on that sort of thing back in the temple's heyday. If you could investigate that for me, it would put my mind at rest."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; reply = accept_quest; screen_text = "It sounds intriguing, I must admit. Very well."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have more important matters to attend to. Good day."; } } } } [xeria_quest_accept] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_010; screen_text = "Thank you, friend! The Temple of Xeria can be found deep within Windstone Fortress."; } } [xeria_quest_urge] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_011; screen_text = "Any luck with the temple puzzle? I won't be able to sleep unless I know if it was something important or not."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = directions; screen_text = "Where is that temple, again?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I am still looking into it. Have patience."; } } } [t:reply,n:directions] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_012; screen_text = "The Temple of Xeria is deep within Windstone Fortress. More than that I can't say."; } } [xeria_quest_complete] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_013; screen_text = "Hey, I remember you! Didn't you say you were going to find out about that strange stone in the Temple of Xeria for me? How did that turn out?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Alas, there was nothing unusual. A few treasures, some valuables, but that was it."; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_014; screen_text = "Well you have gone to a lot of trouble on my behalf, so here's something to add to your returns. Hopefully it will make it a little more worth your while. Good day to you."; } } [grizzled_base_after] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Grizzled Bar Patron sample = s_vo_npc_116_Grizzled_Bar_Patron_015; screen_text = "Sit and have some ale with me friend! I have a tale for you about something strange I encountered in Xeria's temple!"; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "I have heard this one already. Enjoy your ale. But, not quite so much."; } } } } [teleporter_info] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Alin //---ColumnB--- = Teleporter lesson guy. Male Elf. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Alin_001; screen_text = "Greetings. Here to look at the teleporter?"; voice_script_data = "Elf,m,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Teleporter? What does that do?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now. Farewell."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Alin_005; screen_text = "Greetings. Are you still curious about teleporters?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Aye, tell me about them again, please."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I remember now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Alin_002; screen_text = "Teleporters are part of an ancient magical network that people use to travel across Aranna. Your party can use them to rapidly journey to locations you've previously visited."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "How do I use a teleporter?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Alin_003; screen_text = "LEFT-CLICK a teleporter to activate it and open a list of locations that your party has previously visited. Select a location and CLICK OK to teleport there."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more3; screen_text = "Can anyone use any teleporter?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Alin_004; screen_text = "Here in Eirulan, Warden Celia determines who may or may not have access to the teleporter. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } } [warpedestal_info] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Tellendril //---ColumnB--- = War Pedestal lesson guy. Male Elf. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tellendril_001; screen_text = "Suilad. Have you encountered a war pedestal before?"; voice_script_data = "Elf,m,35"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "War pedestal? What's that?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now. Farewell."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tellendril_005; screen_text = "Greetings. Are you still curious about war pedestals?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Aye, tell me about them again, please."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I remember now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tellendril_002; screen_text = "War pedestals are rather useful relics from an Age long past. Unknown to many, they house magic that those with good hearts can use to instantly recover their powers."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more2; screen_text = "Where do they come from?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tellendril_003; screen_text = "The origin of the war pedestals remains shrouded in mystery. These strange monuments are scattered throughout the ruins of Aranna and are avoided by most travelers, whether by ignorance, or superstition, I am not certain."; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more3; screen_text = "How do I use a war pedestal?"; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more3] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Tellendril_004; screen_text = "To activate a war pedestal, direct a party member of your choice to attack it. This will release the pedestal's magic, and that party member will instantly recover his powers and will be able to use them again immediately."; [choices] { [choice_1] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } } [quest_icons_info] { [text*] { //---ColumnA--- = Anerith //---ColumnB--- = Quest lesson NPC. Female Elf. i order = 0; sample = s_vo_npc_116_Anerith_001; screen_text = "Greetings. I can tell you how to get quests, if you're interested."; voice_script_data = "Elf,f,30"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Aye, tell me about them, please."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Not right now. Farewell."; } } } [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Anerith_004; screen_text = "Greetings. Are you still curious about how to get quests?"; [choices] { [choice_1] { reply = more; screen_text = "Aye, tell me about them again, please."; } [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "No, I remember now. Farewell."; } } } [t:reply,n:more] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Anerith_002; screen_text = "As you travel through Aranna, you may meet people who have colored icons over their heads. I would advise speaking to any of these people as soon as you see them. "; [choices] { [choice_1] { more = true; reply = more2; screen_text = "[more]"; } } } [t:reply,n:more2] { sample = s_vo_npc_116_Anerith_003; screen_text = "People who have colored exclamation points over their heads have quests for you. People who have colored question marks over their heads have new quest information. People who have gray question marks over their heads also have new quest information, but they are waiting for you to do something first."; [choices] { [choice_2] { end_conversation = true; screen_text = "Thank you. Farewell."; } } } }