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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/


When I have more time

Hey all. Currently working on my angular and node skills. I think I will start to dissect skrit piecemeal via blog after I get several projects finished up. I've been doing a lot of web designing and programming. My knowledge of programming has increased quite a bit, so I can help explain how skrit works in a more digestible manner.


Never been fond of armpit hair

I have never been fond of armpit hair on women or men. So I found this makeup trend strange and very very funny.


banned from yoga class

Banned for wearing yoga pants to a yoga class Puzzled this is very confusing since everyone else was wearing yoga pants or shorts. The instructor said they where way to tight. I am a small and they where xsmall. Oh well, so I went to Neiman Marcus and got three more pair, since I am now saving money by not going to yoga class Wink


Siegecore Delay

Hey all. I want to apologize for Siegecore's delay. Originally I was going to use the old CMS. Then I was thinking of building it from scratch using react and node. I've decided on using sql rather than nosql, so I might just use wordpress for the time being. After that I can replace it with react and node using sql. It takes awhile to build a cms from scratch. I think now that I've recently decided sql is better than nosql, I can get it going with Wordpress. I think I'll replace Wordpress's frontend with react or angular after. I have to explore rendering in angular before I decide.


Hrmm, dating apps are everywhere it seems

I know it must be easier to at least meet people online and try dating, unlike years ago when you had to actually seek out places that a person with the qualities you are looking for might be. (Was that a run on sentence? I think it was a run on sentence). But maybe I should stop living in 1997 and see what I can do to earn some money. Judging by advertisements, there seems to be a huge school of fish in the sea, just waiting to hook that special someone.


more funny bird noises

If it only takes 10,000 hours to master a skill why am I still so bad at sleeping?

The main difference between a nudist and a streaker is speed.

*drinks a bottle of smartwater* And now we wait...


a funny tweet.

i ask my toddler what's in the box she's holding. "chaos!" she replies. "chaos! chaos!" i know she's trying to say "crayons," but it's not like she's wrong. Smile Wink Rachelle and her kid are funny Insane



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