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blockhead's picture

DS1 and Lazarus ultima 5

I'm not sure if this would be in the forums as mod development or the ds1 gameplay area, since it discusses a mod ... but not the development of a mod. So, it's a blog. Smile

I managed to get the lazarus ultima 5 remake for dungeon siege 1. The installer ran without problems. However, I have some questions.

Can this be made to run at higher resolutions, especially non 4:3 resolutions? I've got DS1/Aranna running at 1400x900 without problems, but the ultima thing wants to run at 1024x768 at most, so everything is squashed down.


Copied to here

Just so it doesn't get lost, I've put a copy of the Halloween Special Late Late Show version 1.4 into the downloads section here. Although Charietto and I never finished it, we always left it in a "complete" state at each release with the intent of adding another area later. It looks like Freddy Krueger will never show up at the ballroom, but the rest is quite playable, especially if you're familiar with the Forge crowd. It's still fun to play for a Horror Movie fan.


Hyperborea map, anyone..??

Help!! Dwarf

I've lost my player-maps for Lands Of Hyperborea, they used to be here:

- in fact they still are, but only the "Thumbnail" is downloadable
- and it's virtually unreadable - Tarkus's links have been removed..!!

- does anyone still have the original maps on their HD..??

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Any news?

Hi, all.

I've continued to play Last Chaos USA and Guild Wars, haven't been in any DS games in some time (how I wish we still had ZoneMatch!), but I'm missing the Utraean Peninsula.

Has there been any news about DS 3? I notice that "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale" has been showing on The Movie Channel a lot lately, and was hoping to hear of any new developments on the DS 3 front.


Help in DS I

Too all that play this game, thanks for all your help.


Back to DS2

Got my new characters to Zaramoth's Horns today. Getting back into DS2/BW with a better graphic card. Can't believe how much better the game looks, especially the water and ice with the advanced shaders. Falling in love all over again. ^^


Tabula Rasa

Just started the trial version for this game, and it seems excellent so far.



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