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A Dwarven Lass

When I first saw the dwarf girl mod, it made me nostalgic for when I used to play World of Warcraft. One of the first characters I leveled was a dwarf girl named Largemarge. So I looked over the mod and saw this:

DDLullu wrote:
My version of a dwarfgirl for DS1:

I took the male dwarf and squeeze his body mesh to be more female look.
Then i took the farmgirl'heads, put the squeleton of the dwarf male in
them, rewrite the weights and position (a program did it,work very well).

This is a test version because it's easier to do in ds1 , we have gmax,
viewer animator. And we can put ds1 toons in DS2, i eaven make 4 animations
of the dual wielding (easy to do by the way).

As always you can do what you want with this.


As is the mod uses the standard DS hair faces and shirts. I decided to add custom hair, faces and shirts in addition to the standard ones. She is a little stronger than farmgirl, but otherwise the same. I also added a few pieces of equipment, just some newbie armor and gloves. She'll have to find any other equipment and spells in her travels. If you want her, here she is:

Custom shirts for character creation:

She can wear the LoA helms, so assuming compatibility with DS1/LoA:

Beating up Krug in Realm of Kings:

Looking Fab:



Thank you for moving on with the mod. I will give it a try in game, but from your screen shots she looks cool.

A large number of the Gloves/Gauntlets from DS1 do not display correctly on the Dwarf Girl. They show as black and red, they do however display correctly on the farm girl. I believe that black and red items have something to do with missing textures. The mod appears to work correctly in Kingdom of Ehb, however there appears to be problems with Circle of Lorent (exceptions errors), Realm of Kings (game locks or crashes). The problem maybe your mod or it could be playing these maps in base DS1 and not Legends of Aranna. I will look into both issues when I have time. There appears to be no problems with my armor and weapon mods. It also might be possible to get the Dwarf Girl working with Cat Mansion Adepts. I will have to go back over my notes on how I made the changes to the Cat Mansion Boy so that he could wear some of the custom armor, and how I got the Light and Dark Elves working with Adepts. I have them somewhere in some binder, wish I had created a table of contents for the 10 or so binders I have on modding DS1 and LoA.


Elfy, what gloves did you wear that produced the error? I was unable to reproduce it. I didn't add any new textures besides face, hair and a couple of a1 armor for her "underwear". Her newbie stuff is just base DS items.

She has all the glove meshes as far as I can tell, for both base DS and LOA. Also, I looked at a looot of gloves (hey, it's 4:30 am, what else am I going to do?! hehe )

A couple of pics:

For the maps, I played Realm of KIngs for about an hour last night using the base DS executable, no real issues. The only thing I noticed was that dwarf girl freezes up sometimes, but that seems to happen with some female characters when I play with the Dark/Light elf mod. Speaking of RoK, I've not been able to play that successfully using the LOA exec. My game seems to always crash in the early parts. Strange.

I only played a couple of mini maps using LOA, so I will do some more testing. She should be fully compatible with LOA, as she also has those body, boot, glove and helmet meshes, including that hideous Chitterskrag arnor. Yuck.

I think it would be cool to have Catmansion girls and dwarf girl in the sane map. Short chicks rule! Laughing out loud

Well this post turned out to be just as long winded as all my other posts... Wink

I made a character last night in Legends of Aranna with the Cutie girl mod absent from resources. I played up until the point that you return to town after killing the cave giant. I noticed that both my character and Jondar froze up several times, but that only lasted a few seconds each time. I blame Jondar, he is such a goob.

I played Legends of Utrae and Loridan with the dwarf girl with no freezing up, no issues with actual game play. I put Cutie girl back into the resource folder with dwarfgirl, and attempted making a character. The dwarfgirl had only one skin, hairstyle and clothing (the default one) that was available. Creating a cutie girl character seemed pretty much the same as usual, but I noticed I had to cycle through quite a number of outfits before getting to a "cutie" one. I assume the default dwarfgirl error was because both characters share farmgirl art assets. *shrug*

The default skin with cutie girl active: (pretty homely, I think :P)

Cutie girl creation with dwarfgirl active:

One really weird thing I noticed with Dwarfgirl with the cutie mod active is that she gets a strange head issue when wearing other types of armor besides type1. The error occurred with type2, type3 and type7, which was all the blacksmith had. I assume the same error would happen with all the other armor types.

So, the head seems to default back to the dwarf male head with no texture displayed. This does not happen with dwarfgirl other wise, she looks fine in the different types of armor.

This error did not occur when I made a dwarfgirl before enabling cutie girl, and when loading the game after both mods in place did not create any error that I could notice. My Cutiegirl saves from Kingdom of Ehb, Legends of Aranna and Legends of Utrae all loaded just fine, as well as my dwarfgirl in Legends of Aranna. So, the two mods seem to play nice together IF you aren't trying to create a new dwarfgirl character.

I was running around Elddim with Gareth and Mia, killing Krug and Phrak with no freezing issues, when tragedy occurred. Those damn bees!

Hi Kathy
Okay I turned off every mod and map that did not come with DS1 and LoA except for Dwarf Girl 2.0 and I still have the problems with the gloves. The gloves that first exhibited the problem where the base gloves you gave the character. I noticed that if I gave these gloves to a standard character They would equip them and then when you looked at their hands they where not wearing gloves, looking back into the character's inventory screen the gloves where back in the inventory and not in their hands. It is possible that there is an issue with either my install of DS1 or LoA on this computer however I have not noticed it before. when running My special version of Cat Mansion Adepts, Legends of Utrae 3.2 and the various maps and mods located in my DS1 resources and map folders. I would give you a list but it is very long. So what I am going to do is on my second game computer remove all the maps and mods from the resources folder, map folder and DSLOA folder, then install Dwarf Girl 2.0 and see if I still have the problem. If I do I will reinstall DS1 and LoA and try again.

Before I did what I said in my last post. I remembered something about Adepts_Cat-Glasses_v1.dsres and LOA_Adepts_Cat-Glasses_v1.dsres using a type of glove to make the glasses. So I disabled the two mods and Now all the gloves and gauntlets I have tried work just great. I would have never noticed this playing LoA since I always play it with Cat Mansion Adepts, Legends of Utrae, the various mods related to Cat Mansion Adepts.

Problem solved Smile Cheer


Glad to hear you fixed that. I remember using that mod and Geordie and Sara looked so cute in their sunglasses.

Now if only I could get Dwarfgirl to wear ribbons or wigs. She NEEDS pigtails!

I figured since dwarfgirl and farmgirl used the same heads, that I could copy and rename meshes and textures and put them in the appropriate folders, as well as adding them to the relevant head and hair to head gas files. I remade my template for my ribbons, and copied and renamed the wig and ribbon templates in revived, having them be be base dwarfgirl as well as changing them to require dwarfgirl:1

I'm sorry to say that this did not work and I am very disappointed. But, to look on the bright side, I guess I will have plenty of helms to chose from. Smile