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Warm in February

January was cold, at least here in California it is warm to hot in February. Yesterday it was 67, today it was 75 the rest of the week it could reach 80 in places like San Francisco. That does not even happen there in the summer.

Global warming !!!


It's 2-2-22

Things that happened today the groundhog saw his shadow. That means 6 more weeks of winter, but remember he is only right 50% of the time. It is the Chinese year of the water tiger. The Marine Brew Pub is going out of business. They are having a silent auction selling off all they own to help support their staff. They have a 40 foot long bar. chairs and tables, everything in the kitchen all the pictures and memorabilia on the walls.

That is all I feel like talking about


Missing the Holidays?

Do you have a touch of the post holiday blues? Do you miss the Days of Auld Lang Syne?

Fret no more, my friends, Auntie Kath has you covered. Smile


Funny Tesla Car Crash

This was sent to me from a friend, who said, "really bad Tesla crash" She forgot to say LOL.


SSD Died

My SSD died, so I lost everything I was working on. Oh well.


Frickin' Freezing

I ran out of heating oil Wednesday night so no heat. The fuel company is supposed to come today *crossing my fingers*. Oh wait, my fingers are too stiff with cold to cross. It's frickin' freezing in here!


Happy Holidays Everyone.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you enjoy this time of year.



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