Missing the Holidays?
Submitted by kathycf on Wed, 2022-01-26 12:26 | ||
Do you have a touch of the post holiday blues? Do you miss the Days of Auld Lang Syne? Fret no more, my friends, Auntie Kath has you covered. blogs: |
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Not a lot but I like it. Is that the game you're playing now kathy?, are there any mods for it? or is that not possible?, I'll check out the gameplay on youtube, I'm not going to play it as I just want to have a quick look at it.
Well, talk about damning with faint praise. "Oh, your video mostly sucks but I guess it's kind of okay".
The way that those dwarves are playing together is like a mod. One can play music in Lord of the Rings Online normally ,but syncing up like "they" did ( that's one player with several free accounts) is made much easier with a scripted plug in. There are all sorts of player made mods and like here, they are available for other players to download and use.
To be honest I haven't felt like doing much of anything the last few months.
I had been playing Dungeon Siege and Lotro along with all my other miscellaneous stuff. I was busy working on a shield mod, new bows and making a mini skirt thingy for Bare Elf plus poking around with the new maps that foerstj has done.
I have a couple of Dungeon Siege videos on my YouTube channel. I guess I'm not much of a video maker.
Well I can guarantee that Steven Spielberg and Hollywood won't be knocking on your front door waving multi million dollar contracts any time soon kathy.
But hey!, if you like doing what you do just carry on and bollox to the naysayers.
Pfft, like I care about multi million dollar contracts. Uh, well. I care in the sense that I would like to be give millions of dollars in return for just being my lovely self.
Now, forget whatever you are thinking of replying because you're wrong.
Here's all you have to say. Yes Kathy. Of course, Kathy. Yes indeed, you are perfectly correct Kathy. Oh, lovely Kathy.
If you get nauseous after your correct reply, well, that's totally on YOU, man.
I forgot to mention this in my previous post kathy, was that you talking on some of those videos, if it was I will ask Queenie to have a listen to them, if she nods her head in agreement she'll make you an honorary Brit citizen even though your ancestors did have a tea party at her expense. Keep it quiet though as it might cause some aggravation with that unworthy Markle harridan and her Dimwit spouse you've got over there.
Yep, that was me talking.
Queenie might be relieved to know that my ancestors didn't arrive in this country until 1900 - 1910, so way too late for that particular tea party. Also, I know the lady in question is elderly, but the Boston tea party took place in 1773. Surely she isn't that old?
You're not a royal insider as yet kathy, note the word yet, or you would know that the Royal Family never let a good grudge go to waste, its passed down the family line like a badge of honour to be fulfilled whenever the opportunity arises. King George didn't let that Boston Tea Party grudge go to waste either, he used the attack by British troops on Washington D.C to burn the White House down in retaliation for that little shindig you yankees had in Boston.
Hahaha, that quote above is the official version of events but old George ordered a fifteen day piss up to be held in his honour when he heard that his royal command had been carried out successfully. When he also heard that President James Madison and his generals had fled the battlefield Georgie boy even paid for the piss up himself, now that was even more remarkable as he was known to be as tight as a camels eyebrows in a sand storm.
Toodle pip.
But Moros, I think it's a pretty common trait for lots of people to hold grudges. Not just those royal folk. I mean, I still remember the post that you made that mocked my youtube videos. I remember that like it happened just last week! So angry!

Oh, um... Never mind.
My ex father in law actually called me a Yank, right to my face. He was a peach, that one.
Kathy, do you yankees not know when we Brits are pulling your leg?, "commonly known around the UK as having a laugh at your expense".
Don't tell anyone else kathy but when Queenies hitting the bottle which is quite often I might add, she can swear like a proverbial trooper, calling some one from the USA a yank wouldn't even register on her radar. Taking the piss is one of Queenies favourite pastimes and if you can't keep up with her you'll be cast to the winds, you need to lighten up, hit the bottle and give back as good as you're getting, comprende.
I think that's the reason she won't be making you a honorary Brit anytime soon, I tried my best for you but your lack of enthusiasm for taking the piss was your downfall
I see you've brought those youtube videos up again,
I would have thought that calling your bleeding house a "Garden Shed" would have taken precedent over those vids, its no wonder that Queenie thinks you yankees are as mad as bloody hatters. Mind you kathy, Queenie had a good laugh at that shed bit and the bottle tops were popping off that week I can tell you. 
Toodle pip.
Um, we use the expression "pulling your leg" a lot over here as well AND we even use it in the same way. In other words, I don't literally go around pulling people's legs, however much I think they may deserve it. So many people around here could benefit from a good leg pulling.
Queenie may be cool with calling folks Yanks, but my father in law could have been a wee bit nicer to me. Not too much, I wouldn't have wanted him to like, put his back out or anything.
No! I'm CRUSHED. Not about the honorary Brit thing, because lol. No, I thought my sarcasm was sooo good and you didn't even notice it!
So on to the DS videos. It makes me feel glad that people are still posting them, right here!

Here is one.
Legends of Utrae part one
It was noticed kathy, and if I'd told Queenie about it she would have said it was a yankee blue belly piss poor attempt at it, got to go now as I've been summoned to Buck house again to hear Queenies latest hot gossip. Its not often that she wants me there twice in a week so this latest gossip must be too hot for me to get it second hand from some other source.
Hmmmmm, I wonder which one of her kinfolk are getting it in the neck this time, its been all gossip for months about Andrew lately so I'm thinking some new revelations have surfaced about that prat, hmmmmm, she hasn't mentioned that I check the sharpness of her favourite axe yet but you can never tell what Queenies inner thoughts are.
It might be time for her to see how "Bloody Bessie" (her axe) performs on these 21st century Woke necks me thinks, I'll mention it to her when I get down there as its not been used for awhile, and it really needs a good workout as well.
Apparently my brand of humor is too sophisticated for some people and yes, I *did* spell humor correctly. Besides, my belly is more of a pasty pale pinkish color, not blue. I don't know what kind of bellies folk over in your neck of the world have but it all seems rather strange to me.
The birthplace of the English language and its correct spelling was founded in England kathy, not America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or any other country on this bloody planet, so kindly stop dumbing down the rest of the world by insisting your version of the English language is right because it clearly isn't, English History pre-dates American History by a couple of thousand years or so or haven't you had any basic World History lessons in your education system to verify that fact?.
Bit of an exaggeration that, even if we try to claim the Roman province in Britain, which was historical, but not English, and was followed by the Dark Ages (relapse to legendary prehistoric).