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The perils of dieting

Dieting can really trigger some strange side effects. Bob struggles with the loss of his beloved carbs. I thought it was kind of funny, but I'm weird like that. Smile

This video contains *vulgar* language and some raunchy humor.

Love Letters:


Tank from DS1 to DS2

How to transform a 'basic resource' tank from DS1 into a resource tank for DS2:
(in this context 'basic resource' refers to textures, sounds, models)


Hi Iryan :)

Okay guys I know I have been gone a while but not as long as you Iryan. happy you are back to modding I will have to download the things and have a look. You know Iryan I still have all the DS and DSLoA files that you and hamcat made and with help ported the anime characters to ds2.


Do what now?

I took the liberty of deleting a few anonymous spam blogs. Apparently the spammers think the community here is crazy for coaches or couches or something. Crazy for Cocoa Puffs?

Anyway, I can never miss an opportunity to post a silly screenshot:

Talk about burying your head in the sand. Awwwkward.... Shock


The seasoned adventurer

Even the most seasoned adventurer can appreciate a sense of style. Unfortunately, many of my adventurers will never know the meaning of style. They are stuck in a digital fashion limbo, mocked by all the cool kids.

Crayfish, the latest accessory for Mr "ohsoscary" Death knight.

I like hats

Big goofy hats



Things that are awkward...

Being a socially inept doofus.

Being a socially inept idiot doofus.

So yeah. Socially inept idiot reporting in. Has it been 3 years? Yup...because I am a socially inept idiot.

Hi guys. From browsing it looks like there are a few familiar faces still around.

imperator2112's picture

Anyone still play/mod DS1?

Hey, been awhile since I logged on here.

For nostalgia and great dislike of DS2 and DS3 I found a reliable torrent of DS1 and mounted the .iso's on some throwaway disks and got it working.

But enough about me...good to see there is at least 1 last bastion of DS'ers left. Planet Dungeon Siege is up, but some of the tutorials are missing.

I still remember basic stuff like creating your own armor, and a little bit about forcing them to be in NPC's inventory but I can't get a hang of skinning.



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