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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/


Back to the Shop :(

After running disk check and supposedly repairing 355 bad sectors(mostly in Windows) Upon starting Dungeon Siege....CRASH to black screen(fortunately not Blue Screen Of Death)

After many tries to start up got System32 file corrupted or unavailable and windows repair attempt only partially worked Computer is back in the shop

He can't figure how it already has bad sectors forgetting that I can make that happen just by LOOKING at a computer


DS2 2.2 patch problem

New machine with Windows 7 Pro. DS1 loaded fine as did the patch and all worked.

Loaded LoA witch will not run on a computer without an internet connection(at least, for me).

DS2 loaded fine but when I start the patch things lock up, as in, I have to force shutdown.

I just get the "preparing the Patch" bar but nothing happens


Wanted: computer upgrade advice

With a budget of only $300 what should I look for and what brands.

currently have a dual core at 1.8 GHz and 2gigram which is way overheating with Morrowind and Temple of Elemental Evil and intend to gain Oblivion and Skyrim

So, what processor, 4 or 8 gig ram, Integrated or dedicated graphics card?

:? Insane Dwarf


Woo, Lyfe. Here's some updates about nothing particularly important.

I might jump back on DS2 in a bit soon because I've been craving some more.. Micro-Strategy slaughterin'. I've been playing Dragon's Dogma, (Freaking AMAZING game, might I add, I HIGHLY recommend it) and while it is a very strategy-ous game, it's more like Dark Souls rather than.. like, the original Dragon Age.


Found Kathy I think

I believe I found the correct KathyCF on Literature Network Forums. From a post I found there it appears she was in a traffic accident and bumped her head. She was able to write the post so I assume that she must be alive although I have not heard anything from her even after becoming a member of the Literature Network Forums and sending her a PM and posting on her blog.



idle they are

No one moving anywhere. Last post on the site was mine over a day ago. Dropped in to the IRC channel several people there but also idle. Oh I do see people and get messages but I are bored
time to go make some armor.



last day for now

My internet expires today, so went to Internet place to renew and it is now closed, so wont be able to have internet at home... so will be going to library 1-2 times a week, but library doesn't allow uploading and downloading, so no Mods will be updated any time soon...



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