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DS1 & LoA Mod Development

Discuss modifications of DS1 and LoA here.

Attribute Potions

Hi guys:

I noticed belatedly, because I'm a dolt, :P that we had started having a discussion about other mods in
ChickenGeorge's mod page "Madame Pendra's Stat Increase Potions"

I thought our discussion would be clearer if it was in it's own thread, so I'm directing further comments and questions here.

File request - Abstraction, Succubus Queen

Hi guys. Sites die and so do download links. Does anybody still have Abstraction files (both .dsres and .dsmap) and/or Succubus Queen for DS1 and LOA? It would perhaps be neat to have them in download section, but any way they I can get them will do.

Abstraction files were posted on a forum here before but the download links do not work anymore. Succubus Queen download link on Ghastley's page does not seem to work neither.

Thanks in advance

An ATTEMPT to "Overhaul" Dungeon Siege's engine

So basically, I've been copy-and-pasting hex code from DS2 Legendary Mod into DS1. I noticed it has about 10,000 extra KB. I added this to DSLOA... and it still runs. What the hell does it even do? It still looks fine and runs fine and everything, so I assume it does something to Dungeon Siege's engine. I just have no idea what.

How to Recharge Weapon Mana?

I made a Flintlock Pirate Gun for Dungeon Siege.
It works. Fires bullets.
And uses DS's Minigun Magic template.
The weapon is assigned mana points.
Every time it fires a mana point is subtracted.
When the mana/ammo runs out, the weapon stops working.
There is an option to have the weapon disappear.
Which I can do.
But why not be able to buy ammo and then have the ammo recharge the weapon?

New Suit Glove Problem

I have a problem with a new suit I made in Gmax.
I took Farmgirl's A1 suit,
and changed a bit of the UVMap at the leg,
to make a pirate sash.
I couldn't use the original suit,
because both legs share the same portion of the texture.
But putting it in the game has a glove problem.
You can see in the picture I made the leg have a red sash.
That’s fine,
but when putting on gloves,
they don't connect.
There is a space between gloves and forearms.

Gmax help, Switch Forearm of Farmgirl to Armor Material/Texture?

Does anybody here mod using Gmax?
I made a nifty plate texture for the pos a1 armor.
But this armor is the only one that has skin for forearms.
Does anybody know how to transfer that portion over to the other material?

Problem with one mod

Hi there

ive downloaded this mod

Can somebody explain why some features of my charr look like this?

-Im not using other mods
-Ive using Deagon Sige Legends of aranna version 1.50
-Im using Windows 7 64bit

Is there fix for this or can be removed?
Because a lot extra skins are glitchy.


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