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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks

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How to test moods

I feel this is great information to share. I didn't know of these features when making my region's mood. I had to figure out the hex colors in photoshop and ran ds2mod many times to get it right. I confirmed that what Calix said works.

Calix wrote:
Here's how I go about setting moods, hopefully this works in the toolkit executable:

1. Go to the area the mood will be used in.
2. Open the console and type "bool atmosphere" to disable the current mood.
3. type "weather fog on" to enable fog.
4. Type "weather fog color R G B" where each color value is between 0 and 1. (ex: "weather fog color .5 .5 .5" sets the fog to a medium grey color.)


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