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Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks

Share your knowledge of the inner workings of DS Modding.

[Request] info Creation node sets (the things that make generic nodes look different) and custom node skins.

My uncle wants to do transitions from ds2 generic grass textures to ds1 grass/desert/maybe even snow textures. I want to do tx nodes for enchforest floor-grs02 walls other than 24m, and corner floor modules. Maybe possibly enchforest01-enchforest02 transition modules depending on what we want to use.

Google only gives us info on the kalrathian nexus and garage hasn't got information on node sets. We only want to retexture already existing models to fill in gaps in our map that we have to cover with irrationally large rocks/dense foliage. (it's ugly and a terrible workaround imo)

DS1 Template Naming Structure

I am trying to compile a listing of the template naming structure for DS1. If you follow GPG conventions the engine will automatically generate the base gold values, as well as place the items into the proper pcontent for rares and uniques.

LoneKnight's picture

How To Place Custom Music in Dungeon Siege

Okay, I felt I should give some more to the Dungeon Siege Community to let it prosper. This tutorial entails how to get custom music into Dungeon Siege 1.

Note: Let me make it clear that this is strictly for Dungeon Siege 1. Not 2, just 1. I haven't touched Dungeon Siege 2, so if getting custom music into DS2 works the same way, good for you. But, I don't want to get messages of people complaing, "...I read ur tutorial but i cant get music into ds2. i think u did something wrong...". Doing this will unleash the wrath of the entire Helghan army. You have been warned.

Also, please note that this tutorial will have a fair amount of images in it, to make things easier for the eager young modder to understand. No complaining about that, either. If you are someone who knows your way in the Dungeon Siege web that is modding, and you find an error, please PM me to let me know, and I'll make the appropriate changes. Thank you. This tutorial can placed on other websites if you want, but only if you ask me first.

Strider978's picture

[Tutorial>Art] Weighing a new Armour Mesh {Image Heavy}

OK my disclaimer first. I made this tutorial a year or two ago, and it was posted on Siegeworks till it went down, recently I found it again and decided to post it here.

This is a VERY image heavy tutorial, it consists of 28, 1280 x 1024 JPEGs so please be patient.

Also I have to apologize for my spelling and grammar; I shudder reading through it today, and if it's not clear feel free to post in the mod development forum with your troubles.



Your going to need gmax, the dstoolkit, and the farmboy art pack installed before you can do this. You'll also need the a0 (a1) mesh of your character already modeled and textured, as well as a rig already built for it.

LoneKnight's picture

Ehb Map Region List

We all have played on the Ehb map at least once. Those of you who use Siege Editor know how difficult and time consuming it can be when you are looking for a specific region that was in Ehb, but don't know the name. Not only that, but it's been a while since I contributed, so I give you this: The complete list of the regions of Ehb, and what each name means. From this, you'll no longer have to worry about guessing which region is which.


Ac_r1----Entrance gate to Ice Caverns
Ac_r1a----Snowy region with small mine
Ac_r2----Section within Ice Caverns

2h Sword to 1h Sword Bug

I was goofing around with my character when i first started playing ds2. I found this bug out on accident and have used it ever since.

Equip two one-handed weapons(or one-handed weapon and shield). Select a spell as your active method of attack(does not matter what spell).

pick-up one of the weapons/shield and set it into inventory. Pick up a two-handed weapon and place it into the open weapon slot.


Skill Creation (not effects implimentation)

I have managed to create a new skill. Took me a fair amount of work, so i figured it would include this little help as a template.
I created the icon along with the accompanying gas file and stuck them both in the directories

I added the increment,decrement, and rollover functions, and the button, 2 text_level, and 2 window entries in

I added the skill entry in


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