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News & Announcements

Read up on the news.

Thanksgiving Beta

Not really Dungeon Siege related but still...

The Supreme Commander beta testing is now open to everyone!

~Way Better Than Some Crappy Turkey

Supreme Commander beta download page

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to those concerned! ^^

Throne of Agony released

Throne of agony was relased today in the North Americas for Sony's portable playstation system - the PSP.

Throne of Agony's storyline takes place a month after the end of Dungeon Siege 2 and ties closely into the events ending that game's storyline. The game's gameplay is estimated to 15 hours but according to the developers ended up being more like 20-25 hours.

The game offers 4 premade characters to choose from that can be shaped as they gain experience according to the players whishes. Each character is tied to the storyline in a personal way so there are essentially 4 stories to be told. As the story progresses pets and other companions are made available.

Throne of Agony screenshots

Thought I would post some screenshots from Throne of Agony, the upcoming DS game for the PSP.
Seems pretty cool if you ask me.

Questions about Throne of Agony

Tom wants to know if you guys have any questions about the upcoming Throne of Agony for the PSP.

Post them here if you can think of any.

GPG has opened an online store

It appears by the frontpage of the Garage that GPG has set up an online store.

Have a look:

Dungeon Siege 2 Deluxe Version released..

Both the original game and the expansion in one box - like DS1 and Aranna

- see here for more info..

- released in US in October, and due for release in Europe in November..

..sounds like it would make an ideal Christmas present
..there are lots of extra goodies in the package, it seems

Welcome to a new age

Or something like that.. So anyway, this is the new site. I hope you like it.
It will take some time to get used to but check out the help (green link under the elf in hte header) for a a quick update on new features. I should point out that this site is heavily in beta and that there are some things not working properly yet. Internet Explorer users might not get the prettiest version of the site since I haven't installed IE (using linux). I will start tweaking the css to take care of that though. Just report any problems you find here.

Important! There have been a few reports of problems with logging in. What you can do if you have a similar problem is to clear out any cookies for and And use the full url with "www" i.e:


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