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In the Giant Camp

Made it to the giant's camp last night and thinking it was a place that I could save the game and saved and went to bed, when I got back to the game tonight I discovered this.


Completed EHB and Started Yesterhaven

I finished the EHB map and the GOM is very very dead so EHB is safe for now.

So since I had not played Yesterhaven in oh at least 4 years I decided to go there next. I was out looking for the undertaker and picked up the quest to find Maid Gwendolyn so I entered the Broken Crypts and discovered that when I clicked on her nothing happened.



Mod Title: Drianjul_Don't_You_Cry-Catmansion
Converting Drianjul into catmansion. Requires Drianjul_Don't_You_Cry.ds2res in addition to this mod.

Author: PhoeniX aka Volkan
Link: Drianjul_Don't_You_Cry-Catmansion

Mod Version Number: 1
Release Date: April 15, 2012
Mod Size (approx.): 130 KB
Tank Priority: 10000
Contact Information:


New textures and icons converting Drianjul into Catmansion.

Installation Instructions:


yonder's First Blog


Okay, survey time, how many of you have seen Dorkness Rising and how many have seen JourneyQuest? How many have no clue what I'm talking about?


To Merin I go

Well with a bit of rethinking and long range weapons I am on my way to Merin. :dance1:


Been wondering around Ehb, Aranna and LoU in DS2

I got killed so many times I decided to bring in my six member party that had been through Veteran level of both DS2 and Broken World, with armor and weapons that I designed that could chew up and spit out any broken world baddy and we all died on the trail to Crystwind!! Must rethink my playing style I guess. :orc: I will beat these maps too. Dwarf

lili Elf


Haloween Special - resurrection

While I was updating links in my posts from my old web site to my new one, I came across a few to the Halloween Special at the forge. Since that is long gone, I may try and add a page to my site about the mod, just in case anyone still wants to play it. I found a copy of the x-mess card that we used to announce version 1.4, but does anyone else have any screenshots etc from it?



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