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Pink Throwing Pitchfork for the female characters

Finally got the Pink Throwing Pitchfork made for my female characters -



ready to toss a salad or maybe a morden. like the different color forks very slick DE


could release the mod soon, but there is a problem with how the pitchfork lands in the enemy it is pointed up like it is on the ground in the picture, I wish I could rotate it 90 degrees when it hits the monster and impales them.

Darkelf wrote:
could release the mod soon, but there is a problem with how the pitchfork lands in the enemy it is pointed up like it is on the ground in the picture, I wish I could rotate it 90 degrees when it hits the monster and impales them.

I will dig through my notes (once I locate them) because when Firebat and I where doing the original custom weapon pack one of the throwing weapons, I think the flower kept sticking in the enemy by the flowers and not the stem. Firebat did something with the amo block and the animation that fixed it. Think a similar issue.
