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Dat Face

Sometime ago I submitted a blog entry with some new faces for DS 1 Farmgirl. I know very few folks are still playing DS 1, but for the 5 of us across the world :P well, here we go. In addition to the faces, I added some new hair colors and starting outfits.

I have a terrible habit of going over and over things, correcting every little detail, so I forced myself to be satisfied with the current version of the mod. There are still some things I am not very happy with (I am really bad at matching skin tones) but eh.

I made some minor changes to some of the faces and others got more of an overhaul...just to be more in line with my perceptions of "attractive" others may find my faces to be kinda fugly. You've been warned!


(there is also a small armor mod on the webpage. No body armor but hats, shields and boots).

My Photobucket album:

A few samples...



First I face left then I face right then I pull on my hair and download the mod.

update super duper job kathy

Not fair not fair first the elf names me Robin and then she dresses me in one of your new outfits Kathy!
I will not have to fight the krug they will just die laughing!

ha ha ha Elf

Pastel pink *really* suits him. Bow chicka bowwow...

Laughing out loud

Thanks for the compliment, too. Smile

You've inspired me. SEXY HERO IS SEXY :P