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The debut of some Kathy armor for Dungeon Siege 1

I learned something. Not everything, but a good solid step in the direction of learning to create armor for DS1. A Huge thank you from my heart to sjr and lili. Laughing out loud

I had an idea a while back for some armor.

I don't know anything about skrit or coding or any of that other "wizardry" but I can edit images fairly decently so I decided to just totally wing something. I remembered when I had gone in to the image gallery of Kathy and Bare Elf ideas that I had seen somehting that would work for what I wanted. This is a piece of armor designed by bare_elf:

I downloaded that and drew over it to create my image:

The the moo czar sjr came and worked some wizardry upon my image: ^^

sjr wrote:
The dsres file I created is attached in my first post. That would show what I did. I just saved the image Kathy posted. Saved it as a psd file. Then used the psd to raw converter, which generates a raw and gas file for the art folder. Then I made a quick simple gas file for the interactive folder for the actual item/armor. If you put that dsres file in place you can wear the armor. It worked fine in the Abstraction folder (you can tell by the pointy ear girl I used in the image). The only think I didnt do was create a gui inventory icon, I just used a standard one. Creating armors or character skins when you already have a image that is already in DS view format is very easy to do. Most all skins/armors I made in Abstraction were done in a short time. Naming (what it is called - naming with template name is easy also since I just keep things the same/similar to avoid confusing myself) and deciding what stats to do take longer.

This is his result:

Then Miss Lili came and worked her wizardry:

bare_elf wrote:
Then I took a basic armor template and changed it to support the new image. Which I called b_c_pos_a1_pleather.psd (see my blog)

Then putting the items in the correct folders and tanking the result we ended up with this

BTW All this comes originally from Herena Forge, my other wonderful Dungeon Siege home on the 'net.
