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while I was offline for months I was playing around with Dulac's Monster Island Map, wanting to fix a path issue but was unable to fix it, I decided to use ds1 skeletons and zombies and made a version of the Island of the Dead - xmonsterislandredux2.ds2res this map now requires the ds1 resources converted by iryan and killergremal to work properly referred to in this



Where was the pathing issue? Might be from a funky node, object, or something.

theres like a cave u cant enter at the end..not sure why but its like a invisible wall there

Hmm, I'm guessing the dungeon? I wonder if that's the cave wall I used to block the part I planned to continue node-ing. It should be visible though. I'll have to check it out.

I have found this place in the dungeon that I can not move beyond however I can see monsters beyond where I am stuck. I also can not shoot past the white line. The monsters are within my vision and sight line so I should be able to shoot them, but can not.

Or perchance where you talking about the ice cave that appears to go no where?


exactly what I mean, there is areas u cant move beyond, u can see the monsters and go no further. but Dulac's map is still fun to play regardless Smile

bare_elf wrote:
I have found this place in the dungeon that I can not move beyond however I can see monsters beyond where I am stuck. I also can not shoot past the white line. The monsters are within my vision and sight line so I should be able to shoot them, but can not.

Or perchance where you talking about the ice cave that appears to go no where?


So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!

Thanks Bareelf. That shouldn't be happening. I haven't had that issue when I tested it years back. I'll have to take a look to fix that issue. The ice cave portion is intentionally blocked. I had plans to expand the map from there. I wonder if recalculating the nodes would fix the bug.

I must agree Dark Elf the map is fun to play. You are welcome Dulac.

I think I would have released more small unfinished maps like that if I knew they were fun. It's hard to tell when you make them and test them a lot, lol. I have plans for a new map, but I also have plans to redesign items for DS2 Broken World. I'm hoping the two will coincide together eventually.

Dulac wrote:
I think I would have released more small unfinished maps like that if I knew they were fun. It's hard to tell when you make them and test them a lot, lol. I have plans for a new map, but I also have plans to redesign items for DS2 Broken World. I'm hoping the two will coincide together eventually.

You should post some of your unfinished maps so we can play with them. Always like testing things and thinking of ideas.


I've lost a good chunk of them Sad . I found more efficient ways to make maps. so it wouldn't take long to put stuff together like Monster Island. I actually had to ask Dark Elf for a copy of Monster Island before I released it, lol.