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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

bare_elf wrote:

It has to be a Broken World Bug as I took my DS2 Heavy Weapons Team to the Droog City and Nonataya worked just fine. Not sure exactly what is going on here, maybe that is why the Game is called Broken World, as I am finding more bugs in the Broken World Testing than the DS2 Oh well
There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

Indeed it is Broken World specific but also my bad coding, not to mention I actually forgot to include his alternative speech in the first place. My only excuse is that I only started learning about flick back then (and am still learning about it now) and I'm a little bit better at it now. The whole conversation now works better in both versions.

Let me know if the small patch I sent you works and I'll post it for everyone else as well. At least if we strike anymore of these types of errors I'll know what to do.

Running to Illicor to see if the node lighting problem is fixed by patch and have the conversation problem with Lharnob. He talks once, then stops responding until I load game again.

Running v2.2 executable.

PhoeniX wrote:
Running to Illicor to see if the node lighting problem is fixed by patch and have the conversation problem with Lharnob. He talks once, then stops responding until I load game again.

Running v2.2 executable.

Thanks, there's a couple of those types of problems with the conversations around. It's because they still have i order = 0; left in the conversation. DS2 doesn't support that anymore as conversations are now handled by flick. I have made talk flicks for the quest givers, etc, but not for the regular npcs or shop givers. For those I have simply begun removing their alternative talk scripts but with Llarnob I still left in the i order = 0 which means it'll only run once.

Now that I have a better understanding of how talk flicks run I'll start redoing all the conversations with talk flicks. It'll be needed for LOA etc as you'll be able to revisit all parts of the map through the teleporter system in the next Beta.

I checked it and the conversation Nonataya works in Broken World. So I guess it would be a good idea to upload the patch Irwin


Got the node lighting fixed for Illicor and Darkjungle. First picture is just with Darkjungle fixed, had to adjust Illicor to get rid of the straggler lighting problems.

While fighting the Lost Queen she jumped behind me. She must have been trying to get away. Smile

And a generic first attempt for Yesterhaven map.

PhoeniX wrote:

Got the node lighting fixed for Illicor and Darkjungle. First picture is just with Darkjungle fixed, had to adjust Illicor to get rid of the straggler lighting problems.

While fighting the Lost Queen she jumped behind me. She must have been trying to get away. Smile

And a generic first attempt for Yesterhaven map.

Very nice PhoeniX, the map's a lot better than my feeble attempts so far.

I would love to know how to stitch the Lost Queen's body together so that the tail dies in conjunction with her. Making the tail spawn mucosa would be a bonus. I'm sure there would be a way by using flick or triggers, I'll attempt it when I get back to that region, perhaps it would be as simple as triggering the tail to die when the Lost Queen does (there's already a trigger in her template for when she dies that opens the doors behind her and closes her quest).

KillerGremal wrote:
iryan wrote:
KillerGremal wrote:
@Iryan: Why do you use the naming scheme from DS2 for sound files?
Are there (still) any problems? (...recently wondered in this post too)

However with the new content mod the DS1 files should (also) play in the addon now!(?)

I didn't use the DS1 format simply because it didn't work for me and I had more pressing tasks to attend to at the time (I did spend several hours trying to get it working).

Music works fine but monster and voice files don't. I know you defined the DS1 sound structure even in the previous Content mod so it should have worked, in theory.

I will try again to see I can get it working with the current Content mod but for ambient sounds I think we'll always need to define them in the sounddb.gas file, that was how I was able to get the LOA ambient sounds working. This'll mean that there'll be conflicts with any mods that happen to change sounddb.gas as well but if they have any sort of priority they should override the DS1_Logic file.

For reference this is with vanilla DS2 version 2.2

Indeed, 'unique' files in a mod are some kind of vulnerability, luckily however voice files don't need to be registered in sounddb.gas, and ambient sounds usually neither (there are only a few exceptions).

I just mean/hope that it would make your work some easier (and the mod/downloads smaller) if you could use the sound files from DS1 directly (for Ehb+Utrae, for Yesterhaven+LoA you still would need to re-ship them of course however without changing the filename at least).
If you retry it once, please let me know what the result was.

I've tested out the DS1 sounds with the new Mod_Content Pack 10b and still can't get voices or monster sounds to work yet music will work. This is with both v2.2 and BW 2.3.

I agree it would help a little not have to redo all the sounds, though at this stage it would require redoing all the base templates in DS1_Logic instead.

iryan wrote:
. . .
I've tested out the DS1 sounds with the new Mod_Content Pack 10b and still can't get voices or monster sounds to work yet music will work. This is with both v2.2 and BW 2.3.

I agree it would help a little not have to redo all the sounds, though at this stage it would require redoing all the base templates in DS1_Logic instead.

Hm, that's quite strange... Puzzled
Try to check your sound tank from DS1 once, the file size should match the file size it had on the DS1 disc/installation.
I also could tell you a CRC/MD5 check sum of the file, however I don't know if that tanks was localized. It you take that from DS1 1.0 or DS1 1.1 shouldn't matter.


However I've looked through DS1_Map_World_Beta_7a.ds2res and tried out Ehb some time in v2.3/Mod (just because of the logs and to teleport to a mood with an ambient track. So regular installation, bits folder not used).
The maps works pretty well, the intro NIS/narration invites to play on, and it was quite cool to refind aggressives snakes (i didn't remember)! Laughing out loud

Also the background music played with me, and so the ambient track did (if there is one assigned at all).
However I will retry this later with the retails versions, there may be a difference.

Concerning the monster templates, many sound references are broken (meanwhile), most probably a consequence of the resources related changes we had.
Moreover, the [anim_duration] tag is missing quite everywhere! Evil
That's why the map is so hard to play with normal difficulty. Like this many monsters (almost) attack twice as fast (1.0s per hit) than they do in DS2 (attack intervals of 1.333-2.0s).

Well, if you like I could update the monster templates for you!?
Not sure if a simple search+replace will fix the sound references, a countercheck to see if the sound/SED file really exists would be needed (i would (ab)use PHP for this).
However checking this manually would be quite painful, but it should be fixed before we can try to find the reason why the sounds sometimes don't play.

Beside of this, maybe you have seen that the logs complain that there's something wrong with the 'dsx_eyes_whelnar' template and that king_konreid_nis.flick and star_chamber_count.flick contain flicks of the same name.

The GOM is dead and the world is safe for now. Did not find any additional quest issues or conversation problems. I did note however it is much harder to kill skeleton warlock than it is to kill the GOM. My team was wiped out by a pack of skeleton warlocks in the castle dungeon and when I respawned to the last save point (in the castle dungeon) their was no one there to bring back the gear. The storage trunk was there and so was a shop keeper. I was lucky as I had stored a full set of weapons and armor for my team in the trunk at the start of the game and I was able to buy the spell books and spells from the shopkeeper. However it would be nice that when a party respawns that they respawn with all of their gear, take the money because I have yet been able to kill anything by throwing coins at it. Smile

The map plays really nice in both Broken World and Dungeon Siege 2 if you plan to play it with Broken World make sure you get the patch.


KillerGremal wrote:
Hm, that's quite strange... Puzzled
Try to check your sound tank from DS1 once, the file size should match the file size it had on the DS1 disc/installation.
I also could tell you a CRC/MD5 check sum of the file, however I don't know if that tanks was localized. It you take that from DS1 1.0 or DS1 1.1 shouldn't matter.


However I've looked through DS1_Map_World_Beta_7a.ds2res and tried out Ehb some time in v2.3/Mod (just because of the logs and to teleport to a mood with an ambient track. So regular installation, bits folder not used).
The maps works pretty well, the intro NIS/narration invites to play on, and it was quite cool to refind aggressives snakes (i didn't remember)! Laughing out loud

Also the background music played with me, and so the ambient track did (if there is one assigned at all).
However I will retry this later with the retails versions, there may be a difference.

Concerning the monster templates, many sound references are broken (meanwhile), most probably a consequence of the resources related changes we had.
Moreover, the [anim_duration] tag is missing quite everywhere! Evil
That's why the map is so hard to play with normal difficulty. Like this many monsters (almost) attack twice as fast (1.0s per hit) than they do in DS2 (attack intervals of 1.333-2.0s).

Well, if you like I could update the monster templates for you!?
Not sure if a simple search+replace will fix the sound references, a countercheck to see if the sound/SED file really exists would be needed (i would (ab)use PHP for this).
However checking this manually would be quite painful, but it should be fixed before we can try to find the reason why the sounds sometimes don't play.

Beside of this, maybe you have seen that the logs complain that there's something wrong with the 'dsx_eyes_whelnar' template and that king_konreid_nis.flick and star_chamber_count.flick contain flicks of the same name.

I've checked the sound file with the original one in the DS1 installion folder and they're identical. As I said the music files work fine but the others don't.

Good pickup with the animations! That's certainly the reason for the difficulty increase everyone's experiencing. I just copied the body block from the original templates and just made minor adjustments where needed but never thought to look at the animations durations. You're right that DS2 includes animation durations in all of the DS2 monster attack animations while DS1 didn't. The DS2 engine must process the animations a lot faster than did the older engine.

It should take too long to insert proper attack animations durations into the templates.

I made a silly typo with the dsx_eyes_whelnar which was easily fixed but I'm perplexed about the flicks contain flicks of the same name. I checked and they're completely different.

Anyhow I'll update the attack animations with the next DS1_Logic which should be out soon together with the next Beta of Yesterhaven, which is going along quite nicely.

Thanks for the work debugging the mod.

Things are getting a bit strange after Hiroth I have noted that the Kill the Dragon Queen Quest does not complete until you find the Quillrabe town stone.
That Something is confused because as you walk through Quillrabe you get the message the you have entered

Some if the vendors, quest givers and others have the quest/shop Icon over their heads as shown in the following image

If you save your game after getting to Grescal and then restart the game you find yourself back in Quillrabe, I tried this several times from different locations in Grescal but it does not matter.

bare_elf wrote:
The GOM is dead and the world is safe for now. Did not find any additional quest issues or conversation problems. I did note however it is much harder to kill skeleton warlock than it is to kill the GOM. My team was wiped out by a pack of skeleton warlocks in the castle dungeon and when I respawned to the last save point (in the castle dungeon) their was no one there to bring back the gear. The storage trunk was there and so was a shop keeper. I was lucky as I had stored a full set of weapons and armor for my team in the trunk at the start of the game and I was able to buy the spell books and spells from the shopkeeper. However it would be nice that when a party respawns that they respawn with all of their gear, take the money because I have yet been able to kill anything by throwing coins at it. Smile

The map plays really nice in both Broken World and Dungeon Siege 2 if you plan to play it with Broken World make sure you get the patch.


We now know the reason for the increased difficulty of the monsters from DS1 thanks to Killergremal (see his previous post), so I'll be able to balance things better.

Also I'm aware of the confusing messages about Elddim. It's because the stashes in the map are based on Killergremal's version (which allows you to turn off the monster level adjust mod if you want to) and they have set_location = Elddim in the base template. This message will appear if the starting position references the stash. For the next Beta of the Utraean Peninsula, I'll be using teleporters rather than specific starting positions that now exist. This'll eliminate a lot of problems.

iryan wrote:
. . .
Also I'm aware of the confusing messages about Elddim. It's because the stashes in the map are based on Killergremal's version (which allows you to turn off the monster level adjust mod if you want to) and they have set_location = Elddim in the base template. This message will appear if the starting position references the stash. For the next Beta of the Utraean Peninsula, I'll be using teleporters rather than specific starting positions that now exist. This'll eliminate a lot of problems.
...all my custom stuff is confusing. :P
Actually to make a mapper's life easier, the custom stash template already carries an instance trigger to update player's location and a the component to toggle your start position, and whenever this custom stash template is set on the map it's necessary to care about trigger or component (since the SE2 didn't like empty defaults here).
Of course you also can use the official templates for stash (will have a lever to for LevelAdjustment Mod as well) and for the start group update.

I just hope you don't have changed the existing start group ids!?
Expanding them shouldn't be a problem (each town Id varied by 50 or 100 to have some gap between) but if you changed them then scan whole map too for the [starting_group_toggle] component to update the ids there too.
There also may be templates with start group presets, so if you find these template in a region then update the instance/regional object too (better than the defaults in the template, otherwise other things may not work anymore).


By the way, I still have no idea about the sound problems for monsters. Puzzled
I'm going now to check/update the monster template now and to try/hear them in the retail versions. If I have some time I also will add the anim durations depending on the chore stances of the monsters.

I've just updated Yesterhaven to version 7b.

This version includes proper DS2 teleporters instead of save positions, a dozen NIS sequences and bug fixes.

The updated DS1_Logic.ds2res includes fixes for all DS1 monsters so their attack animations are at a proper speed for DS2. That's why the mod was so hard before. As a consequence I've restored Yesterhaven's internal map difficulty back to default levels.

KillerGremal wrote:
iryan wrote:
. . .
Also I'm aware of the confusing messages about Elddim. It's because the stashes in the map are based on Killergremal's version (which allows you to turn off the monster level adjust mod if you want to) and they have set_location = Elddim in the base template. This message will appear if the starting position references the stash. For the next Beta of the Utraean Peninsula, I'll be using teleporters rather than specific starting positions that now exist. This'll eliminate a lot of problems.
...all my custom stuff is confusing. :P
Actually to make a mapper's life easier, the custom stash template already carries an instance trigger to update player's location and a the component to toggle your start position, and whenever this custom stash template is set on the map it's necessary to care about trigger or component (since the SE2 didn't like empty defaults here).
Of course you also can use the official templates for stash (will have a lever to for LevelAdjustment Mod as well) and for the start group update.

I just hope you don't have changed the existing start group ids!?
Expanding them shouldn't be a problem (each town Id varied by 50 or 100 to have some gap between) but if you changed them then scan whole map too for the [starting_group_toggle] component to update the ids there too.
There also may be templates with start group presets, so if you find these template in a region then update the instance/regional object too (better than the defaults in the template, otherwise other things may not work anymore).


By the way, I still have no idea about the sound problems for monsters. Puzzled
I'm going now to check/update the monster template now and to try/hear them in the retail versions. If I have some time I also will add the anim durations depending on the chore stances of the monsters.

So the original stashes have the lever adjustment as well? I do use the functions of your custom stash in a couple of places.

I haven't altered any of the default starting groups ids, just added new ones or activated developer start groups (there's quite a few of those) where available.

With the maps gradually being converted to using DS2 teleporters, all of these extra start groups will become obsolete. It avoids quite a few problems as well as being handy with all the required store npcs in one place.

I've also updated all the DS1 monster templates to include proper attack animation durations. Does make quite a difference so I'll also revert the maps' internal difficulty level back to default.

iryan wrote:
I've just updated Yesterhaven to version 7b.

This version includes proper DS2 teleporters instead of save positions, a dozen NIS sequences and bug fixes.

The updated DS1_Logic.ds2res includes fixes for all DS1 monsters so their attack animations are at a proper speed for DS2. That's why the mod was so hard before. As a consequence I've restored Yesterhaven's internal map difficulty back to default levels.

I have downloaded the updated files DS1_Yesterhaven_Beta_7b.ds2res and DS1_Logic_Beta_7b.ds2res. I started a party using Broken World. I have completed Act 1 and Act 2, so far the teleport system works very nicely and in a way is better than the save points. What I mean is that you always restart the game in Yesterhaven rather than where ever the save point was which can be a bother some times, however you end up in a place that can resurrect your party if you are killed, no more running about without weapons and armor with a pack of monsters on your heels. The monsters are still hard (easy monsters suck) but the balance appears to be much better. So far all the quests and conversations complete as they should. Will post more when I finish the map.
There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

bare_elf wrote:
iryan wrote:
I've just updated Yesterhaven to version 7b.

This version includes proper DS2 teleporters instead of save positions, a dozen NIS sequences and bug fixes.

The updated DS1_Logic.ds2res includes fixes for all DS1 monsters so their attack animations are at a proper speed for DS2. That's why the mod was so hard before. As a consequence I've restored Yesterhaven's internal map difficulty back to default levels.

I have downloaded the updated files DS1_Yesterhaven_Beta_7b.ds2res and DS1_Logic_Beta_7b.ds2res. I started a party using Broken World. I have completed Act 1 and Act 2, so far the teleport system works very nicely and in a way is better than the save points. What I mean is that you always restart the game in Yesterhaven rather than where ever the save point was. So it is more like playing a DS1 map in the DS2 environment than before so if your party is wiped out you land where there is someone to resurrect you party. No more getting killed and running about without weapons or armor. The monsters are still hard (easy monsters suck) but the balance appears to be much better. So far all the quests and conversations complete as they should.
There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

That's good to hear that everything,s working as it should. It's funny but if I knew how easy it was to use DS2 teleporters I would have used that method from the very beginning. I guess I was scared off by the example used in the tutorial where numerous fades had to be created for that particular teleporter to work as intended. It'll probably be different for the other maps but at least for Yesterhaven I didn't have to use a single fade as the map's so simple. Plus I now know a little bit about fades, that's how I was able to get some nasty graphical glitches removed from Ehb and also the cellar of LOA (where in the very first beta you could see the intro region!).

I'm not 100% certain how I'll tackle the Utraean Peninsula as Killergremal already has teleporters enabled there but in the attempt to be true to the original design of the map, I don't think they work as well as they should, hench that's why I created saved points. Currently there's 8 teleporters linked together for the towns, which duplicates the original Utraean Basiculus system and they work well. Then there's other teleporters replacing the old displacers which I don't think work well for single player games with large parties. It's frustrating trying to get the party up and down those small elevators on the structures that house the displacers/teleporters.

What I would like to do is scrape those silly outposts and have the displacers/teleporters linked directly to the Utraean Basiculus, as well as converting the other save points to proper teleporters that link there as well. That means there'll be 8 main teleporters linking the towns plus up to 40 teleporters that are broken up into 8 sections, for each of the towns.

Before I start that I'll have to discuss it with Killergremal but has anyone any impressions about this idea?

For Kingdom of Ehb, there'll be the 4 major towns plus teleporters linking to each of those. The start from the Farmlands to Stonebridge will have to use the current system though as it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

For LOA, it would work like the Utraean Peninsula, using existing displacer pads (currently disabled) plus the extra points I've placed into the map.

iryan wrote:
That's good to hear that everything,s working as it should. It's funny but if I knew how easy it was to use DS2 teleporters I would have used that method from the very beginning. I guess I was scared off by the example used in the tutorial where numerous fades had to be created for that particular teleporter to work as intended. It'll probably be different for the other maps but at least for Yesterhaven I didn't have to use a single fade as the map's so simple. Plus I now know a little bit about fades, that's how I was able to get some nasty graphical glitches removed from Ehb and also the cellar of LOA (where in the very first beta you could see the intro region!).

I'm not 100% certain how I'll tackle the Utraean Peninsula as Killergremal already has teleporters enabled there but in the attempt to be true to the original design of the map, I don't think they work as well as they should, hench that's why I created saved points. Currently there's 8 teleporters linked together for the towns, which duplicates the original Utraean Basiculus system and they work well. Then there's other teleporters replacing the old displacers which I don't think work well for single player games with large parties. It's frustrating trying to get the party up and down those small elevators on the structures that house the displacers/teleporters.

What I would like to do is scrape those silly outposts and have the displacers/teleporters linked directly to the Utraean Basiculus, as well as converting the other save points to proper teleporters that link there as well. That means there'll be 8 main teleporters linking the towns plus up to 40 teleporters that are broken up into 8 sections, for each of the towns.

Before I start that I'll have to discuss it with Killergremal but has anyone any impressions about this idea?

For Kingdom of Ehb, there'll be the 4 major towns plus teleporters linking to each of those. The start from the Farmlands to Stonebridge will have to use the current system though as it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

For LOA, it would work like the Utraean Peninsula, using existing displacer pads (currently disabled) plus the extra points I've placed into the map.

Yesterhaven is completed and the only glitch I noted was in the Citadel of Ash where some of the rooms block the view of the floor you are on. That existed in the original DS1 Map so no worries there. You just need to twist your viewpoint about. I look forward to having the teleport system working in Kingdom of Ehb and the displacer system working in Legends of Aranna. It also would be nice to have the Basiculus and teleport system working on the Utraean Peninsula as it did in the DS1 Legends of Utrae 3.2 ************************************************************************************************** There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

iryan wrote:
. . .
So the original stashes have the lever adjustment as well? I do use the functions of your custom stash in a couple of places.
. . .
Yes, on custom maps the lever to turn on/off the level-adjustment is always there unless you turn it off by the 'mood tweak'.
In this context however, are you aware of the tweak mentioned in the 'EXTRA REMARK 3'?


iryan wrote:
. . .
I'm not 100% certain how I'll tackle the Utraean Peninsula as Killergremal already has teleporters enabled there but in the attempt to be true to the original design of the map, I don't think they work as well as they should, hench that's why I created saved points. Currently there's 8 teleporters linked together for the towns, which duplicates the original Utraean Basiculus system and they work well. Then there's other teleporters replacing the old displacers which I don't think work well for single player games with large parties. It's frustrating trying to get the party up and down those small elevators on the structures that house the displacers/teleporters.

What I would like to do is scrape those silly outposts and have the displacers/teleporters linked directly to the Utraean Basiculus, as well as converting the other save points to proper teleporters that link there as well. That means there'll be 8 main teleporters linking the towns plus up to 40 teleporters that are broken up into 8 sections, for each of the towns.
. . .

Technically i think the teleporter system I've added on my 'initial' Utrae release works well, doesn't it!(?)
Displacers are special indeed, I've tried to maintain them for 'retro reasons' although their tuning is a bit more demanding.
But for teleporter system and displacers the functioning is simple, like in DS1/DS2 basically, so for example before you can teleport from location A to location B you must have reached location B once before by foot.

Indeed the player may like to have more save points than the towns only, thus I've thought you just would add (a few) additional save points for Mount Utrae, Dornek's Stone quarry, between Elddim and Meren, etc.
But 40 additional teleport connections now...!? :o
This may be painful to implement for you and possibly also stress player's capacity to orient himself within such a network!?

Well, it also depend what you or the player expect from a 'save point'. Must it have a stash there? Shops? A necromancer (so you can resurrect there)? - If not I would suggest something like this. Supposed mood and fades can be re-apply it would be sufficient to proceed an earlier session on any remote spot.

...this just an idea however (need to rethink about it some more).
Right now i'm tuning the monster template from DS1_Logic_Beta_7b.ds2res to make the sounds work (hopefully).

Got the next version for the Yesterhaven map complete. I am fairly pleased with it.

PhoeniX wrote:
Got the next version for the Yesterhaven map complete. I am fairly pleased with it.
Looks pretty cool, but what about a more DS-like font type?

Maybe they are still online, I must check some links...

PhoeniX wrote:
Got the next version for the Yesterhaven map complete. I am fairly pleased with it.

I agree, it's looking good. Perhaps symbols of an ice tower, lave pit, graveyard and a ruined towns may add finishing touches as well as the DS font as Killergremal suggested.

You would have seen my sad attempt with the current beta (and it wasn't even scaled properly either).

KillerGremal wrote:
Technically i think the teleporter system I've added on my 'initial' Utrae release works well, doesn't it!(?)
Displacers are special indeed, I've tried to maintain them for 'retro reasons' although their tuning is a bit more demanding.
But for teleporter system and displacers the functioning is simple, like in DS1/DS2 basically, so for example before you can teleport from location A to location B you must have reached location B once before by foot.

Indeed the player may like to have more save points than the towns only, thus I've thought you just would add (a few) additional save points for Mount Utrae, Dornek's Stone quarry, between Elddim and Meren, etc.
But 40 additional teleport connections now...!? :o
This may be painful to implement for you and possibly also stress player's capacity to orient himself within such a network!?

Well, it also depend what you or the player expect from a 'save point'. Must it have a stash there? Shops? A necromancer (so you can resurrect there)? - If not I would suggest something like this. Supposed mood and fades can be re-apply it would be sufficient to proceed an earlier session on any remote spot.

...this just an idea however (need to rethink about it some more).
Right now i'm tuning the monster template from DS1_Logic_Beta_7b.ds2res to make the sounds work (hopefully).

The displacers work well from a technical perspective but the displacer platforms GPG located them on in the towns are such a pain to use as those tiny elevators weren't made for singleplayer parties in DS2. It takes almost as much time getting the party up and down them as it would just to run back to town!

The teleporters I suggested would work similar to DS2 and they would use the existing displacer platforms as well as the extra save points already in the map. I found it was quick and easy to implement the teleporters (as long as there weren't any associated fades) taking about 15 minutes each. So from Elddim a player would have access to maybe 5 local teleporters and the other 7 towns, once discovered and enabled.

It would be nice to use the displacers instead but I'm not sure what can be done about the displacer platforms as they're a single node.

The feedback I get is that players dislike their party getting wiped out and finding nobody to resurrect them once respawning.

I'll see what feedback I get about this before continuing work on the map.

What do players think if I replace the broken displacer pads in Legends of Aranna with teleporters like this?

This was what I was thinking for the Utraean Peninsula as well but maybe not everyone likes it.

Keep the meshes used in DS1, but attach the transport effect of DS2. I.e. leave the little turning statue, or pad, as the visual aspect for the switch, but replace the elevator mechanism with the "space warp".

However, I second the call for a larger area of effect than the little platforms on the towers. Since the statue on the platform is now just a switch, make the whole floor area "live".

nice works, sorry to say i have not tryed any of these works yet, i have them downloaded for future use however, as am waiting on a more final version to start playing.... as for this pic, it looks good, however, the teleporter thingy in the middle, i vote to take out, i think it would look better without it, toon then can walk on and bamm into town, however i would like to see a portal open perhaps where that teleporter thingy is, perhaps i have played too much diablo 2, i dunno, but thats my vote.

iryan wrote:
What do players think if I replace the broken displacer pads in Legends of Aranna with teleporters like this?

This was what I was thinking for the Utraean Peninsula as well but maybe not everyone likes it.


So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!

iryan wrote:
. . .
The displacers work well from a technical perspective but the displacer platforms GPG located them on in the towns are such a pain to use as those tiny elevators weren't made for singleplayer parties in DS2. It takes almost as much time getting the party up and down them as it would just to run back to town!
. . . .

I'm was aware of this matter because of it I've added a (working!?) auto-arrange feature to put the whole party automatically on the little displacer node.
A special configuration shouldn't be necessary, i just remember that this little 'lever statue' needs to be in the center (quite exactly) of the displacer node.


iryan wrote:
. . .
The teleporters I suggested would work similar to DS2 and they would use the existing displacer platforms as well as the extra save points already in the map. I found it was quick and easy to implement the teleporters (as long as there weren't any associated fades) taking about 15 minutes each. So from Elddim a player would have access to maybe 5 local teleporters and the other 7 towns, once discovered and enabled.
. . .
This approach is quite ok, feel free to do this if you like.

I just had something like a special lever in mind to represent a save point (rather a re-entry point). When the player touches this lever the placement/node will be saved in the journal, and the next time/session the player enters the map a town portal will open automatically to transport him back to that node.
You had nothing to do than placing this lever and adding a mood/fade trigger (but all remote ends of teleporter connections would need this anyway).
That's the idea, but I had to try it out first.


iryan wrote:
What do players think if I replace the broken displacer pads in Legends of Aranna with teleporters like this?

This was what I was thinking for the Utraean Peninsula as well but maybe not everyone likes it.

This looks splendid! Laughing out loud
...but anyhow it reminds me on Arhok XP for DS2 - you should go there once! Wink

If you like, I actually made a prefab for the SE2 to reproduce the 'teleporter arrangement' in a very similar way (tricky wasn't the teleporter itself, the placement of the purple needle effects was).
Maybe it would help, but of course there is no need to set/create teleporter stations like this.


ghastley wrote:
Keep the meshes used in DS1, but attach the transport effect of DS2. I.e. leave the little turning statue, or pad, as the visual aspect for the switch, but replace the elevator mechanism with the "space warp".

However, I second the call for a larger area of effect than the little platforms on the towers. Since the statue on the platform is now just a switch, make the whole floor area "live".

I've tried out something similar on the Tutorial CGM map, but it's a bit more advancend/different than realized on my initial Utrae release. Possibly it still can be simplified, actually i always had the hope to make the displacer/elevator transition work once as we had it in DS1.


Darkelf wrote:
nice works, sorry to say i have not tryed any of these works yet, i have them downloaded for future use however, as am waiting on a more final version to start playing....

Like Darkelf I have been following this project but in my case I haven't tried it yet because the installation looks rather intimidating. I thought I would wait for a little while longer to see what happens.

iryan wrote:
What do players think if I replace the broken displacer pads in Legends of Aranna with teleporters like this?

This was what I was thinking for the Utraean Peninsula as well but maybe not everyone likes it.

That is an interesting look and I like it. I think it would also look good with just the tower in the middle part with the purple effects. I am also on board with making a wide area around it "active" when the player steps near, because yes, trying to fit more than one or two characters on those little pads was a complete PITA.

iryan wrote:
What do players think if I replace the broken displacer pads in Legends of Aranna with teleporters like this?

This was what I was thinking for the Utraean Peninsula as well but maybe not everyone likes it.

I have never thought of myself as a purist, but having the LoA displacers looking like they did in DS1 would be how I would want it. However it really does not matter so long as I can teleport to a town to resupply or repair, it matters little what the transport system looks like. The small local teleporters and small elevators seem to work just fine in the Utraean Peninsula with a party of 4, 5, or even 6, so long as you have at least one member of the party on the platform before hitting the switch. However you do it for Kingdom of Ehb and Legends of Aranna it does not matter so long as I do not have to make multiple trips with a large party. However please keep them on the ground, as my party of Cat Mansion Characters are short, Laughing out loud Elf
There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

kathy wrote:
Like Darkelf I have been following this project but in my case I haven't tried it yet because the installation looks rather intimidating. I thought I would wait for a little while longer to see what happens.

The conversion of the DS1 files is super easy if you use Killer's little conversion program which you can find here where he talks about the Alternate way. Then it is just downloading all of the files and putting them in the DS2 Resources folder. With my internet connection the download of all the files took far longer than editing the DS1 stuff and installing the files. Kathy if I can do it anyone can do it and I know your hair is darker than mine Laughing out loud
