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Grape Nuts

When the road to Modding town takes a sharp turn into Whatthefrickityfrack-ville.


[Jerry Seinfeld voice]
Grape Nuts - You Open It Up, No Grapes, No Nuts! What's the Deal? [/Jerry Seinfeld voice]

(and no, this isn't the look I was going for. heh)



Sharkull's picture

Looks a bit more like John Travolta to me... XD

Kathy that is just scarey Insane

He does look a bit Travolta-ish and he is a bit scary, too. I think what is more scary though is the thought of Dungeon Siege characters running around in polyester bell bottoms and platform shoes like John did in "Saturday Night Fever". Yikes...


When Charietto and I were putting the Halloween Special together, we never considered Saturday Night Fever as a source. Maybe I should work on a new edition?

I think that might be warranted, ghastley. But only if others are as alarmed by bad fashion as much as I am. *wink*

Though, I have to admit...if you modeled a pair of platform shoes I would totally have all my characters equip them. hehe.

I tried to run the Halloween Special and found that I couldn't get into MP mode to play anything but part one, even running under DSMOD. That's going to make any additions difficult, if I can't test anything. Looks like some windows update broke MP mode completely.

I found that I still have some left-overs that I made for the 1.5 release that never happened, like tuxedos and ball gowns for a "prom night" scenario. I don't even remember which of the gazillion movies with that setting we had in mind, maybe all of them stirred into one big mess.

kathycf wrote:
He does look a bit Travolta-ish and he is a bit scary, too. I think what is more scary though is the thought of Dungeon Siege characters running around in polyester bell bottoms and platform shoes like John did in "Saturday Night Fever". Yikes...


Bell bottoms you say? Smile

future_kathy's picture

Trust me, I've seen the future.

Oh future kathy, what does she know? Nothing, that's what.

(seriously, thanks for the laugh, and I must say future kathy looks as um, "radiant" as she did the last time I saw her.) Smile

Oh, and those bell bottoms from Lurker? DO WANT....

Found the gmax, asp etc for this in my DS folder. I'm not sure if I ever fixed the skeleton issues with it that stopped me releasing it at the time. The picture is either the original CM outfit or the re-sized one using the farmgirl skeleton that evolved into something else.

That's cute, I like it.

Some bell bottoms aren't bad, while others look as if one is smuggling little people inside the pants.