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kathycf's blog

Don't be a WHAT?? and other Internet adventures.

So this afternoon I am browsing this site called Spoonflower.The site is kinda cool, you create a design and they will make fabric (lots of different fabrics, for everything from quilting to swimwear, curtains, dresses and fleecey stuff), plus wallpaper or giftwrap. It's rainy and gross out and I have a cold, so just amusing myself. You never know what cool fabric you can find for a DS armor mod or other projects.


Buncha shirtless floaty heads up in here

I know I put the shirts in correctly, but I copied the extra textures from DS REvived (flowers, cobwebs and so on) to the common shirt list. Farmboy and Farmgirl did not have the "common" option, just the one shirt each. Apparently, that wasn't good enough for them. They wanted flowers! And *this* is why we can't have nice things, zombies. Sad


The zombies are coming, the zombies are com...ack!

So, it's October now, and the summer has just flown by again. But that means Halloween is coming, one of my favorite childhood holidays. I last went out trick or treating as a senior in high school and some people were reluctant to give me candy. "Aren't you too old for this?" Psssh. Free candy, man. No one is too old for that. Plus I think I was a little drunk... *blush* (don't tell my Dad!)


The Best Helm I Never Had...

All these years I have been without when I really could have used a helm like this. Party


MIdnight Modding


Well, I know the things I did wrong to produce these results, but I still thought they were kind of funny. This is what happens when I mod stuff in the middle of the night. Smile

Bad Hair Day:

Nice Bow?


I, Frankenfish

I saw a commercial for a movie on SciFi channel (excuse me SyFy, as it's known now *eye roll*) for a movie called
"I, Frankenstein" and it reminded me of a summoning spell I did a few years ago called
"Summon Frankenfish" ("Frankenfish" was another syfy classic, kinda known for cheesy movies).

I don't use the spell all that often because Frankenfish is a little pokey, a little slow to attack. So, how fast can a Frankenfish run? I know manglers aren't fast creatures and have a small attack range. I tried modifying the template to make him run a little faster, but still. meh.


Do you like robes?

I like robes...loads of robes. "Just Robes" is a mod I made back in 2013, but I updated some stuff and repackaged it. I know, hardly anyone plays DS1/LOA, but I spent so much time (mostly making icons *grumble*) that I thought I would see if anyone else likes robes. They're mostly "girly" looking robes, but there are several that look good on male characters.

A preview of some robes and what they look like on various Dungeon Siege models:




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