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Giovanna_del_Arco's blog

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Vai'Kesh Standard

Returning to the recording and examination of artwork in the DS2 and DS2BW maps, I've got a shot of a Vai'Kesh standard here in the attached image.

The attached file is the full picture out of which this was clipped.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Nature's Avatar, Unyielding Preserver

The attached immage shows my Dryad character, Aceria Rubra, during the final battle of DS2BW Elite. She is wearing Unyielding Preserver Vestments and the Water Spirit's Blessing Amulet.

The attached file shows Aceria Rubra in Nature's Avatar Mystic Armor just before the Epilogue to DS2BW, after the final battle just as the credits are about to roll.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Still Alive and Kicking

Hi, all. I'm still alive, just haven't been around lately. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time after the first of January.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Elven Bridges and Dryad Banners

The image shows part of the ascent from Eirulan in Northern Greilyn Jungle upward toward the continent.

I think the ascent up out of the Isle has some nice scenery, though it looks more and more impressive if players are using a mod that gives more control over the camera angle than in unmodded DS2.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Old Comrades

It's really odd meeting old comrades-in-arms, especially when you eventually wind up on opposing sides of a war, and even more especially when the other is in such pitiful shape.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

The Riddle of the Agallan Sphinx?

Okay, I've once again emphasized the form I see in the artwork. I myself (the player) see a Sphinx-like image, but Aceria Rubra (the character) would of course have no knowledge of such a form, and is likely seeing the nemyss-like headdress on the image, making an association of that with the only experience she has of anyone wearing anything vaguely like that (the Agallan Statues in the Agallan Trial).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Petroglyphs Revisited

In the image, Aceria Rubra and Lothar are debating the significance and origin of this artwork found to the right of the exit from A Dusty Cavern into the Kelvaran Waste. Aceria Rubra still suspected an ancient Agallan source, but Lothar suggested a Cinbri artist. Taar (not seen in the image) refused to comment, and Eva (also not seen in the image) grew impatient with the debate, eager to track down the Dark Wizard. Yoren Glitterdelve insisted that it's not of Dwarven origin.



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