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bare_elf's blog

Paljas Tonttu is bored.

I have a new character ready to go, but what map should I play? Her Name is Paljas Tonttu and she is bored sitting in the inn getting drunk and a little fat from eating all the snacks. She has skills as a ranger and combat magic. Please tell her what map needs to be played. Your advise is worth at least a drink and some munchies before she passes out or throws up.



How did the designers of DS2

How did the designers of DS2 get it so wrong? Bronze Age Composite bows where quite accurate at ranges up to 46 meters. That is to say bows from over 4000 years ago have ranges greater by 36 meters than any Bow in DS2. The other weapons and armor, along with towns and fortifications found in DS2 are based on early medieval equipment, about 900 years ago. So how did the designers of DS2 get ranged weapons so totally wrong?


do not eat the little...

Remember do not eat the little "eggs" the bunny leaves you for Easter!


Wow a lot happened...

It took me over an hour to read my mail and read all the posts - I sure hope the Internet keeps working so I do not have to do so much reading the next time I log in.




Why are some smaller monsters harder to kill than the big ones. I mean why do for example small Gremals small spiders have more life than the bigger ones. Has nothing to do with them being smaller so harder to see. Elves of all the races have the best vision, and my rangers do not miss once they acquire a target.

Why are weather reports wrong 90% of the time with all the advances in Doppler radars and climate modeling.


What is me

I sometimes wonder why I find games like Dungeon Siege, books like the Elric of Melniboné cycle by Michael Moorcock and The Darkness That comes Before by R. Scott Bakker so close to my heart. Could it be that the hero in each case is unlikely or somehow out of step with the reality of their contemporaries? Could they remind me of myself in some past or distant future?



I knew a town that existed elsewhen in time down a long dim road to elsewhere.
The people before came after me dancing circles around a time line long unremembered.
Four lost souls thrown together in a mist, tasked with finding peace for those long dead.
No this place is not Yesterhaven though it could have been.
It is just a life remembered in my dreams.




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