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sol77's blog


I came upon this article last week and it really made me nostalgic. ^^
The Making Of: Dungeon Siege

T'is an old interview with Chis Taylor republished, or something like that. Smile



This is actually just a blogpost to test something concerning uploading images.
But because of it you get to see an image of a rat that used to be my pet - Anastasia. Smile



I've been back from a much needed vacation for a few days now and I am back to studying and work. I thought I would have a few more days to play around with DS and the site.. Oh well. I try to put in 30 min for both now and then. Think I'm gonna have to emulate Xaa and how he schedules his time. ^^


Totally stressed out!

One more day to study before my big test in cognitive psychology!

I am so stressed out that I can't relax. The body is full of adrenaline, endorphines, dopamine and all that jazz.

*runs a few laps on the ceiling to wind down*



Splatter II

As I said in my last blogpost I redid Lena to give her a face and skincolor that I liked better with the new haircolor I made.
I took her for a stroll on Sharkull's map and added Snit's gore mod to that. Here are some screenshots from that solemn day.

Haha, you missed!


Gave Lena a new face yesterday, some much better equipment than what you normally find at the start of a game and went to town using Snit's "Gore mod". Dang that was fun! We went mushroom training on Sharkull's "My Test World" and now she is suddenly lvl 20 so we can soon take on those pillow fighters. Smile Think I'm gonna do the rest of the training on the regular maps till I hit lvl 40 though. It gets a bit boring without the quests and the varying landscapes.


Mo hair.

Made a new hairstyle for elves today.

Unfortunately I think I picked the ugliest face (at close ups) to go with it. But nonetheless, this is Lena.

Now Forrester has some good company.



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