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To Merin I go

Well with a bit of rethinking and long range weapons I am on my way to Merin. :dance1:


The Squawking Dead

I have fond memories of the Undead dating back to childhood. Zombies make everything better, right? I can't be the only one who thinks so... Ok, so it's just me...ALRIGHTY then. Smile

My family was behind the curve as far as electronics went. My parents bought our first color television and vcr in 1982. Just about sixteen or seventeen years *after* color TV was widely available. My father didn't hold with those fancy schmancy newfangled color TVs, but the rest of us wore him down.


Been wondering around Ehb, Aranna and LoU in DS2

I got killed so many times I decided to bring in my six member party that had been through Veteran level of both DS2 and Broken World, with armor and weapons that I designed that could chew up and spit out any broken world baddy and we all died on the trail to Crystwind!! Must rethink my playing style I guess. :orc: I will beat these maps too. Dwarf

lili Elf


It is not LRs fault

I just want to say that LR is not to blame for the failures...why I do not know


Miss you guys (and gals)!

Been gone a really long time. Don't really play games anymore except on my iPad:). My son Thomas has been playing my old DS games though. Kinda cool. Hope everyone is doing well!


A Day in my life

The weather was real nice today so I rode a bike trail that I had never been on before and just kept going south until I looked at the mileage and it said 25 miles. Then I noticed it was starting to get dark, so I turned east and found a street that looked somewhat like one I had seen before and rode until I found a street I knew and turned north, buy the time I got home I had traveled 60 miles. So I took a bath, read my emails, checked on IRC to see who was awake and most where asleep so I wrote in my cycling blog and on the blog here.


Hi Kathy and everyone else.

I am sure happy that we are all still alive and kicking.



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