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kathycf's blog

FG Ribbons and a few new faces.

I made some ribbons and some new textures for farmgirl. I tried updating the dsres tonight, but alas! TankCreator was working less than a week ago, but now it's not. It loads up just fine, appears to process the file, but the finished result does not show up. One could almost say that TankCreator "shit the bed" (if one was somewhat vulgar). Tongue

Seriously, I am frustrated and annoyed. Nothing like a few hours down the drain to cheer a girl up.


Family tree and a pic

So what do you guys know about your family history? I actually don't know all that much. My sister emailed me the other day about a trial account she had at I logged in w/ her info and searched around. She found more stuff than I did, but I did get a picture of my mum from her high school yearbook. I have never seen her yearbook, I don't know if she lost it or what.


Shield Thing

I've been playing around with making yet another shield mod. It's a shame that templates give me a headache, boohoo Sad

I'm not crazy about this peach colored one.


I missed Caturday

What do pin up girls and kitty cats have in common? More than you might think.


I especially like the two redheads. The expressions are almost perfectly alike.


Hey DS Pals

I hope everybody is doing well.

I think of Siege the Day as my own little social media platform and that makes this place unique for me. I've been thinking of our community and with this illness spreading across the globe...well everything feels scary. I was very worried about my sister since she drives a school bus and well, sorry to say it but young kids are little germ factories. But the schools are closed until early May so that's a relief.


Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Completely irrelevant blog entry.

I've recently begun watching football with my boyfriend to trade sporty comments and such. I thought the Baltimore Ravens were cool because they took their name from Edgar Allan Poe's classic poem The Raven. Poe traveled around quite a bit in his regrettably short life, and lived for a time (and died) in Baltimore.


Sale on at Humble - Dungeon Siege series

There is a sale for the next 12 days on at the Humble Bundle web store for Dungeon Siege. You can purchase the base editions of Dungeon Siege 1 and Dungeon Siege II for $1.39 each. These do not include the expansion packs, so they might not be all that desirable. I'm going to purchase them since my game discs are getting scratchy and/or MIA. Oh, and if you're feeling frisky (or something) you can purchase Dungeon Siege III for $2.99.



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