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DS2: BW Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2: BW here.

Tweaking the graphics

Using the same filtering and detail enhancement techniques used in the DS1 Legendary Mod, I've applied the same techniques to DS2 and Broken World's texture.

Since the graphics in DS2 are already slightly improved over DS1's, it's a matter of personal preference whether you think these enhancements are worthwhile.

Alternative to succubus mod for increasing MP party numbers?

I like the succubus mod but it's not compatible with the AutoEngage mod. This one is a must for me, I feel it was what made DS1 such a great casual game. A lot of Succubus' features are nice but the one I really would like most to keep is the 2x6 option for MP games. Is there any alternative here? Failing that, could someone point me in the general direction of where BW keeps that bit of code and I could do it myself?

Battle tactic for moded DS 2 BW/videos

Here you can post all videos from DS2 BW +mods you encounter or create

I was thinking that I switch to 6 combat mages, focusing on Aether Blast power with arana legacy mod i can have 5 sumoned creature on one character x6=30
Dmg is based on createre maximum health, if i also use Earthen Embrace (bonus to maximum health) on my 135lvl is that bonus 66% that destroy EVERYTHING
As You can see on video (0:15) dmg is +-14400 if i have 6 CM or NM mages and 30 creatures it will be 14400x30=432000 dmg.

More monsters mod

similar density of monsters.
Something like this:

Mod Compatibility List

With there being some interest in the community is making a community mod it has become very important to compare different mods available for Dungeon Siege 2 and Broken World so that all the mods bundled in it are compatible with each other.

Notwithstanding that, it is very useful to have a compatibility list anyhow so that players can confidently download and install mods without the concern whether they will work with each other or not.

vorgash's picture

Searching for Object Highlightning Tuned MOD

Hello Community,

I'm searching for 2 or more weeks after this mod:

"Object Highlightning Tuned, Beta 4a" or newer version of it.

All websites and/or downloads I found were dead "404 not found",
can someone help me?

greets vorg

Modified Ring

Hello Smile

I've been playing DS2 off and on since it first came out and I would like to learn how to modify existing items in the game. My goal is to modify an existing "RING" and add multiple improved enhancements such as a higher health rate, mana rate, high armor. An all in one ring with low requirements.

I have installed the DS2 Mod Kit v1.1 and I'm able to load it up and look around. Can anyone point me to a website or tutorial that explains where I need to go or what I need to do to make this kind of change in the game files?


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