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DS2: BW General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS2: BW here - no spoilers.

7 year golden anniversary

22 June 2006 is the file dates of my Deluxe edition dsrex folders.

So happy birthday BW deluxe edition.

I barely remember rescuing the package from the bargain display. The local clerk informed me they were tossing them in the rubbish bin next month if not sold. That must have been 5+ years ago.

What is that blue dot

Finala and Celebrel(?sp?) both display a blue dot on the minimap overlay within there circle locator.
For years now I have wondered at what significance it has.

Anyone want to breach a guess?

Tank Creator 2

If any one has Tank Creator 2 Please post it so i can get it ive been trying to look for it so far all the sites ive gone to are rather shut down or no longer have it

volkan- cinbri assasin

is the mod compatible with elys succubus manager too? i dunna how to get it to work

im just getting started on all this modding stuff :wacko:

volkan's picture

Agallan Roadblock

This is a first for me. Activated all the waterways for the Agallan Peaks, went back upstairs, and found a roadblock. Last connection piece didn't register after the NIS. Shock Going to previous save game and hoping it doesn't happen again.

volkan's picture


Just discovered an omission in the world/global/rules rules.gas for the Fist of Stone and Blood Assassin skills. As a general tip do not let these party members fall behind so that they need to be "boosted" as only their primary skills of Melee and Ranged get altered, thereby ruining the FOS and BA attributes.

Balderstrom's picture

BrokenWorld @ Walmart

Yello All.

Well happened to be in Walmart the other day - which I almost always refuse to shop there for most anything. But I peruse the PCGames section when I do happen by - they have better selections than EBGames here in NS/Canada. So picked up DSII:BW for $9.88 Smile So guess I shall give er a go.

As I noted in a longtime ago post, I had no interest in paying full price for this somewhat screwed rendition of the DS brand.


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