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DS2 General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS2 and DS2 mods here - no spoilers.

XP Split in Multiplayer Question

I tried asking this in garage.gaspowered forums, but got no response at all.

So, I am curious. How does XP Split work in Multiplayer if I were to outlevel my friend's char by a lot (10+ levels let's say). Would I be ruining his XP as we play through content for his level?

Just curious if I should level up an Alt to play with my friend's char because the one I made with him I am enjoying too much and want to play without my friend.

A big thanks to all the Modders

Hey All, I just signed up and wanted to thank all the modders for there work. Laughing out loud

shadow smile's picture


Firebat beat me to it about BW by a min. Sad ohh well at least the community knows


Hello all,

New to the forums here and thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself and say "hello"! I played DSII when it first launched, but retired it after having some technical issues. I've spent most of the last few months playing Oblivion and have decided to return to DSII in full force. To make a long story short I was let down by Oblivion and am still attempting to fathom why I gave up DSII!! Laughing out loud

Well I'm happy as can be playing DSII and have a few quick questions for yas!

1. Can someone direct me to a good guide on pets? i.e. stats, strategies, strengths and weaknesses?

How do I import characters with DS2mod.exe?

Hi there. I was wondering if anyone have figured out how to add characters to your party in ds2mod.

I am using "party add Gideon.ds2party" but I get a "not replaced". Not sure which folder the exe is looking in so I have a matching save in both singleplayer and multiplayer. Do I need to type in a path?

No luck with "party load" either.

Typing in "help party" didn't help much, only confirm that it is possible.

Best online resources for a new player to DS2?

I just purchased and began playing DS2 in Single player mode. I did play the original DS about 3 years both single player and online. I also used to play alot of Diablo 2 and always liked to do alot of online research about game features such as Item and character stats.

My question is: Is this the best resource for DS2 for the new gamer? It is about the only thing so far that I have found. I remember back when siegenetwork existed during my orignal DS days and I found it quite useful. I was wondering if there are other web resources in addition to this site that you veterans can reccomend.

A mod? I think not

This weapon is unbelievably unbalanced. Was this just a test weapon? Or was someone in GPG just goofing off?


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