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Site Discussion

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LoneKnight's picture

Siegelet Section Suggestion

I was wondering on the subject of perhaps moving Siegelets to it's own section, no longer in the DS1 section. I felt this way because it seems to me that as more mini-maps and eventual siegelets will come out for DS2, we should make it a more universal section, not limiting to DS1.

LoneKnight's picture

Ranking System

I know in the past that there was a ranking system, but I recall it being removed. I think that it would be cool if we brought that back. Maybe custom ranks for more active members, too. Just a suggestion.

How to find the beta portal

For those of you who want to use the beta portal (it has a shoutbox) you can click the elf at the top of the site and it will take you there. Clicking the logo will always take you to the forums. See image for clarification.

There will soon be some updates to the portal as I am almost done with my studies for this semester.

Um,like, where is the shoutbox?

Am I just missing something? Or messing something up, more likely. I haven't seen the shoutbox in while and I so enjoy leaving smileys and such. Laughing out loud , see? But the missing shoutbox makes me feel all Sad and :?

Site loadtime

Do any of you guys have problems with the site loading slowly?
Here it loads instantly almost every time but it seems that might
not be the case for everyone.

Sol - Major Password Problems!!!

I got the email to activate the account, but it still won't let me sign in....!

shadow smile's picture

Anything New Coming for the new year?

I was wondering if you were going to spice things up at Like add a Mod downloads or anything for the new year.


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