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Site Discussion

Discuss our site here.

Having login problems?

I understand some people are still having problems staying logged in.

I need something to go on here.

When do you get logged out?
What browser do you use?
What URL do you use for the site? You should be using the "www" in it.
Have you cleared out the old cookies from the last site?
Also, what security settings are your browser set on? Sometimes it helps to add the site amongst the trusted ones.

Any helpers?

I have started to include the topics from the "Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks" forum.
But it will take some time so if there is anyone who has some time to spare I would appreciate if they could help out. Just copy the information into a new page in an appropriate book and I will take care of the rest. You are of course welcome to make it more pretty and flesh it out if you want to. ^_^ You can read more about the tutorial section here.



Looks like post 5697, topic 23 (Standard DS2 Mod Read Me File Template...) is a spambot entry. Note the link from "partypoker".

Is there anything in place to help prevent this sort of thing?

Sharkull's picture

Signature Sizes

OK, there has been some discussion on signature sizes going on in a few different threads recently and I thought it best to have a thread devoted to this topic (so that other discussions don't get derailed by such side comments).

To be clear, the current guidelines can always be found in the Site Rules:

At the time I'm writing this, the current siggy rules are as follows:


Signatures are allowed, but as a courtesy to those with low-bandwidth connections please respect the following.

1. The combined size of all images is to be no larger than 400 px in width, and 100 px in height.

Login problems...

When I log in and click almost ANY link on the site it logs me out automaticaly. It took me 10 minutes just to figure out how to send a PM.

What's going on?

** topic name changed by Sharkull **

Posting Images

Posting images here at StheD is fun, and easy to do. Screenshots and personal pictures are great to share with fellow forum members ( I am a screenie addict myself...;)) Since we have so many new members, I thought I would compile some information regarding posting images here in the forum. While it is acceptable to attach images, you can also use a free image host when posting pictures. Please note that posting an image via "hotlinking" is unacceptable (Strider 978 has made this quite clear in his posts correcting hotlnked images, as have other moderators.)

What is hotlinking and bandwidth theft?

totally random, but slightly important

Okay, in your profile, I've learned that if you type out your email address you will most deffinitely get SPAM.

Search Bots start out on Search Engines (such as Google and Googlr) and search for websites such as forums, etc.
They go through every link on the sites they find looking for email address links. They find them and then sell them on a roster to companies that will send you spam. I suggest you take your email off any sites that you have posted it on.


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