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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Site Discussion

Discuss our site here.

firebat's picture

Happy birthday

Today it's a very special day! It's the day that our favorite crazy swede and site admin gets a year older!

Happy Birthday Solly!

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Problems with the site.

There seems to be a problem with the site right now. An important file that is used to log events seems to be constantly in use so it can't be written to. This will generate an error when you post but your content will still appear. I have sought help for this and hope to have a solution when I wake up tomorrow morning. It is possible that only admins will see this error but I post this just in case.

If you get the error just hit back and either reload the thread or continue to browse the site, don't try to reload before going back or you will double post.

SPAM threads

Hi folks;

I am taking the liberty of doing this so I hope other site staff don't feel I am stepping on their toes. From time to time, we have spambots either slipping through with registration and posting content, or posting link spam as guest users. In any case, please don't respond to these threads or any spam type comments you may find. Solly and other site staff members check in pretty frequently and remove this junk. It just helps if nobody posts any replies.

I am repeating this part again....This includes comments, but also includes threads that are started by spammers.

Broken World Unique/Set Items?

So, is this site going to make a compilation of BW's uniques and sets? Just wondering...

Changed display order

We have changed the order in which comments are displayed. The order is now newest on top.
It is a temporary solution to the pager bug problem, the problem with not ending up on the
proper page for a comment. Though if it turns out to work for us we might keep this display order.
Feel free to give your input on this.

Collected news

I added a feed from the Dungeon Siege Union to the collected news section if anyone is interested in what goes on over there.

How to Edit a Post (missing edit button)

I can't see any edit button/function/link at my own old post when there is a following post.

So wow to edit my own post that is not the last in the thread !?
Is that allowed at all!?


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