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Please post in correct location

People please post your comments in the Correct Forums. If your comments are not related to one of the versions of Dungeon Siege or its related mods, please use either General Chatter or Other Games. When it is a Dungeon Siege question, comment or Mod please post in the correct version of the game.
People who post incorrectly will be reminded of their error once. If the staff decides that the comment does not fit the site the post will be deleted.
If the post is spam, garbage or offensive the post will be deleted and the user will be banned.

techiem2's picture

System Downtime

I almost forgot to post this..the server is going down for maintenance at midnight tonight (so, in half an hour).
I'll be monitoring to make sure it comes back up smoothly after maintenance is done.

techiem2's picture

Registrar Transfer

I've finally started the registrar transfer of the domain to my account, so there may be a hiccup sometime in the next couple days when it moves over before I get the DNS settings changed on my registrar (I can't do that until the transfer finishes).


Website Updates

Since the migration last year, we have been experiencing some issues due to the new server running a newer version of PHP. We are currently in the process of fixing these issues by hand while working on a solution to bring us into a new version of the website. You may experience brief outages (white pages) while browsing the site, please refresh the page if this happens - it should come back. We are also now listed on search engines. If you are new here, welcome! If you are not new here, well... lets be welcoming to those who are!


Please Register!

If you do not register and post a comment you have to wait for a moderator to find it and publish it. It is not necessary to post the comment multiple times, once the comment is approved it will be added to the correct forum so the mod's author can respond to the question or comment. If you register and then post your comment everyone who visits the site can comment on your post. REMEMBER WHEN POSTING TO FOLLOW THE SITE RULES, IF YOU DO NOT YOUR POSTS WILL BE DELETED AND YOU WILL BE BANNED.


issues with site

For all of you new people and those of you who are long time members an update. As most of you are aware we have migrated from one site to another. The old site which you see here is still operational but with some incompatibility with the new server. So if you look in the download area and the mod or tool you want has no download link please PM bare_elf so that I can correct the problem and send you a link by reply mail. I will attempt to do this within 24 hours of your private message (PM) to me.


Using a temporary email address

Hey New people. If you sign up for the site using a short term, temporary, disposable email address your account will be deleted. You can view 99% of the site and down load files without signing up so it is also totally unnecessary. The only things you are not able to do as a non-member of Siege the Day is post comments in the forums, blog or upload mods, tools and such. If you plan to become a member with all the privileges register with a real email address.

Thank You
The Staff



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