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clonetrooper v5

volkan's picture

Clonetrooper mod
Version 5.0 - Final Version

//------- Why make the mod?

With the growing amount of star wars related mods to dungeon siege, it seems only fitting that there be a
clone trooper item set.

//------- Final Version Mod Changes


Added a new set to the game, the set is not star wars based, but rather to be used for help killing a new, un-named monster

*New Features*

Clonetrooper graphics drastically changed, the regular clone trooper armor has proper paint on it so it does not look like a weird red gob of crap
Omega Fury - This is a new monster, though the monster could be considered a boss of sorts, he can be found in veteren mode only
The Battle Droids were removed from veteren mode, and replaced by the omega fury, I decided that people could not really complete the game if they had to deal with battle droids on all difficulties
CloneTroopers in Quillrabe now have some odd taunts *not sure why, but they only work sometimes*
Monsters give way more experience, and are harder

The various difficulty settings are more balanced for the clonetrooper and lightsaber mods

Compatibility Problems

All problems in 4.0
Monster Pack cannot be used while clone trooper mod is on

Not sure what other problems there are, but thats it as far as i can see

//------- whats new in version 4.0beta?

New Items

Wookie Tech bow - A weapon made upon popular request

*New Features*

Krugs in regular mode replaced by battle droids
Regular mode quillrabe changed to clone trooper base ( all droog in the town are clone troopers)
Veteran and Elite mode Shop in quillrabe items have been altered a little bit
Yoda and darth maul hats now have silly noises when you put them down anywhere
Light saber fixed, looks more like a real saber now

Compatibility problems

Any mod that changes the krug monster file on regular mode
Any mod that changes the droog monster file on regular mode
Any mod that changes the droog town file on all modes
I do not believe this to be a problem, not many use the droog file, and only 2 mods that i know of alter the krug file so very little compatibility problems.

//------- Whats new in Version 3.0?

New Items

Yoda Party Hat - A pretty cool looking yoda helmet, very high defense.
Darth Maul Party Hat - Its a kind of funny looking darth maul helmet but really good defense.
Clone Trooper Light Saber - A white lightsaber that does pretty impressive damage.

Clone Trooper High Impact Armor Set --- Graphics by Kalibur

All of the same items in the regular set, but with different graphics and slightly higher defenses, can be found in elite mode quillrabe.

*New Features*

Dungeon Siege Class system revamped for star wars universe.
Enemies are stronger, and do much more damage. The old levels of enemies were far too weak for a level 70 lightsaber


Only the original clone trooper sets are found by talking to Tas in meren

Blaster, Light saber, high impact armor set, and party hats are all bought in elite mode quillrabe (sorry newbies, get stronger with the force)

//------- Whats new about Version 2.0?

2 New Items

Clone Trooper Blaster *with sounds*
Clone Trooper Boots

The blaster uses the chicken gun model with a kind of metalic black texture, fires a laser (thanks to Zero for the laser base effect)
The boots are some pretty basic white and black boots that i did to match the armor, they look kind of shitty if they are worn with nothing else Tongue

Still 0 conflicts in the game I believe

If you find conflicts or problems
email me at

//------- Whats in the set?

Included in the set

Clone Trooper Helmet
Clone Trooper Armor
Clone Trooper Gloves

I figured that a clone trooper would emphasize on ranged attacks so the item effects base around this idea.

The armor has a 25% chance of blocking nature/combat magic because, well, clone troopers gotta have some tough armor right?

//------- Installation

Install the .dres file to your "dungeon siege/resources" folder
defaulted the folder is at "C:\program files\microsoft games\Dungeon siege\resources"

//------- Conflicts?

The mod has 0 conflicts to date

//------- How to find the items

To find the set ask Utraen Priest "Tas" in "Meren" for directions.
Available in all difficulty settings, and all items have been found in the chicken area.
Only available on the UP map

All items sell for 0 gold, so no getting tons of items from tas and selling for a lot of money Wink

//------- About the mod

I've been trying to balance the set defenses, and you will find that they are strong, but not as high as bloody/sulfur sets.

All images/inventory pictures were hand drawn so they look kind of crappy Wink but i don't want to cause problems with using someone else's graphics.


Thanks to-

George Lucas for making such a badass movie
GPG for making dungeon siege
Various tutorials on making items - Reed for all the information concerning mods etc.
Zero - for the laser effect base code, and the inspiration to make a laser blaster for the clone trooper
Kalibur - for the new high impact armor graphics.


Contact me via email