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BW Super Shops v2

volkan's picture

Mod Title: BW Super Shops v2
Changes all Act 1 shops to include all sets/unique armor/weapons/rings/amulets/spells from DS2 and Broken World

Author: Volkan

Mod Version Number: 2
Release Date: January 23, 2007
Mod Size (approx.): 62 KB
Contact Information:

Changes in v2:
Had to re-adjust store inventories (violation of 255 item max rule)
1. 3rd and 4th level spells were deleted from magic store.
2. Unique armor deleted from reagent store (sets still there)

Changes in v1.1:
All items were not appearing in stores, had to turn off the is_pcontent_allowed = false line. Items now appear as intended.


why not add maybe 2 or 3 new merchants to sell the items?
in a way it will eliminate the limit on what the stores can sell as well as allowing us to get whatever items we want?

Will look into adding the remaining items to existing merchants in Amanlu. Smile

Uploaded to site:

Untested but should work. Let me know if you have any problems. Smile

super shop with alana mod give error with the ring of unseen (the assasin quest) then you can not talk to any npc

Not sure what the alana mod is, but if you are referring to Aranna Legacy there will be conflicts because of all the changes made to template coding.