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Error message


volkan's picture

There are 2 .dsres in this .zip, one for DS1 and 1 for LOA.

Do not use both .dsres together. Just use whichever version you are playing, as they can and do conflict with each other. All this mod does is let you adjust the camera to any setting you prefer. There is no mood adjustments and max distance remains at 18 meters. Min/max distance is 1/18. Min/max azimuth is -5/90.

DS1 Camera.dsres
Copy the DS1 Camera.dsres file into your
"\Dungeon Siege\Resources folder".
(Usually "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\Resources")
Also copy the ikkyo.dsdll file into your root Dungeon Siege folder
(Usually "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege")

If you are using Windows 95/98/ME, you will also need to copy the dbghelp.dll
file provided in the zip into your root Dungeon Siege folder.


To remove this modification, delete the DS1 Camera.dsres, ikkyo.dsdll, and
dbghelp.dll files.


-Jason (Ikkyo) Gripp for the whole shebang

LOA Camera.dsres
Copy the LOA Camera.dsres file into your
"\Dungeon Siege\Resources folder".
(Usually "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\Resources")
Also copy the ikkyo_loa.dsdll file into your root Dungeon Siege folder
(Usually "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege")

If you are using Windows 95/98/ME, you will also need to copy the dbghelp.dll
file provided in the zip into your root Dungeon Siege folder.


To remove this modification, delete the LOA Camera.dsres, ikkyo.dsdll, and
dbghelp.dll files.


-Jason (Ikkyo) Gripp for the whole shebang

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