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A map and a bunch of code, playable but unfinished work, read the description below to find out more.

This is a collection of my modding works, for the most part they arent done. Most work but they need improved. so i decided to release my stuff open source in hopes someone would want to continue what i have started or heck just to play the characters lol. anyways included is the test world map i was testing my characters on, added a bunch of nontalking npcs to make it look like a town meeting of sorts lol, i never did get the hirable indicator to go away on most of the characters i made. the characters are 2 paladins, grimreaper, assassin, ghost, 2 druids, Buffy and 2 Necromancers.. in the map but i also threw in valdis and the archmage too but they only work from the character screen as do the others i made. i added a bunch of summons of monsters to the game (bear from ds1). added 3 new pets to the shop in the map (hyena, skathcat and mana naiad), added some spells and weapons to some of the characters and some are just templates. Just dont think i have the time to finish them. so i let them out so others can see them before Broken World arrives... - Darkelf

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