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Let's all go to the Lobby!

Let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat!

*update* My bad, the video clip is advertising for a regular movie theatre, not a Drive-in. It's still a fun retro piece, if you happen to like that sort of thing. Actual drive-in ads coming soon to a blog near you!

I needed a bit of a change of pace, so here is a little clip showing some of the old Drive-in movie commercials. I don't know about other countries, but here in the U.S. Drive-ins were really popular in the mid-century era, but sadly most of them are gone now. There was one theatre nearby that I had been going to since I was a kid, but it closed about 5 years ago. Sad My boyfriend and I would bring the dog and mosquito repellent and watch 3 movies for $16, for both of us. Nice and cheap. Smile

I couldn't get a date of when these commercials aired but I would guess mid-1950s. Remember...Snacks are srs business. Tongue

I couldn't get the YouTube embedding code to work correctly, so here it is on My YouTube page.

You can also view this clip at the Internet Archive.

You can also view full length films and download them as well.

The Internet Archive is a great source for all kinds of Public Domain things, so no copyrights, yay! Images, texts, old software, music and of course...movies. Smile



I live about 2 1/2 miles from a Drive-in Big smile


Oooh, I am jealous! I was sad when then one near me closed. It was only 10 minutes away. You're lucky.

There is one drive-in sort of near us that is still open, but it is in Milford, New Hampshire, which takes about 45 minutes to get to. According to their website concession stand page, they serve Fried Twinkies Exclamation Mark Shock Sick

But, not to worry! According to the same web page they don't use peanut oil for preparing any food!! Obviously this makes fried Twinkies practically a health food!

mind = blown


They say the 2018 season begins when the weather warms up. Considering it's New Hampshire, that means roughly August. Wink