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Dawn Of The Third Age ... Comments, Feedback

garthagain's picture

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Aw, that's a shame. 65 isn't even all that old nowadays.

Thanks for letting us know Ulyss.

*edit* Here is garthagain's profile on Nexus mods. That's definitely him in the obituary page. Sad


What frigthening news to read here... :o
But are you really sure? There is some similarity indeed, but how do you explain the different hair/beard color? Can we trust the images at all?

However if it's really true it would be a very sad thing... Sad
Dying right before X-Mas is never good. You miss the entire holidays (party time?) and neither kinship nor neighborhood will be happy about such a death in their direct environment...

Also I think there are numerous DS-retro-players around X-Mas, at least I have planned to use the time to explore his map more extensively than I was able to do so far, perhaps with the result of a mod-mod to make it more combatible for level adjustments or custom respawning...
I guess I am still going to do this, but a bitter taste will remain. Puzzled

KillerGremal wrote:
What frigthening news to read here... :o
But are you really sure? There is some similarity indeed, but how do you explain the different hair/beard color? Can we trust the images at all?

garthagain's profile on Nexus mods

Profile Page wrote:
Real name:
Gary Fowler

I am a musician, have several origional works ( mainly rock ), and play versions of other's tunes. Go busking in downtown Stratford, Ontario, Canada.


I believe Ulyss' information is correct. I think the picture used in the obit is simply one from quite a few years ago and thus aging explains the moderate difference in appearance. Perhaps the picture was the only one available at the time.

As you say, it's hard for friends and family to cope with loss over the holidays. The first Thanksgiving and Christmas after my mum died was just awful. Of course, things get a little easier with time, but the feeling of loss never really goes away. This time of year sucks and always makes me sad. Eh, sorry everyone. Here I am moaning and groaning about myself. Don't mind me.

KillerGremal wrote:

Also I think there are numerous DS-retro-players around X-Mas, at least I have planned to use the time to explore his map more extensively than I was able to do so far, perhaps with the result of a mod-mod to make it more combatible for level adjustments or custom respawning...
I guess I am still going to do this, but a bitter taste will remain. Puzzled

It would be really nice to continue his work both to give the updated mod to the community and to honor garthagain's memory.

RIP Crying sadly we will never get to see the fixes for this great map for ds2

You can see it in the eyes, nose and cheekbones. That is him in both pictures, just 15 or so years younger. R.I.P. Gary, you will be missed.
