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Rhod Emell and the Skelly say hi.

We have reached the Pit of Despair and freed the Skelly so he can buy DS2. We left him chatting with Rhod Emell by the bridge to the Flooded Sanctuary.
Discovered an interesting thing with some summoned creatures. Most can not be healed with the "healing hands" spell and most will go away when you use the "Return Summoned" spell. However the summoned Gray Wolf can be healed and does no go away when you use returned summon spell. This is fine with me as I tend to like wolves. I will have to look into the DS1 Summon Spells to find out why.




I remember us having a wavey smiley. I liked wavey. Sad

I can heal my gargoyle summons ok. I don't remember about the gremel.
My other summon spells use the "summon npc" skrit so they become permanent. Maybe the timer length or skrit was changed in the wolf's spell template?


I found a wavey that looks like I remember our wavey.