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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

It's almost TOO hard, so...

Araknuum's picture

...Edgaar now GREATLY appreciates your help clearing his basement. Completion of the first side quest in Ehb now nets players a backpack and a Healing Hands spell in addition to the potions he normally gives. I found out that I can make him give you any item or spell, just by changing or adding to his [inventory] [pcontent]:


				il_main = DSX_backpack_empty;
				il_main = potion_health_small;
				il_main = potion_mana_small;
				il_main = spell_healing_hands;

This is great!

There was some confusion at first, because I decided to look for Mayor Hardison Dhon (Arhok, LOA) and see how HE went about dropping a nifty Backpack. Turns out, Mayor Dhon doesn't even have a place in the actor_good_npc Templates found in Expansion.dsres. Edgaar is based on the "Blacksmith" template and his Quest Rewards are there in his [inventory]. Mayor Dhon, as a GO (Game Object), is located in world\maps\map_expansion\regions\a1_r1_town\objects\regular\actor.gas, and in world\maps\map_expansion\regions\a1_r1_town\conversations\conversations.gas there is an Emitter for the Giant Slaying Quest Rewards:

		activate_quest* = a1_bandits,4;
		choice = more;
		complete_quest* = a1_bandits;
		give_reward* = emitter_hardison_reward,dsx_backpack_potions;
	  i order = 0;
	  b quest_dialog = false;
		sample = s_v_a1_mayor_04;
		screen_text = "I'm happy to hear that the giant has been slain. Lharnob and Kiira have fashioned these rewards for taking care 
                               of the monster menace; seek them out to purchase additional supplies. Now I have to ask you if you found something: 
                               The missing caravan was transporting a powerful artifact that was to be given to us for safekeeping: The Staff of Stars. 
                               This Staff of Stars can control the elements themselves.  You didn't find it, did you?";
	  f scroll_rate = 20.0;
		activate_quest* = a1_staff,0;
	  b quest_dialog = true;
		sample = s_v_a1_mayor_05;
		screen_text = "You must find the Staff of Stars and return it here. If it fell into the wrong hands... 
                               chaos would ensue! The west gate is now open for you.";
	  f scroll_rate = 20.0;

BUT, [emitter_hardison_reward] isn't in regions\a1_r1_town\objects\regular\emitter.gas OR in world\contentdb\components\emitters... This was frustrating, to say the least. It looks like the GPG/MadDoc team changed the way quest rewards were handled between Ehb and Arrana. I still don't know where [emitter_hardison_reward] is, and I stopped looking to try just adding my extras directly to Edgaar's [inventory], which works fine. I suspect that Mayor Dhon's Emitter is self referenced in the Staff Quest, and that adding Items to the String after [dsx_backpack_potions] might work. I won't be testing this any time soon as I'm fixated on Modding Ehb and Playing Legends of Utrae.

In other notes, changes to Skrubb and Phrak Spells in spl_spell.gas work great! There may be problems with how the Boss Phrak Piercer USES it's modified Spell, but I was able to make Skrubb attack faster, and both Skrubb and Phrak Piercer's attacks have longer Range and more Damage with no changes to the Attack values in their Templates.

Oh, and here's a Big Bug I found:

She was tougher, but not nearly tough enough:




That's cool work with the bug and all. I ventured into the logic folder and found Ed's template and changed it to yours with the addition of transmute.
A girl can't leave the house without transmute. Smile

Unfortunately, I could not get tank creator or tank creator2 to work with my version of windows ten. I will have to try later with my XP laptop. I am eager to speak with the new and improved Edgaar.

Araknuum's picture

Laughing out loud That's great Kathy, Transmute is a good one to get early. I didn't add it to my Edgaar because it's been common enough in the pcontent drops of The Farmlands, but I may. Healing Hands, while being as likely to drop, is more vital to how the rest of my mods work. This project has really opened up DS1 for me, and I'm glad it can do that for you too! IF you can't tank for whatever reason, I'll upload one with Transmute or whatever else (a shield maybe?) you desire.

Thanks Araknuum. I really enjoy see folks modding and enjoying DS1/loa. I know folks on the site have done AMAZING work modding DS2, but my heart lays with the content of DS1 and LoA So fun to mod ( i really like messing with artwork). Last night I tried trouble shooting tank creator to no avail, and now am having troubles running DS/Loa. Sad

Anyway, everyone likes a cool shield. Wink

So, um, yeah. It turns out Dungeon Siege LoA will NOT load if you put the DS2 Broken World in the cd drive...
Being an idiot, I uninstalled and reinstalled DS1 and kept getting errors. I remembered I had an older copy in a different directory.
That worked and my saved games from Legends of Utrae worked but my Ehb saves kept getting a fatal error.


kathycf wrote:
So, um, yeah. It turns out Dungeon Siege LoA will NOT load if you put the DS2 Broken World in the cd drive...
Being an idiot, I uninstalled and reinstalled DS1 and kept getting errors. I remembered I had an older copy in a different directory.
That worked and my saved games from Legends of Utrae worked but my Ehb saves kept getting a fatal error.


I use a no CD Broken World and DS2 .exe files, and the DS1/LoA DVD installs and never required the disk to be in the drive after install. This works great when your brain has air in to like mine does. As to the Ehb files not working is the older copy in a different directory been patched to the latest version of DS1? I remember that happening to me some time ago where Legends of Utrae worked fine and Ehb got fatal errors because it was not correctly patched.


Thanks for the feedback Elfy. I play Ehb through the LoA shortcut, but as far as I know, the DS1 included with DSLoA is up to date. I'm interested in this no disk in the drive thing, because I do tend to switch things around and be a bit goofy.

I think the error might be a mod since it said three objects missing, but for the life of me, I can't find it.

Anyway, if Araknuum can tank the edgaar dsres that would be nice, but if not convenient, no worries. Smile

Araknuum's picture

And have? If it doesn't work as an attachment here I will upload it to Google Drive or something similar... Hope it works!

[didn't work]

Ok, brb.

SM_Edgaar_Quest.dsres should work. Let me know if not and I'll figure out this file sharing thing another way. Smile

That upload worked just fine,thanks. Here's to a new campaign in Ehb.

I'm having a run through with the original DS1 game without any other mods and I tried out Araknuum's SM_Edgar_Quest.dsres mod, the healing hands and the transmute spell worked just fine but unfortunately the backpack didn't.
My question is, how can you bring items from DSLOA into DS1 by just changing a .gas file, I'm failing to understand how you got it to work? any help would be most appreciated. Smile

il_main = DSX_backpack_empty;
il_main = spell_healing_hands;
il_main = spell_transmute;
il_main = potion_health_small;
il_main = potion_mana_small;

Araknuum's picture

Are you running the game through the LoA Executable? If you aren't, it won't work because the OG DS1 Executable won't look for Expansion.dsres, where the backpack is. If you are playing with the LoA Executable, I can only guess another mod might change the backpack in some way that prevents it from spawning?

:EDIT-No other mods you say... well, Hopefully you have LoA!

Moros wrote:
IMy question is, how can you bring items from DSLOA into DS1 by just changing a .gas file

You can't, you would have to have the ground model for the backpack, inventory icon and all that other good stuff. I've been muddling through how to make a mod for the backpack into plain DS1, because Maps like Yesterhaven only run on DS1...and being a collector of stuff, I really like my backpack. Smile

I'm currently playing the Kingdom of Ehb campaign through the LoA executable, and I recommend doing so if you can. If not you might consider a mod to expand your inventory. Here is one I have, by Omniscient Colossus.

There may be others in our downloads section:

That is for plain DS1, there are other downloads for other flavors of the game.

I didn't know that you could play KOE through the LOA executable, I should have known this as I play iryan's Legendary mod through the BW exe. :blush:

Thank you very much Kathy and Araknuum you've been most helpful. :thumbup:

You're welcome Moros, and you are not a thicko. My gosh, if you only knew some of the downright goofy stuff I have been doing lately...