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Is there a workaround for hireing party members? -DS2

garthagain's picture

I'm trying to get hireing party members working in my map, without having to do the DS2 main game opening quests. As it is, innkeepers won't deal with you, as they only start with giving you a third slot. Drevin seems to be required as the first party member for the hire system to work.
[EDIT] Even after doing the DS2 opening quests(making sure to activate the Eurulin teleporter), hireing doesn't work, the inn does work for existing party members. As it is, have to return to the Main map to get more party slots.

Is there a workaround?



Should be, The legendary Mod allows you to purchase all the slots as do the third-party map conversions done by Iryan such as Loridan. There is also a Mod in Downloads that allow all hench(person Innocent ) slots to be purchased.


Also feel free to check out how it's implemented on the Diabloish Map or Return to Arhok.
My former release of the Utraean Peninsula it not that tuned playwise, but it has some example content too how you 'quickly' get a map working.

Basically it's all copied (flick, conversations, voice files) from the DS2 main map (there you have 2 female and 1 male innkeepers) with soft tunings of the base flick controlling the dialogue.


N.B. It's on the to-do list, the innkeeper's hair at Tristram is green, not orange. Wink