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How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

garthagain's picture

Jeez.... I shure am doing a lot of posts all in a row here. Looks like I'm living up to my handle, Garthagain. I hope you are finding these posts helpful, or at the very least, entertaining.

How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

To do this you have to use the Mod Exec. It doesn't work with the regular Exec.
1. Open the console with the tilde key.
2. Type in " bool gui "
3. Press enter
4. Exit the console.

There are things you need the Hud for; Talking to NPCS, Teleporting, Inventories, Etc. But as you can see from the Video, this console command is well worth using.

For more info on console commands get the " Release Executable Readme " posted by Ulyss on the Siege the Day Website.



I see your video on Nexus Forum (and here).

Here just few tips to help you:

1) Create a shorcut and put the resolution you want (width= & Height=)
2) After you open the console with the tilde key, just press ESC (escape key) to clear all the lines before you put the real or true command...

Installation "Dungeon Siege II Tool Kit" with new OS like Windows 8 & 10 is very hard to install properly

So I give a "fake" Portable (install recencly). Just open the zip and put all files inside a folder like "Dungeon Siege II Tool Kit"

Here two links to download the ZIP files (27,47Mb):

Thanks for that. Smile

I see better looking screen shots in my future...

kathycf wrote:
Thanks for that. Smile

I see better looking screen shots in my future...

Well, indeed DS2Mod offers some great features - specially when working on maps or mods.

However if you just want to get a GUI-less screenshot (in the retail version) then keep Ctrl key pressed down and hit the PrintScreen key.

KillerGremal wrote:
kathycf wrote:
Thanks for that. Smile

I see better looking screen shots in my future...

Well, indeed DS2Mod offers some great features - specially when working on maps or mods.

However if you just want to get a GUI-less screenshot (in the retail version) then keep Ctrl key pressed down and hit the PrintScreen key.

Oh KG, don't be *that* guy. Tongue Wink

I was of course referring to screenshots when I am making/testing my own mods, since that is what the topic of the blog is about, yes? In my case, I use DSloa.mod.

"Kathy blows KG a kiss." Smile

garthagain's picture

Is there any Ace Modder out there that could make a Mod to toggle the Hud off in the Regular Game? If so, I believe it would become one of those mods you just can't play without.

Considering there is a command for it, it could be relatively easy to do. I think if you edit the controls and give the particular command a hotkey, it could work.

HardLess's picture

A toggle to make whole UI disappear would be quite easy. Find the list of UI you want to make invisible and add a toggle button which toggle their visibility.

To make it immersive would be quite harder you would need to get them visible as soon as some events are triggered like being damage for your health to appear or using mana...

Easy but quite long work.

Edit: about binding it to a key, that would be more complex, the game do not have an easy way to do this. Ikkyo had to create a new skrit function for it and I did it too for DS2. But dsdll can be injected only with the mod executable. Sadness...