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Yes Ant Farmer

Yes one of my characters is named Ant Farmer. When I was little I had several ant farms and I have always liked to watch ants running around doing things. Ants are also very powerful for their size. The ants found on some of the maps in the legendary mod are fun. So one thing led to another and I decided to name one of my characters Ant Farmer. Now ant farmer sits about wishing for some ants to farm or at least to keep as pets. Would be nice to have a pet ant for ds2. that way I could have a dire wolf and an ant to provide the melee for my party of rangers.




That's a cute back story for a characters name. I usually take forever when making a new character,their appearance, their name, stuff like that. Some of those free to play MMOs have really good character customization...I've taken 30 minutes sometimes.

Some of my names are:
Nathanos (from wow)
and so on.

Choosing a character's appearance - I feel cheated by GPG's DS1 KoE, because within ten minutes my hero's carefully-chosen shirt and pants are hidden underneath treasure-dropped Tattered Leather.

Some of the names I've used:
Thillian (farmgirl in Ehb)
Deadeye (guy who signed on with the Morden as a mercenary)
Softop (guy in Search For The Past - looks a hard case with jailbird haircut)
Alfa (girl for testing an alpha version of a DS2-converted map)
Bimbo Braggins (half-giant)

Anyone guess how, after playing Ehb through once, I came up with Thillian as my definitive name for farmgirl? Fedwyrr's Way inspired me.

Deadeye (Deadeye Dick) comes from Dick Deadeye in Gilbert & Sullivan's comic opera HMS Pinafore. Dick is of course a diminutive for Richard though not one I've ever wanted to be called by myself.

I have also named characters
Alyss Heart
Hatter Madigan
Bibwit Harte
Homburg Molly
Blart Versenwald III
Sheila Steafel

All characters from novels that I have enjoyed reading many times. Some are from Looking Glass Wars and some from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Of all of these I think Fenchurch and Homburg Molly are my favorites. Why I am not going to say but if you read the many books associated with both titles maybe you can guess.


I like reading about this, guys ( guy and elf Smile ). I've been thinking about a blog entry about characters for some time. Not just names but how we perceive them and such.

Geordie gets his name from a re-occurring character in Charles de Lint's "Newford" series of books.