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A "ghastely" fate?

I've haven't seen some folks around the site for awhile, ghastley being one. I know with 99.999999 percent probability that the answer is "busy with work, family/friends" or something similar, but I thought I would come up with some different possibilities. Smile

He is on a road trip with his best friend, Sam. Something about a ring...oh and of course, to see the second largest ball of twine in the land.

He is on a top secret mission in the Pacific Northwest to destroy all sparkly pasty faced vampires. We salute you good sir!

He is on a top secret mission in the Scottish highlands to infiltrate various haggis cults.

He wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition. Sad

He is sailing on The Flying Dutchman with Davy Jones.

He was voted off the island.

The possibilities are endless! Laughing out loud



Kathy let the possibilities not be endless, we need ghastley here, just like we needed Ddilulu and he reappeared as alphaDD. Maybe Ghastley will return as himself but modified. Maybe he will come back as Strider976 or HamCat or Witness? Stranger things have happened.

Well, yeah, we don't want to confuse things with too many possibilities. Let's just send our thoughts out through the Twisting Nether to ghastley and hope he gets his butt back here. Smile Tongue

i got another possibility to suggest: he was ghastly overthrown in a military coup.

*looks at bare elf and iryan as the likely culprits for overthrowing ghastly with all their art related military exercises lately* :mrgreen:

Lady Femme wrote:
i got another possibility to suggest: he was ghastly overthrown in a military coup.

*looks at bare elf and iryan as the likely culprits for overthrowing ghastly with all their art related military exercises lately* :mrgreen:

It had nothing to do with a lower case 12th letter of the Greek alphabet!

Do not look so confused Mu is the 12th letter of the Greek Alphabet and tiny can also be small and small when referring to letters can be taken as lower case.
There is no MU in Ghastley either upper or lower case. So you must search elsewhere for why Ghastley is missing.

A coup maybe since a coup is a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment. Which both Iryan and I to a lesser extent are very Adept at.


Ouch, who twisted my nether?

Yes, you're right, I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition to send me to the Pacific Northwest to look for Davy Jones (didn't he just die, or was it another Monkee?). I was vetod off the island on the way back, for being too sparkly.

Wassup? And why does it involve two-handed animations?

And I prefer the Haggis to the pasties, especially if you're serving a decent single malt scotch with it.

As you can see we missed you. So I see you where in the North West of the Pacific. That is a large area and I had no idea that was where survivor was being filmed with a monty python background. And Now For Something Completely Different. Black Adder the first 3 seasons. Who exactly was black adder's man at arms anyway. He reminds me of a somewhat out of focus anime character.


Silly ghastely, haggis is for cult-ing, not eating. Such a faux pas...

So, anyway, hiya to you and glad to see you back! Laughing out loud