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How to make ground armor

I have never bothered to make ground armor for the DS2 armor that I created, as it always felt like a bridge to far. But I discovered something that just might work at a garage sale.

Here is my slant on DS1 Black Widow Armor for DS2



Ground armor burgers, omnomnom. :P

When I was kid, we had a meat grinder like that, although ours was small enough to fit on the kitchen table. My father would "process" the meat from the animals raised on our farm.

That thing used to give me horrid nightmares. Just, ugh. *shudder* Guess that's why I like veggie burgers now. Smile

Back on topic, looking good. Are the boots part of the set, or something else?

They are part of something else Kathy. The boots and gloves are part of a set I made Called Ice Elf. So the boots and gloves are enchantable legendary boots of the ice elf and enchantable legendary gloves of the ice elf. They go with the helmet (cat matsion cat ears of a cat mansion girl) called Ears of Power and body armor called enchantable legendary Ice Elf Chain. I will have to at some point release the mod of the set. But first I want to make it so that the armor so that the standard DS2 farmboy, farmgirl, dwarf and half giant can use the body armor. That means making 21 additional skins. for each of the different skin colors. female 01,02,03,11,12,13,31,32,33, male 01,02,03,11,12,13 dwarf 41,42,43 and half giant 21,22,23. It is really two bad that they did not carry on the simple armor design of DS1 oh well.