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Tank Extractor

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Tank Extractor ReadMe

Author(s): Chris (Episthene) Baillargeon

Version Number: 1.1
Release Date: October 9 2005
Package Size (approx.): 227kb
Contact Information (email / forum address...): < snip >
Web Site (for the mod, and/or author...): < snip >

Installation Instructions:
1. Java J2SE JRE 1.5 is needed and can be found at
2. Double-click the file Tank_Extractor.exe
3. Follow the instructions on the form

Uninstall Instructions:
1. Delete the application folder where the application was installed.

* Requirements / Compatibility

Should work on any platform supported by the JRE.

Windows only: No

Version 1.1 Changes:

Fix the Progress Bar Display which did not update.
Take out the GUI entirely from the TankReader library, so it is easier to use with other applications.
Fix performance issues, especially with the map tanks
The Extractor now runs on a low priority thread, so it will not lock the computer as much when running.

Known Bugs:

Cannot extract the following files fully yet:
All other ds2 files have been tested and are extracting correctly.

* Permissions (pertains to non-profit usage only):
Permission is given to use this mod's content, as long as credit is given to the author(s).

* Copyright:
This program is released under the GNU public license which is included with the application.

* Disclaimer:
The author(s) of this mod accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this mod. Use this mod at your own risk.


This program allows to extract Gas Powered Games Tank files with or without the Liquid Files.

Special Thanks to Watto from His help, documentation and code samples were invaluable in order to understand Tank structures.
Whoever created the Sun Java examples. I used their code extensively for the GUI.
Damokles for helping out to figure out the last piece of the Tank structure.

tools and patches: