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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

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52 weeks

Tomorrow marks my one year anniversary as a member of Siegetheday. It has not always been a great year, but being here has meant more to me than any of you could know. Thank you all very much.

Solly, remmember chatting for hours on IRC? You were the reason I joined this site. I had joined Herena Forge first, but you (and Lili, Firebat and Sara) were some of the first people to make me feel welcome both at the Forge and on IRC. Of course, there are so many other wonderful people I have met since being here, and too many to list all by name. So I guess you guys can all blame Sol for me being here.
