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Converting one of my old armor mods from DS1 to DS2

I was asked if I could convert Girl Armor v5 to work with the Adepts Mod for DS2. I could but it would take quite some time as just to do the 96 type 01 armors to ds2 would require redrawing all 96 so that they had an alpha channel. Then copying each 17 times to support the female, male, dwarf and halfgiant skins. Creating a ground armor for each. Renaming each of the 96 custom inventory icons and adding an alpha channel to each. Renaming each of the 1728 the resulting images so that they support DS2 naming conventions. Then rewriting each of the 96 templates to support DS2, the armor images and inventory icons. Creating a totally different directory structure to include the four folders for Dwarf, half giant, male and female art. Oh almost forgot renaming all the type1 images to type6 images. So it will take some time considering there are also Type2, type3 and type7 armor images, boot, gloves, helms and other things like weapons. It could take as much as six months to do this. When I created the mod I was in high school and had lots of time to work on it during summer vacation. Presently I have many real life issues and I am working on other things so I am not really sure if I want to invest the effort into redoing it. However if the person that requested this could maybe give me a very short list of the body armor they wanted I could put together a small mod for them.

