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Is it time for a new poll?

firebat's picture
7% (1 vote)
7% (1 vote)
uuuh, WHAT?
20% (3 votes)
If you say so.
13% (2 votes)
is it al right if i click here?
53% (8 votes)
Total votes: 15


Are we getting some delicious Spam with this poll or what?

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

volkan's picture

We will need MAPS to find the SPAM. Wink

I'm too sexy for my hair

Ungate me, Vic, I've met a gnu.

What I don't understand is why this poll wasn't about turnips. *frowns at FB*

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

I only voted No because it was lonely.

P.S. Who is this Al Wright guy?

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

volkan's picture

uuuh, WHAT? is lonely too. (Who's on first?)

I'm too sexy for my hair

Not anymore. Smile

firebat's picture

Most people seem to think that it is alright to select the last option... Maybe one of those people can make a new, a little more serious and DS related poll.

Sharkull's picture


(The person who voted "No" doesn't need to vote if they don't want to... Wink ).